I have a few (9) questions, the first is mine, the rest are from folks that are in Germany, UK
etc.. They asked that I relay their questions for them
2001, The yr that the lands of Ilshenar were born. I am sure you know the history of those
lands, but to this date we still cannot mark runes, nor gate to and from those lands,
(recalling out is allowed on other shards) Is there any way that this can be fixed, maybe
allow us to mark runes, gate in/out.
The nexts are/was from Europe players that could not make it due to time zones;
Can we have a smiliar crystal portal for illenshar dungeons/towns, too, like we have in eodon?
Can we sail in illenshar, too, one time?
Can we have an update on Guild Menu, so we can see Alliance guilds and members online status, too?
Will it be possible one time, that a house plot can be left to north and west side?
Can the bug with the eodon/myrmdex quest been fixed? you have swear alligiance to myrmdex
and hand in all items to the tinkerer to get the quest for killing Zipartiotl, but you
swear alligiance to the eodon in mean time, then the quest goes "poof" and get lost and
even the items you handed in are lost. It should be possible to do both start quest and if
you are ready for the "champ" then you should be able to apply for both bosses.
When will we get a house or account search? We got these days a vendor search. - I would
like to have that kind of search engine for my house or account, where i can search for and
it would bring up a map, like i got on vendor search. - And with the map i can open that
container, where the item is stored in. Like you can do with the context menue on the map
you got on vendor search. If that item is in bank, the map should show a bank. .... For an
account search, it should show the name of the server, where i got that item.
Why aren´t summoned (animated dead) from corgul not hit by range spells (f.e. wither). It
seems to be any Monster's necro summoned creature. And they also cannot be targeted by
chain lightning or meteor.
Is it intended that altered items like for example Corgul sashes or crimmys cannot be altered back? If so, why?