Many brokers charge. I would have a for charge service but its hard to gain the trust of the public so not worth the timeI ALWAYS offer a free xshard service....when i do my round robin 8 shard hops....and always post on here for anyine to take advantage of my free sevice...
are u really asking me to pay for a service that is free for all that have shard shields??? seroiusly...ive always done free services....surely nobody they??
i will icq u....i can take your tokens to europa atl pacs chezzy gl lake superior hokuto and asuka but u will need to get them on one of these shards first/..I can offer transfering your back token to Drach and izumo and Sakura
Can you take Mine aswell?
a few tokens to wakaku would be awesome from atlantichello friend i have chessy superior.......and 13 atl shields my icq is 671704074
well my friend this is something totaly new to me "the idea of helping others with xfers" if you use icq add me iam going to start a group in icq for xfering"@Chump Thumper answer your icq fool.
And thp when does this train head out? I found an item for you btw