Nice build, but what bonuses does lumberjacking and anatomy both make? and is it worth it to take off spell resisting and necromancy as they are very reliable to maintain most battle. adding 20 skill points can drastically affect your armor as you need to have the exact stats on jewels.
i would make my build:
120 Swords
120 Bushido
120 Chivalry
110 Tactics
90 Spell Resisting
100 Necromancy
60 Parry
if you said i need a minimum of 110 tactics then i will keep it as i don't think i would need more as i do fine with my current sampire (100 + 10)
also i heard some people say that 85 SR is good enough, and if i find legendary pieces to get up to 190 stamina it won't be a problem to get decreased beneath 180
Still waiting for some advice on weapon stats and weapon choice.
some advice on talismans is needed as well as i don't need the +10 tactics talisman anymore.
Anatomy gains 10% every 10 skill points up to 100, after that it only gains 5%. Having anatomy at 100 or higher in combination with bushido and tactics, increases the duration of evasion by 2 seconds.
Lumberjacking gains an extra 10% damage from hitting 100; it also has a 10% chance to proc a 100% base damage weapon increase.
Both are mainly used for situations where you either don't require magic resist or necromancy at all. Paroxysmus is an example.
Magic resist is a skill that compares directly to your oponents evaluating intelligence, so in some situations, it is acceptable to run 85, on other occassions you can use 0, but others, you will greatly benefit from having 100. The main consideration for magic resist is your swing speed. If you run less than 100 magic resist, you will be clumsy'd for 10% or more, meaning that you will need more than 190 stamina in your suit, which isn't feasible without compromise. Casting dispel on yourself and running apples isn't as reliable as having the passive skill.
Talisman wise you are looking at the 800m-1b for cameos. Of the other options, Soldier's Medal is probably the best readily available one. There isn't really a massive talisman upgrade until you get to the point where you can and want to afford cameos.
With regards to weapons, they depend predominantly upon your suit. From what I've seen, a lot of people aim for 100% DI suits, so that they can remove DI from weapon and have an extra mod on there. Standard weapons would look like this:
Double Axe (Spawn Levels 3+) - Damage Increase, Super Slayer, HML, HSL, HLL.
Bladed Staff - Damage Increase Super Slayer, HML, HSL, HLL.
Double Axe (Lower Spawn Levels) - Damage Increase, Hit Area, HML, HSL, HLL.
Double Axe (Corrosion Immune) - Damage Increase, Spell Channelling, FC, Hit Area, HML.
Bladed Staff (High Defense Enemies) - Damage Increase, HLD, HML, HSL, HLL.
Double Axe (100% Fire, Paroxy) - Damage Increase, HLA, HML, HSL, HLL.
Double axes are simply the best sampire weapon in game because of the combination of whirlwind and double strike. Bladed staves are the best AI weapon available as they are a good speed/damage compromise. With regards to making your sampire experience more consistent and less affected by RNG, having 100% life leech bladed staves was the most significant upgrade I ever made. Personally, the only double axes I reforge are the area ones, for 70% area.
The advantage of being able to remove DI from weapons, is that you can add HLD to slayer staves and add slayer onto hit area weapons for very quick clear times. Personally, even though the damage bonus of Slayer/Area weapons is quite large, I've yet to be convinced into going so far. Also, having HLD on weapon isn't necessary unless you are planning on taking on bosses with extremely high wrestle, which, usually isn't the case.