According to a note left pinned to my door with a dagger, Captain Eoghan O'Malley and his Clan would like me to invite all to a House warming party for the Clan's new home on Fire Island Trammel this Saturday the 23rd at 9pmEST. There are plans to party all night or until the rum runs dry.

(Feel free to come and go as you like - the pirates tend to spend long hours talking on their front porch long after their adventures are over for the evening.) There are plans for a white net toss, drinking, fishing, drinking, and I'm not sure what else because this is where the dagger went through the note. A gate will be provided to the beach house from Luna. Captain Eoghan and his Clan are excited to see you there.
Lady Marge
Deputy Mayor of Nidaros
and now apparently, a pirate's secretary