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Spirituality shield ruining pvp balance!

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This spirituality shield is an absolute joke, ive seen people macroing resurection on a dead target and gaining in spirituality without having the targeted dead player accepting res and looping res spell...

I reported a VP on europa shard looping noble sacrifice and Luckily i had a quick GM intervention and the player got banned.

Now everyone can loop resurrection spell for 3-4mins and benefit 5-20% reduced damage in pvp fights!

@Kyronix can we at least let this shield work for pvm only and set some timers/restrictions in gaining in spirituality so easily?

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Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
out of curiosity Gandalf, what is a "VP player" ?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No Vp. player got banned, because theres only me online in the guild right now. He's talking out of his anus as usual.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The hilarity of Gandalf complaining of any PvP imbalance is just astonishing. Since copying my holy fist template, (which i dismantled after dismembering Europa's "PvPers" for 2 weeks and found it annoyingly easy mode UO) it's all he's played which as evident by the new patch is as imbalanced as it gets.

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The hilarity of Gandalf complaining of any PvP imbalance is just astonishing. Since copying my holy fist template, (which i dismantled after dismembering Europa's "PvPers" for 2 weeks and found it annoyingly easy mode UO) it's all he's played which as evident by the new patch is as imbalanced as it gets.
Weve had this conv before, your team mate Zap made this point very clear when he was back in pro. Maybe u should ask him who copied who :p

Oh look! I got a nice video of u dodging me 1v1 on this very same template rofl... Pay attention to what ur saying ingame rofl.

You will always be a cheaper copy of me Seanty

Now pls stick back to the main topic.

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Lake Superior Tabloid Journalist
Stratics Veteran
Hey, why don't we keep PvP trash talk out of the Stratics boards and limit it to the in-game general chat, where it also doesn't belong, but we've grown accustomed to it and learned to ignore it or laugh at it?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Weve had this conv before, your team mate Zap made this point very clear when he was back in pro. Maybe u should ask him who copied who :p

Oh look! I got a nice video of u dodging me 1v1 on this very same template rofl... Pay attention to what ur saying ingame rofl.

You will always be a cheaper copy of me Seanty

Now pls stick back to the main topic.

When im home from work, i'll post the picture of you dying about 2 minutes later. I dodge no one, you've run countless times vs me, i've probably got 30 mins of footage in a month of you running away from me.

and everyone knows you copied my temp, just coz you convince yourself of your own lies doesn't make them true gand i played the same temp for a week on atl as a buddhist monk before i made it on EU. Suddenly you appear another week later on an identical build after you died to me several times

Anytime you want to duel for gold im right here. Fact of the matter is you killed me a few times 1v1 when I was a returnee to the game with 10 year old suit most of which you either used poisoning or pixies(LOL). Once i was kitted and had a few weeks to sort myself out, you haven't killed me since. You play brain dead on templates you don't even understand.

The fact you told people you "trained" me and the fact you stalk my FB profile and circulate pictures of me and my girlfriend to young boys who play Europa says it all about you. You're just jealous that you've not improved an inch in 6 years of playing a game. Even your own team mates admit you're terrible.
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Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
@Lord Gandalf

there is no need to adjust anything, this is nothing your enemy got a huge benefit compared to you. if you want it too, feel free to use it too.
its nothing illegal or bannable which gives someone a huge + but all fair games would not do it due to illegal/bannable

so maybe a new diaper would fit you well

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Lord Gandalf

there is no need to adjust anything, this is nothing your enemy got a huge benefit compared to you. if you want it too, feel free to use it too.
its nothing illegal or bannable which gives someone a huge + but all fair games would not do it due to illegal/bannable

so maybe a new diaper would fit you well
Re-read my post, it shouldn't be that simple to gain in spirituality by resurrecting a dead target over and over (without having the target accept the res). A timer should be set for gains. Same as gaining in justice for killing a red (5mins timer).

Its given free now as it is and everyone can get to knight in 5mins. Unfortunately im not dumb enough to invest my time doing stupid crap like that. Maybe u should use it @Finley Grant
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Spirituality is worse than Holy Fist.
Nobody can kill anyone in a 1v1 anymore.

Think i'll hang up my fel hat until it's sorted. Incidently, the first people to use it were the same people who perma abuse curse bug. Go figure.
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Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
why should there be a timer to report someone as murder? if you wreck someone again again he is damn right to page you...

regarding the other thing, if its only 5 min then u should have the time to invest it if its "that imbalancing" or now?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not to belittle prodo pvp, well, not entirely, and i'll preface by saying the worst prodo pvpr can probably wipe the floor with me. But seeing that video of billion dollar suits (im assuming) and insurance, and the moongate always in view, gives me a whole new respect for Siege pvprs.


Lake Superior Tabloid Journalist
Stratics Veteran
Not to belittle prodo pvp, well, not entirely, and i'll preface by saying the worst prodo pvpr can probably wipe the floor with me. But seeing that video of billion dollar suits (im assuming) and insurance, and the moongate always in view, gives me a whole new respect for Siege pvprs.
Production PvP is now reduced to chat PvP. I was watching general chat last night and I was laughing until I cried at just how long the back and forth banter went on. I'm almost convinced that there is no PvP going on... just insults through general chat. And if that's the case, the PvPers are terrible at that. If you're going to insult, at least do it with style!

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thats why the best thing is to the subject of this post, every post that has nothing to do with the title of this thread will reported as a trolling attempt! *dance*


Lake Superior Tabloid Journalist
Stratics Veteran
Everyone does not have the ability to gain or use spirituality
I looked on UOGuide, and it had this to say about spirituality.

Spirituality is gained by using targeted heals and resurrections on other players including bandages, close wounds, heal, greater heal, gift of renewal, cleansing winds, and rejuvenate. Spirituality is expended through the virtue menu, double click the humility virtue to bring up a targeting cursor.

What PvP template doesn't have access to one of the methods shown above?

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To stay on topic, I'll just say this. If everyone has the ability to gain in spirituality, I fail to see how it is imbalanced.
Thats right, but u must keep in mind that some players cba casting that single res spell over and over on every character they have everyday to become better than others. Its just a cheap way to get advantage on others. Were talking about 20% reduced damage! 200hp shield, thats a joke!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't think it makes the game imbalanced, like you said, everyone can go blue, it makes the game stupid. How can you hit someone for 3000 damage before it wears off?
You have to hit someone 1000 damage at knight, 1000 at follower, then 1000 damager at seeker before it wears off and you can kill someone 1v1.


Lake Superior Tabloid Journalist
Stratics Veteran
I don't think it makes the game imbalanced, like you said, everyone can go blue, it makes the game stupid. How can you hit someone for 3000 damage before it wears off?
You have to hit someone 1000 damage at knight, 1000 at follower, then 1000 damager at seeker before it wears off and you can kill someone 1v1.
See... this argument I can wrap my head around. Sounds like an adjustment is in order. Or make the virtue way more difficult to max out.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The state of PVP today:
  • 10+ property items, hitting the cumulative cap for every important property
  • straight 18% damage eater
  • up to 30% damage eater in specific resists
  • never ending mana allowing infinite mortal stikes or any other special
  • every weapon hits at 1.25 seconds
  • everyone has 150 hit points so mages can't kill anybody
  • spirituality 20% damage reduction
  • enchanted apples nullifying all kinds of thing
  • 800-1000 skill point templates with +skill items
  • "I win" nova bomb potions
And that is just off the top of my head.

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The state of PVP today:
  • 10+ property items, hitting the cumulative cap for every important property
  • straight 18% damage eater
  • up to 30% damage eater in specific resists
  • never ending mana allowing infinite mortal stikes or any other special
  • every weapon hits at 1.25 seconds
  • everyone has 150 hit points so mages can't kill anybody
  • spirituality 20% damage reduction
  • enchanted apples nullifying all kinds of thing
  • 800-1000 skill point templates with +skill items
  • "I win" nova bomb potions
And that is just off the top of my head.
Thank you JC


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
The state of PVP today:
  • 10+ property items, hitting the cumulative cap for every important property
  • straight 18% damage eater
  • up to 30% damage eater in specific resists
  • never ending mana allowing infinite mortal stikes or any other special
  • every weapon hits at 1.25 seconds
  • everyone has 150 hit points so mages can't kill anybody
  • spirituality 20% damage reduction
  • enchanted apples nullifying all kinds of thing
  • 800-1000 skill point templates with +skill items
  • "I win" nova bomb potions
And that is just off the top of my head.
PvP in all these games is like this, an arms race where you have to get certain gear/jump through certain hoops just to have a level playing field, someone discovers an advantage and within a few days everyone is doing it.

"When everyone is super, no one will be"

It could be worse, certain other MMOs are just a gear treadmill where every few months they up the best gear/HPs/damage/whatever so you have to play many hours a week just to stand still vs those you will be fighting, then once they have so badly broken it by doing this they just make another expansion and render everything you did or got worthless and it starts again.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Luckily i had a quick GM intervention and the player got banned
I doubt this is true considering Mesanna herself has stated during meet and greets that unattended macroing will not result in a ban. If they were moved, it was more than likely to the "You've been caught blah blah so take a gate to a random councilor hall and DONT DO IT AGAIN." room. Repeat offenders could warrant 24 hour suspensions however, but never a ban.

Try again.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
straight 18% damage eater
Not everyone runs damage eater, I don't run damage eater on 90% of my characters and I have no issues playing. Infact I typically dont run any eaters, at all.
up to 30% damage eater in specific resists
See above.
never ending mana allowing infinite mortal stikes or any other special
False, just well used mana pools. Although it's not uncommon to have 200 mana on low stam dexxers such as death strikers, and upwards of 160 mana on archers, it is not however infinite.
every weapon hits at 1.25 seconds
False again. Limited primarily towards players who run high staming (211) suits with max ssi. But even then there are weapons, such as the Heavy Crossbow, which do not reach 1.25. Compare that to the fact that some of the most useful weapons happen to be smaller weapons given that they are reliant on a spell/skill damage mechanic vs raw weapon damage which typically dictates the base swing speed of a weapon. There are weapons that you can swing at 2.5 and kill someone with faster than any AI weapon at 1.25.
everyone has 150 hit points so mages can't kill anybody
False. I have no problem killing players that have 150 HP. The only time it becomes difficult is when they run away or when your incoming damage is greater than the damage you can output to kill a person and you are forced to move or die. In which case I suggest a change of tactics, given that you dont always need to be using the biggest damaging, slowest casting spells to kill someone. Also I don't know of any other mage who complains "oh if they didn't have 150 hp I would have killed them!, they're impossible and practically immortal. It's so unfair!"
spirituality 20% damage reduction
Semi agreed, however a large amount of my pvp chrs are red so I have no input here.
enchanted apples nullifying all kinds of thing
Unlike non-enchanted apples that nullify nothing but hunger. You cannot honestly complain about "Dexxers have too much mana to infinitely spam mortal etc" and then "enchanted apples do too much vs things like mortal" in the same spiel.
800-1000 skill point templates with +skill items
I've run some really skill item heavy templates before, but more around 790 skill points, with some useless points due to item RNG... And I've never heard of anyone reaching near 1000 skill points without the use of an exploit, aka the old satyr trick and it's dominance on Japanese servers. (Anyone remember the Bushido, swords, necromancy mages with full damage deathstrikes?)
"I win" nova bomb potions
Not really an "I WIN" more of a finisher. But if you're gonna take a full 40 sdi scribe mage's dump to the face, then you kind of deserve it. And to reach a respectable amount of damage with a supernova requires 100 skill points allocated to a skill, EP built into the suit, and a curse on the target.

Funny post, nonetheless.
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I looked on UOGuide, and it had this to say about spirituality.

Spirituality is gained by using targeted heals and resurrections on other players including bandages, close wounds, heal, greater heal, gift of renewal, cleansing winds, and rejuvenate. Spirituality is expended through the virtue menu, double click the humility virtue to bring up a targeting cursor.

What PvP template doesn't have access to one of the methods shown above?
No red can use any virtue... including spirituality.
So no not everyone can use it....but that isnt necessarily a bad thing either

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I doubt this is true considering Mesanna herself has stated during meet and greets that unattended macroing will not result in a ban. If they were moved, it was more than likely to the "You've been caught blah blah so take a gate to a random councilor hall and DONT DO IT AGAIN." room. Repeat offenders could warrant 24 hour suspensions however, but never a ban.

Try again.
I did not say perma ban. Temporary ban/suspension have the same meaning, so whatever u wana call it; the VP was arrested by a GM - and got thrown away in jail.


Stratics Veteran
The state of PVP today:
  • 10+ property items, hitting the cumulative cap for every important property
  • straight 18% damage eater
  • up to 30% damage eater in specific resists
  • never ending mana allowing infinite mortal stikes or any other special
  • every weapon hits at 1.25 seconds
  • everyone has 150 hit points so mages can't kill anybody
  • spirituality 20% damage reduction
  • enchanted apples nullifying all kinds of thing
  • 800-1000 skill point templates with +skill items
  • "I win" nova bomb potions
And that is just off the top of my head.
Buying 20b plat with mastercard and then getting all the 10+ property items on stratics to own everyone that's what uo has become ..
A pay to win game.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Buying 20b plat with mastercard and then getting all the 10+ property items on stratics to own everyone that's what uo has become ..
A pay to win game.
Most games have a pay to win feature, and this isn't anything new, so what's your point?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
only a ****** wouldn't get the point..
While I get you think you are some ground breaking phenomenon, (despite gold buying being around since the start of the game), please choose your words more wisely.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How long after you apply the Spirituality buff does it expire?


Stratics Veteran
The problem with the Spirit shield is that many players in pvp already have high defense with Max hp, max hp regen, max damage eaters, 55 dci. The spirit buff is adding another layer of unnecessary defense


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The problem with the Spirit shield is that many players in pvp already have high defense with Max hp, max hp regen, max damage eaters, 55 dci. The spirit buff is adding another layer of unnecessary defense
Unnecessary.....ok we could discuss that..... but it isnt abuse when virtually every one in the game can take 25 mins and become a knight

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Simple let then set a 5 mins timer for gains, just like justice and everyone will be happy.

Players will still be gain and use spirituality, they will gain without knowing by resing others and healing them etc... At least they wont go and macro it constantly in crowded areas like luna bank in afk mode...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I believe the idea of a timer for justice was so your cant benefit from rez killing a red. Since rez killing is universally seen as a **** move by 99% of the player base.

I seriously doubt that anyone would train spirituality afk in luna...since it doesnt take that long to recharge yourself to knight.
I disagree with your proposed timer because
1) everyone has the same ability to train this virtue and use it equally.
2) the "means test" for gaining is healing others....why should that be dependant a timer.
since the virtues are designed to reward good game play...establishing a timer for healing others would encourage people to only heal or rez others every 5 mins?

I would consider an argument that it is unnecessary......but it isnt close to unblancing the game. More likely you are just butt hurt over this because you are too lazy to train it..... or you pop it off to fast in a battle,
Part of the strategy is when you need to use it!

Sorry....this is just an porrly thought out suggestion!

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
establishing a timer for healing others would encourage people to only heal or rez others every 5 mins.

More likely you are just butt hurt over this because you are too lazy to train it..... or you pop it off to fast in a battle
Lol this is a joke right about the healing/resing thing, right?

... And yes, i cba training a skill like that on my 18 temps ofc, i already dont have much time to play the game, so u want me to spend 10-15min extra time on each of my chars constantly casting one single spell to get advantage on other players? INTERESTING!