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Dear Mesanna, "Reward the players that pay the FULL Year" ? HALLO ?


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can bury your head in the sand and make insane arguments, but change is coming. So if you pay a little something it's justifies exploiting. Your a grin lol. Boring but a grin.
Show me where it's called exploiting, or any rule is set out against it. :D


Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Are there enough 15+ year vets to make the dev time worth it? There may not be and that's why they've stopped adding the rewards. They're going to instead put the dev time in to benefit the bulk of their customers.
I have at least 2 15 vet accounts, I may have 4 as I started 2 more right after started Siege


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just a slight topic derailment about shard shields. I seem to recall that before the shard shields were introduced, there were several people begging for some way to go from shard to shard without having to by transfer tokens. Sounds to me like some of the players are second-guessing that request. How many that now see it as a negative were the same ones asking for it originally?

Make a wish... see what happens.
IMO, the worst aspect of the shields is that they shifted commerce from where it was lacking in the first place (lesser populated shards) to where it was already good (Atlantic). I play on Pac, a shard that has a healthy population. But it's vendor market is deader than a doornail. Everything of value gets exported to Atlantic. Vendor fees compound the problem. Population is not that high so things are slow to sell. Even if prices are the same it's more profitable to move things to Atl because they will sell in hours/days and not weeks.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have at least 2 15 vet accounts, I may have 4 as I started 2 more right after started Siege
So your one more player to add to the other two on my earlier post. Grand total of 3 people now.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*SMH* lol Just give everyone everything. I want my 120 bucks the exploiters get a year, or my 4 free houses, I want my 4x free storage, I want to pick my prime spots. I just want even with the exploiters.

I was addressing the topic, nothing personal. My account is 221 months - I have earned my vet reward choices for the last 18+ years.

I don't and have never used the 3 month account loophole to hold a house. If you look at my past posts, I have suggested they should find a solution to do away with the 3 month house cycle or at least discourage the desire to use it. If payment lapses, the houses should be made private and all friends/coowners etc removed. Sure they may take a plot but you can't use it as easy and accessible storage.

That being said... if the powers that be have no intention of doing something to curb the use and deem it acceptable and the alternate is to give those who do pay every month an extra choice... I'm not going to mount some proverbial high horse and refuse to use an extra vet choice because they didn't solve it the way I wanted. So I'm not sure why you are attacking me. I've EARNED everything I've accomplished in-game, anyone who knows me knows how passionate I am AGAINST scammers/dupers/exploiters and to suggest I'm siding with exploiters is absurd.

Spock's Beard

Stratics Veteran
You can bury your head in the sand and make insane arguments, but change is coming.
The only thing more pathetic than your trying to turn EA's subscription policy into a moral issue is your laughable belief that you're going to have it changed. The first thing Mesanna said when asked was that the 90 day rule wasn't changing. She clearly doesn't like the rule, so the fact that she isn't going to change it implies that she knows it would tank their income.

Nothing is going to happen, and this thread is going to be locked a year from now when I bump it from obscurity to laugh in your face.


Supreme Commander
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The only thing more pathetic than your trying to turn EA's subscription policy into a moral issue is your laughable belief that you're going to have it changed. The first thing Mesanna said when asked was that the 90 day rule wasn't changing. She clearly doesn't like the rule, so the fact that she isn't going to change it implies that she knows it would tank their income.

Nothing is going to happen, and this thread is going to be locked a year from now when I bump it from obscurity to laugh in your face.

Small correction, she said it was not changing any time soon. Have you ever considered that you might be the one that is receiving laughs, as you so quaintly put it, in your face with in that year?


Lake Superior Tabloid Journalist
Stratics Veteran
Small correction, she said it was not changing any time soon. Have you ever considered that you might be the one that is receiving laughs, as you so quaintly put it, in your face with in that year?
My guess is that it won't be changed. As I said before, it doesn't make fiscal sense to gamble on whether or not people would just quit altogether.


UO Pacific News Reporter
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
Yep outta make the transfer shields 1st year rewards or make a "cloud" server that everyone can log into for events, pvp, trading, and bosses and then go back home.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The only thing more pathetic than your trying to turn EA's subscription policy into a moral issue is your laughable belief that you're going to have it changed. The first thing Mesanna said when asked was that the 90 day rule wasn't changing. She clearly doesn't like the rule, so the fact that she isn't going to change it implies that she knows it would tank their income.

Nothing is going to happen, and this thread is going to be locked a year from now when I bump it from obscurity to laugh in your face.
You mean
Lady Mesanna says: changing the 90 day is not something we are going to do anytime soon
She didn't say it was or wasn't going to be changed. Based on what she expressed in the transcript there's a better chance of something being done about it in the future than nothing being done about it though.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My guess is that it won't be changed. As I said before, it doesn't make fiscal sense to gamble on whether or not people would just quit altogether.
That threat to quit pops up all the time, I suspect it's no longer taken seriously.


Long Live The Players
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
so the vet rewads arent enough? these posts are getting a bit ridiculous. whats the end game here? oh thats right the end of the game.

Sheesh, some people.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
some angry non 14 year vets hanging around :) keep those accounts open and you will get there
This makes you what ?
A happy 14 year vet, with the inability to understand the negative impact shard-shields have on the local shard economy ?
Or is it simply because you don't understand how simple economy works ?

Angel of Sonoma

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
A fair reward would be to allow us to pay for 1 month and get 3 free to at least raise us to the level of the exploiters. No? That's not fair? Okay how about 4 free houses like the exploiters get per account. Is that fair? I think so,
quit whining already. there's nothing stopping you from doing this. :p just saying.

Angel of Sonoma

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I think there are some general assumptions being made here.

There is the assumption that the "prime" spots aren't being paid for and the further on to assume they would open up if they lowered the 90 days.

Objectively I would assert based on the number of prime spots and available houses that this isn't correct or at a minimum, it wouldn't be the majority.

If we look at it further from this angle, it would only leave the you're paying 1/3rd of the cost to keep a spare house.

Going back to the original assessment, it wouldn't matter because the majority of these are not prime locations and hold no impact on others.

And then at the root of the argument is getting something for nothing. In my mind this seems to be a weak argument since these are not prime locations, hold no impact to others, derive some value to the game other than just closing an account because of an unprime location.
thank you! finally the voice of reason.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
some angry non 14 year vets hanging around :) keep those accounts open and you will get there
10 years in my case, since I started playing late 2011. :p
But I couldn't care less about those shard shields. I don't transfer often enough for them to make any difference for me.
And when I do, I have a lot of items I need to move so I need the actual transfer tokens instead. So eh.
Give me mining cart deeds at 5th year instead of 10th and I will be a very happy lass, though. :p


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Giving a reward to players who 'pay' for their accounts for the full yr and 'new' vet reward selections for players 15+ years old are two very different topics. I don't know why people should always want to tie two very different ideas into being either/or situation. To the OP, you take a question on one topic and turn it into a very strange argument to support the problem you have with vet rewards for accounts over 15 yrs. They have absolutely NOTHING to do with each other. The Question posed in the transcript was regarding those people paying one in three months to keep houses or for additional houses.

Ghrom the Savage: do you share the same feeling as some of our stratics friends...charachterizing people who use this as: "the same type that park in handicap parking spots and steal from charities" Ultimately, what is your view on this rule which you inherited?
Lady Mesanna: changing the 90 day is not something we are going to do anytime soon
Ghrom the Savage: and Is this under review by your team?
Lady Mesanna: I would much rather reward the players that pay the full year by giving xtra vet rewards or something to that effect

The fact that the dev team is looking to actually reward players who DO subscribe for the full year is fantastic and the simplest way to do this is to give additional vet reward pics. I would much rather get an additional vet reward pick than 'or something to that effect' which could be something I don't want. Using the existing vet reward system is the best idea I have heard in ages and very simple to implement as it is using a system already in place. It goes a long way to rewarding those who pay each month, lets the player chose how to 'spend' that reward, gives the player the opportunity to 'store' the rewards if they so chose as they currently may store their vet reward picks and is therefore very 'doable' in the short term.

If the dev team had said we are gonna give everyone a 'gift token' once a year to players if they pay the full year (12 months) you wouldn't have an argument as the 'reward' has absolutely NOTHING to do with NEW additions of items to the vet reward system and why there should or shouldn't be new 'levels' for 16, 17, 18 yr vets. As I said, that is a completely different topic and has nothing to do with the question asked and answered above.

This game very old and there have been many additions to all tiers within the vet reward system. What was originally in a particular years selection when most of us 'picked' in yrs 1-5-10 years ago has changed markedly. You didn't need to ever 'go back' to pick as you probably already picked the 'choice' item from any tier or could pic up stuff off vendors. Now however, due to the additions there are lots of things it would be 'nice' to have, and just not enough choices as lots of people 'used' their picks on items that 18 yrs ago were great and are now useless. A way to 'reward' loyal 12 month paying customers by giving them more picks, kills two birds with one stone:

1. it allow vets of all ages (1 yr vets up to 18 yr vets) with additional choices if they pay their accounts per yr in full. The fact is ANY vet gets an additional reward.
2. it redresses some of the deemed 'unfairness' of people basically keeping accounts open on the 90 day cycle to 'house sit'

I am not getting into whether or not the 90 day cycle is a good or bad situation. There are good and bad points surrounding the whole issue. It is just the topic that prompted the devs to look at ways to reward players who keep their accounts open full time and that is a good thing.

Either way, Mesanna's comment in that meet and greet has NOTHING to do with additions to the vet reward system. That is a whole OTHER discussion. Do not jeopardize those loyal 12 month customers getting 'rewarded' in this way to argue another topic. You could very well end up getting nothing at all, or a reward much LESS USEFUL to the majority.

If you want 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th etc picks argue for them. Don't do it by mixing the two topics.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
IMO if there is to be something in the future for a 20 year account it should be a title that you could toggle on/off. I feel that people expect too much in this game and I relate it to real world "participation trophies."

I have always felt that veteran rewards should be account bound and not able to be sold or traded.

I have 13 accounts that have been active since 1997 and I have only picked a handful of rewards here and there.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Honestly, I'm not sure if matters if there were even just 1 account reaching 15 years.

That is pretty big, let alone people reaching the 20 year mark
which is astounding.

These are the people you reward.
I have dropped to 2 main accounts, one is at 173 months (14 years 5 months) and the other is 214 months (17 years 10 months) without missing one payment.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
IMO, the worst aspect of the shields is that they shifted commerce from where it was lacking in the first place (lesser populated shards) to where it was already good (Atlantic). I play on Pac, a shard that has a healthy population. But it's vendor market is deader than a doornail. Everything of value gets exported to Atlantic. Vendor fees compound the problem. Population is not that high so things are slow to sell. Even if prices are the same it's more profitable to move things to Atl because they will sell in hours/days and not weeks.
But what about the people the make monthly shard runs to more populated shards to buy stuff that is in short supply/high demand on the lower populated shards? Shard Shields can are are being used both ways people.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are there enough 15+ year vets to make the dev time worth it? There may not be and that's why they've stopped adding the rewards. They're going to instead put the dev time in to benefit the bulk of their customers.
That might be a way to see it but, frankly, it does not really do any good,at least to my viewing, to appreciating Customers' Loyalty when it comes to those customers who maintained their accounts as active for long, very long 15+ Years....

How do you think that Loyal Ultima Online Customer that maintained his/her Account asActive for, say, 19 long years, month after month, year after year, might feel, looking that such a long endured Loyalty is then treated like that of a Customer who had an account as active only for 15 years ?

Frankly, how can one say that trumping the recognition of 15+ Active Accounts Years Veterans is necessary not to "hurt" the feelings of those Customers who had an account as Active only for 15 or less Years ?

Yes, indeed, the 15+ Years accounts are way less numerous as compared to the 15 and below Years accounts but that does not and should not entitle, as I see it, to diminish the recognition of such an extraordinary and long endured loyalty that 15+ Years accounts have demonstrated by maintaining their accounts as active for so long...

And, sorry, a few extra "picks" per Year, at least to my opinion, would not sufficiently be able to recognize such an extraordinary long term loyalty like maintaining as account, no matter what, always active for 16, 17, 18, 19 and, soon to be, 20 Years..........


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When was I speaking for others? Do I really have to put "IMO" before every statement I make? You don't ,why should I have to? Infer that I, the speaker am speaking for myself, unless I go to a clear length to say otherwise.

The argument here is simple. Resources used to make stuff for everyone... or resources used to make stuff for an ever-diminishing group (that to clarify I belong to) of aged elites? IN MY OPINION, that's the bottom line.
I am sorry, but I do not think that the "quantity" of a given sub-set of Veteran players should be in any way relevant to decide whether or not to invest resources, because what should instead matter here to Broadsword, to my opinion, should rather be the "quality" of that sub-set of Customers set by the extraordinary long time that they remained loyal to Ultima Online by maintaining always, no matter what, their accounts as active....

I do not care if there were only 5 Veterans who, for example, maintained their accounts as active for 20 whopping years as compared to 1,000 who had them active for, say, only 14 years.

To my opinion, those 5 Veterans still deserve to be given for their extraordinary long term loyalty all possible recognition, and some more.....

Furthermore, giving recognition to the Loyalty of those mere 5 Veteran accounts would also send a Message to younger age accounts that one's own Veteran Loyalty status "won't be forgotten" past 15 Years of active age (as it is now), but would always be prized and recognized, thus motivating all younger years accounts to want to always reach that extraordinary Loyalty status to likewise be recognized it.

At least, that's how I see it.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
IMO if there is to be something in the future for a 20 year account it should be a title that you could toggle on/off. I feel that people expect too much in this game and I relate it to real world "participation trophies."

I have always felt that veteran rewards should be account bound and not able to be sold or traded.

I have 13 accounts that have been active since 1997 and I have only picked a handful of rewards here and there.
Give me a break........

An outstanding and extraordinary customer Loyalty set by a whopping 20 Years maintaining one's own Ultima Online account as active, no matter what, month after month, year after year for 20 long years and so much would get recognized with so little (to my opinion) as a simple title ?

I would hope that Broadsword would be more generous with such extraordinarily loyal customers.....


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But what about the people the make monthly shard runs to more populated shards to buy stuff that is in short supply/high demand on the lower populated shards? Shard Shields can are are being used both ways people.
Yes it works both ways, IF YOU HAVE SHARD SHIELD, if you don't you have to shell out 50mill pr trip.

Tnx for showing your understanding of how basic economics works. (or lack off)

Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
My Popcorn is out. So i will say something now also.

For me here there are also several topics.

1. vet rewards 15+ in my opinion there should be at least 1 item for each year. (What ever it is in the end)

2. the Problem with the 90day cycle. I unterstand the people who do it simply because it safe their money. And yes everybody can do it if you like as its not illegal to do so.
BUT it is also on the otherside Kind of unfair to people who pay full. extra picks for people who pay full (1-4 picks more a year) could be used to rewards this people and may change the thinking of some of these 90 day guys.

3. shields
For me personally, my oldest account is
Around 8 they are gift and curse at the same time. I know my guys who ship me stuff but i would apprechiate the Option to pay an account up to 14th or even more years ( must not be cheaper than regular) as always have to trust people or buy for real money token ( yes i know u can buy ingame but 50mil is quite a sum)

Nevertheless i have an idea i will present at the next dev meeting (is someone like it feel free go present earlier)
We have this more or less useless system called trade quests.
Why not combine this with a point system which allow every one to trade in the points for the Transport of a few ( very few) items to another shard ( account based)
For example. For each successfull trade quest i get 1 point. And when u got lets say 10 points you can transfer 5 items from A to B and 5 more back. (Ofc the numbers need to be balanced and only not more than a handfull....)
And is trading / transfering not somehow done often for the same result. I could like with buying a token to get a char somewhere else.
I could be very simle a trade in mailbox where u place the 5 items in a bag, select destination and then the stuff appear in the Bank box on the other servsers first Charakter. Same back with account based points.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am sorry, but I do not think that the "quantity" of a given sub-set of Veteran players should be in any way relevant to decide whether or not to invest resources, because what should instead matter here to Broadsword, to my opinion, should rather be the "quality" of that sub-set of Customers set by the extraordinary long time that they remained loyal to Ultima Online by maintaining always, no matter what, their accounts as active....

I do not care if there were only 5 Veterans who, for example, maintained their accounts as active for 20 whopping years as compared to 1,000 who had them active for, say, only 14 years.

To my opinion, those 5 Veterans still deserve to be given for their extraordinary long term loyalty all possible recognition, and some more.....

Furthermore, giving recognition to the Loyalty of those mere 5 Veteran accounts would also send a Message to younger age accounts that one's own Veteran Loyalty status "won't be forgotten" past 15 Years of active age (as it is now), but would always be prized and recognized, thus motivating all younger years accounts to want to always reach that extraordinary Loyalty status to likewise be recognized it.

At least, that's how I see it.
What can I say, I want everyone to get stuff, not just the old timers. The team is limited, I don't want them spending time making new ridable gorillas mounts or whatever else when they could be adding actual content to the game that everyone can enjoy. The vets DO get rewarded, you just aren't satisfied with the quality of the reward.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
quit whining already. there's nothing stopping you from doing this. :p just saying.
Ohhhh I love when the insults start :D But honestly your not worth my "cross hairs". Anyway you've illustrated my point perfectly so I gotta give ya that. Everyone is jumping on the mooching bandwagon and it going to continue and increase. It's become a popular and accepted "play style". How long do you expect this game to last when it doesn't turn a profit? EA serves one God, profit. Bury the game, go ahead, you clearly don't seem to care about what happens to UO. But I challenge everyone who embraces this exploit to do this. Go look in the mirror today. Say "I'm not going to mooch off others today. I'm going to actually pay for my house spots and the massive amount of free storage my main accounts have access to when I close this account for 89 days. I'm going to stand up and pay my own way. Make UO more profitable and make UO a stronger and better game. I will do my part to extend the life of the game I claim to love. I will not exploit a system as it was not intended to be. I'm going to be one of the good people today. I will go to UO.com and actually pay for all the accounts I use with my main accounts!". Take the challenge! Be one of the good guys!

Angel of Sonoma

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Ohhhh I love when the insults start :D But honestly your not worth my "cross hairs". Anyway you've illustrated my point perfectly so I gotta give ya that. Everyone is jumping on the mooching bandwagon and it going to continue and increase. It's become a popular and accepted "play style". How long do you expect this game to last when it doesn't turn a profit? EA serves one God, profit. Bury the game, go ahead, you clearly don't seem to care about what happens to UO. But I challenge everyone who embraces this exploit to do this. Go look in the mirror today. Say "I'm not going to mooch off others today. I'm going to actually pay for my house spots and the massive amount of free storage my main accounts have access to when I close this account for 89 days. I'm going to stand up and pay my own way. Make UO more profitable and make UO a stronger and better game. I will do my part to extend the life of the game I claim to love. I will not exploit a system as it was not intended to be. I'm going to be one of the good people today. I will go to UO.com and actually pay for all the accounts I use with my main accounts!". Take the challenge! Be one of the good guys!
i must be in your cross hairs otherwise you wouldn't take the time to reply. honestly though, i used to enjoy reading your post but now most of them are a rehash of the same thing over and over as if you are trying to convince people to join your cause. the majority of the posters don't agree with you.

Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
i must be in your cross hairs otherwise you wouldn't take the time to reply. honestly though, i used to enjoy reading your post but now most of them are a rehash of the same thing over and over as if you are trying to convince people to join your cause. the majority of the posters don't agree with you.
The vast majority seem to support me. I meant responding to the insult thing, cause I can be nasty also if I wish. I try to stay on a higher level than that. I mostly just respond to baseless attacks. Don't want to hear from me? Don't post things aimed at me! :) Simple!


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How about a money sink? By game codes
1 month -
Regular Price 9.99
1 month game time/1 extra month vet status 14.99
3 month- 29.99
3 month game time/3 extra months vet status - 42.99
One year game time - 49.99
One year game time/ one year extra vet status - 79.99

Recurring charges
Monthly - 9.99 regular time
Monthly +1 Month 14.99

New accounts
New account creation - Free 3 month trial
New account Subscription + 15 year vet status- $599.99

Win/win imo..UO gets extra money, they can continue to put out vet content, and every can quit (pancakes) << just noticed this cute filter..haha impressive!

I would ever go as far as maintenance mode options..we know that everyone takes a break from time to time and hates losing stuff wether it be hard times/ no time to play, or just need a change of scenery for awhile. So I suggest we add a maintenance mode option for....

$4.99 a month that guarantees your houses don't become condemned

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last edited:


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good luck with that! This is Stratics ;)
Well maybe not in all aspects, but instead of doing nothing which seems to be the motto, become problem solvers instead of being..well nothing doers.. Just my pittily 2¢

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Lake Superior Tabloid Journalist
Stratics Veteran
How about a money sink? By game codes
1 month -
Regular Price 9.99
1 month game time/1 extra month vet status 14.99
3 month- 29.99
3 month game time/3 extra months vet status - 42.99
One year game time - 49.99
One year game time/ one year extra vet status - 79.99

Recurring charges
Monthly - 9.99 regular time
Monthly +1 Month 14.99

New accounts
New account creation - Free 3 month trial
New account Subscription + 15 year vet status- $599.99

Win/win imo..UO gets extra money, they can continue to put out vet content, and every can quit (pancakes) << just noticed this cute filter..haha impressive!

I would ever go as far as maintenance mode options..we know that everyone takes a break from time to time and hates losing stuff wether it be hard times/ no time to play, or just need a change of scenery for awhile. So I suggest we add a maintenance mode option for....

$4.99 a month that guarantees your houses don't become condemned

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
At first glance, I actually really like this all-around idea. I'll have to give it more thought to see if I can find a reason why this wouldn't work.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Accounts that aren't paid don't age. Therefore folk doing the 90 gamble take much longer for their accounts to age a year? We who keep our accounts active year round get new vet reward choices every year - they don't.
At current time accounts 1. - 4 years get 1 pick per year. Accounts 4 years + get 2 picks per year.
One idea might be that one extra pick may be added for every 5 years? so at 9 you'd get 3 per year, at 14 4 per year etc? Of course that may just play into the hands of those who see vet rewards as a 'get rich' scheme and only claim them to sell them.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But what about the people the make monthly shard runs to more populated shards to buy stuff that is in short supply/high demand on the lower populated shards? Shard Shields can are are being used both ways people.
It would be nice if this was the case, but it does not seem to be happening. Probably because of time it takes to sell things on the lower populated shards.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It should be like a point system so its fair to every account. These arguments over pixels are vexing to say the least. Mesanna wants to reward the ones that pay a full year. No difference irl when you shop at a store say 20 times out of the year than your friend shopped 2 times out of the year. You should get a better discount/reward than they do because you spent more than they did. That's why stores have rewards cards now days. The more you shop the more you are rewarded.

Easy solution would be active accounts should gain a point a day. After 365 days active you can use the points toward any new or old veteran reward. Even the ones that play the 90 day cycle would still get points when activated for a month.

Full year active =365 points

90 day gambler= =120 points

Eventually the gambler will get to 365 points and buy a vet reward but would take longer. Everybody gets their pixels but it just takes a bit more time depending on how you pay your accounts.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes it works both ways, IF YOU HAVE SHARD SHIELD, if you don't you have to shell out 50mill pr trip.

Tnx for showing your understanding of how basic economics works. (or lack off)
LMAO This has nothing to do with basic economics when no gold leaves the game, maybe you should go back to school. I am sorry you do not know anybody with shard shields willing to help you or maybe you do but they are still unwilling to help you, now why would that be.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It would be nice if this was the case, but it does not seem to be happening. Probably because of time it takes to sell things on the lower populated shards.
Give a shout out to people on your shard and ask if anybody is heading off shard and would they be willing to help you out, now how hard is that.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LMAO This has nothing to do with basic economics when no gold leaves the game, maybe you should go back to school. I am sorry you do not know anybody with shard shields willing to help you or maybe you do but they are still unwilling to help you, now why would that be.
Lol kiddo, trying to be a smartass wont get u anywhere.

But let me bend it in neon for you.
xfer token = $20.
xfer token goes to vendor.
vendor fee = YY
YY goes out of game.

shard shield = $0
shard shield can be put on vendor, but noone would do this, because its account bound.

Bottom line.
EA makes RL gold, and the chance for goldsink ingame, for "normal" transfer tokens.
Shard shields brings no gold out of the game, and gives EA $0.

Do i need to explain the negative impact shard shields have for normal trading ?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When it comes to accounts and vet status I would like to see two things:

I would like to see the option to "catch up" the account age. I get that people take breaks, and that sometimes those breaks are due to financial constraints. I see no downside to letting folks pay to add age to thier accounts so long as it does not exceed the maximum account age possible based on account creation date. So you started your account in January 2000, but due to breaks here and there you are currently only 12 years. Let them pay the extra $360 to bring the account up to its full 15 year age potential. Some might cry that this approach cheapens the account age of those who kept accounts open. I will just say that I disagree. In the end, both people paid the same amount for their account age, regardless of when it got paid. Capping the max age based on account creation keeps a modicum of restriction on newer players catching up to true vets.

I would also like to see a small bonus for accounts who go a full year with no lapses (really anything less than 7 days shouldn't count as a lapse). Maybe 1 extra vet reward pick that year.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lol kiddo, trying to be a smartass wont get u anywhere.

But let me bend it in neon for you.
xfer token = $20.
xfer token goes to vendor.
vendor fee = YY
YY goes out of game.

shard shield = $0
shard shield can be put on vendor, but noone would do this, because its account bound.

Bottom line.
EA makes RL gold, and the chance for goldsink ingame, for "normal" transfer tokens.
Shard shields brings no gold out of the game, and gives EA $0.

Do i need to explain the negative impact shard shields have for normal trading ?
Xfer tokens DO NOT take any gold out of the game.
EA DOES NOT make RL GOLD, they collect RL MONEY at their store that has ZERO effect on the amount of gold in the game.
Come back when you understand why the reserve takes money out of the market before you post anything, go back to school and stop making yourself look silly.