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What are you willing to give up to get more players on the shard?

Would you say yes to changes Siege to a PvP shard?

  • Total voters


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
I am more concerned about the players that play.

The "real PvPers" quit. The real players stayed and adapted.

I was on the record as against: (in no particular order)

  • Doing away with guild stones.
  • Soul stones.
  • Teleporter tiles of any sort.
  • Doing away with the 24 hour cool down on soul stones.
  • personal bless deeds.
  • instanced anything.
Yer barking up the wrong tree. Siege players like this place just fine. If ya tried,I bet you could put together a fight club.

That PK crap is not gonna fly with the current folks here. If ya get one of us it is because we got lazy. I do understand that PKs do not care a bit about a sporting fight. I know what a PK likes.

There is a reason that Siege has an incredibly strong (if small) player base. We were told to adapt, be prepared to die at any moment. We decided to survive instead. We use every tool we have at our disposal to not lose our stuff.

That became my definition of a win. Remember back then they cut up leather armor.

Bo, I have come to respect you as a player and a man of his word.

The shard is fine... PvP is what it is. PKers get frustrated and leave.

Do not tell Uhall I typed this. We are still reviled there for the most part. We are still the bad guys.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I've been playing Siege since 2000. What makes you think I don't like it? I'm sorry you can't see an opinion that isn't yours without automatically labeling it as "trolling"
What makes me think you don't like it? The fact that you suggest removing the only things that seperate it from being a regular shard in pretty much any topic that comes up about siege. It's like saying " I love baseball, i've been playing for years, but you know what would improve it? Change it to football, that's a real sport."

We both know very well that you make said posts to rile people up, that's what you do, you proudly admit it all the time. That's cool, but you can consider your work here done. ;)


Always Present
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What makes me think you don't like it? The fact that you suggest removing the only things that seperate it from being a regular shard in pretty much any topic that comes up about siege. It's like saying " I love baseball, i've been playing for years, but you know what would improve it? Change it to football, that's a real sport."

We both know very well that you make said posts to rile people up, that's what you do, you proudly admit it all the time. That's cool, but you can consider your work here done. ;)
Really? The only things that make it different? Maybe we're playing different Siege Perilouseses?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
also would like a 2nd char here. been here a short time and hate to say it but the economy here is in bad shape. I'd be really happy making a crafter on the second char slot and using my top char to keep him in good supply on things.
Check your PMs, I've sent you a couple. I've got five suits made up for you.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Letting NPC shopkeepers buy loot here would help new players a lot. Players don't buy anything new players with less than top end skills can get, in person or through a bazaar vendor. There are not enough people here who need to buy such things until we can draw in and keep some new players.

Players have set up houses all over Siege yet we never see them. We need to get them to spend more of their UO playtime here instead of on prodo.


Stratics Veteran
Wish I would've started playing this shard years back...something just told me to start a toon here and check it out... Since then I never went back to Lake Superior or prodo for that matter..love it here I don't want the shard to change but a few more players would be good and I'm tired of all the houses being placed in nice spots with the actual players being MIA...


Queen of The Outlaws
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Campaign Patron
Letting NPC shopkeepers buy loot here would help new players a lot.
You may think so, but no, you would see new weak PK's kill newbies and crafters, loot everything and let a blue friend or second account sell it all to NPC vendors. Don't wish for that.
Players have set up houses all over Siege yet we never see them.
It's about time we start bugging Mesanna to take care of all this vacations homes, if an account had not logged into Siege for 2-3 months, the house should drop


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Really? The only things that make it different? Maybe we're playing different Siege Perilouseses?
The only other impactful difference is one character, so I guess the siege experience to you is just having one character, I suppose that's reasonable. Maybe not selling to vendors, but I don't think that really has much impact on regular gameplay. But really, who are we kidding here? I think everyone, including you, knows full well why you made this post, and it isn't because your dedication to the one character, no npc selling experience, is so strong that you eschewed the ruleset you constantly champion in siege related threads to play here for 16 years. :p

Out of curiosity, who is your siege character? Have we met in-game?
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Bo Bo

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Kelmo and others,
You want to see soulstones go poof? hahah Bo would quit and sure others would too.
Teletiles and those crystal porters have done nothing but help the population.
there is nothing that bo said that wouldnt help todays current players.
More than half the stuff you mentioned happened 10 years ago. Mostly that is your problem you and several others are living in the siege of 10 years ago. Seriously what harm would blessing or insuring a few more items do? Like Bo said only maybe 3-4 more items.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
You may think so, but no, you would see new weak PK's kill newbies and crafters, loot everything and let a blue friend or second account sell it all to NPC vendors. Don't wish for that.
I'm against selling to npcs, but that's nonsense. You really think someone is going to go through all those steps to make less gold than they could get killing like an ogre?

It's about time we start bugging Mesanna to take care of all this vacations homes, if an account had not logged into Siege for 2-3 months, the house should drop
lol good luck with that. The house situation is not going to change. This is exactly why many people opposed this change, but I guess you have to take the bad with the good.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
there is nothing that bo said that wouldnt help todays current players.
Well... while I think some of your ideas are well and good, you only suggest lessening the landmass to make it easier on pks to find victims. It wouldn't have any positive effect on a peaceful player, in fact, its' pretty easy to argue it would be a negative. I'm not even against the idea, but... just sayin.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
BO - Dont get the Bo started on that resurrection tree. Thats a friggin joke,

hahahaha that is the best thing I ever used against you

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
stop freaking killing newbs and maybe some players might stick around. i have a few accounts and created characters on seige. i even set up a vendor house in luna. but none of my characters are GM in any skill. it takes no skill to kill any of my toons. instead of killing, why doesn't anyone offer to help? this is my issue with seige.
We help anyone that we know needs it. I have about 20 basic suits made up sitting in a couple of chests ready to go. all anyone has to do is ask. and as far as the killing of a newb goes, although i personally don't do it, it usually gets done to see what type of reaction a new character has. It was done to me many moons ago and i just got rezzed and found another suit and went on playing. after that i was left alone and started down the path to being a part of the community.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Bo. I never said I wanted to do away soul stones or teletiles. I own dozens of each and I know they are not going away.

I was against them when they were introduced. I felt that the policy of making individual players as powerful and well rounded as a decent size guild was gonna hurt community.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I honestly think this game should have gone f2p when they were working on a plan for it like 8 years ago.
Yup. The premium $15/month has drove a lot of people away to "other" servers.

But while I would certainly log in to Siege more frequently if it was f2p.. I'd still prefer a pre-aos option.

Sent from my VS986 using Tapatalk


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
The problem with the "other" servers is as soon as they open, they are tweeked, over and over and over. None of them seem to be the same game they were when the server started...la


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I *SO* want to play here for real, but i have given it two shots. As a EU Timezone crafter its not possible to play here. Vendor fee's are not up to par with sales, and since the timezone differ so much with most players, any other method than Vendors is not possible.

So yeah.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I *SO* want to play here for real, but i have given it two shots. As a EU Timezone crafter its not possible to play here. Vendor fee's are not up to par with sales, and since the timezone differ so much with most players, any other method than Vendors is not possible.

So yeah.
Yeah I don't think the population is high enough to support much vendoring, unless its for just high end stuff.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Youre missing the option on your poll. Yes but not what you said.
Bo is all for more pvp, but why with what you suggested would make this a pvp shard? Your thoughts on this are all wrong. The current land mass is a problem cause it is too big, and you want to add more??
here is what bo would like to do.
1. add maybe 3-4 more siege blessings. this way you can wear those extra fancy pieces like a crimmy and a slither. This would help everyone. farmers can farm and than these items would actually sell.
2. Remove land mass, get rid ilshner all of it, 2/3s of malas (just leave the housing areas and doom), 1/2 of termur, 1/3 of fel, lose some towns, dungeons, 1/2 the water mass, 1/2 t2a, 1/2 of makato.
3. Bo personally likes 1 character per account, you cant hide behind your alts. If really needed ad 1 character per account.
4. no recall or sacred journey.
5. Governors, have a total of only 8 towns this would be for the entire shard. Governors control town, they set prices, guards, let them hire a finance minster to help. governor would control if town was vvv capable, if not it would cost more money.
6. Turn on everything. (tots, farties, arties) every kind of special drop stuff turn it all on. but make it where you have to goto certain spots to farm specific items.
7. Vendor fees, Bo wouldnt touch, nothing wrong with them. If your stuff isnt sellin try lowering the price to a decent price and guess what, the stuff will sell.
8. Rot - all timers set to 3-5 minutes. waitin more than 5 minutes for a gain is silly.
9. Bo sees no need to add resist to suits. It is not hard to get all 70s now if you know what you are doing.

but that is just what bo thinks. Bo has more ideas but this a start.
Bo i agree with most of these i like the ideas alot would love to any of if not all of these put to use by the devs


Pretty Shiny things uique to Siege. The Prodo Primes love their shiny things more than anything. And put some leaves on the trees. Every single thing tried in the past has either failed out the gate or had a surge of people for a very short visit. Gotta agree with Kelmo make changes that improve things for Siege players not for Prodo players 5 minute fantasy. An now I shall go back and see if the real Tyrath acct is unlocked LOL forgot my PW and the Email I used for it is dead n gone. But seriously give some shiny things like a platinum babboon butt bust that you and only get on siege and all of Atlantic will long in once to get their shiny babboon butt. That would be as long term and effective as all the brainfarts of the past have been.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Pretty Shiny things uique to Siege. The Prodo Primes love their shiny things more than anything. And put some leaves on the trees. Every single thing tried in the past has either failed out the gate or had a surge of people for a very short visit. Gotta agree with Kelmo make changes that improve things for Siege players not for Prodo players 5 minute fantasy. An now I shall go back and see if the real Tyrath acct is unlocked LOL forgot my PW and the Email I used for it is dead n gone. But seriously give some shiny things like a platinum babboon butt bust that you and only get on siege and all of Atlantic will long in once to get their shiny babboon butt. That would be as long term and effective as all the brainfarts of the past have been.
Tram players will never come here no matter what you offer them. I get so tired to people trying to convince tram players that "It's fun here! Try it! Dying isn't so bad!" Just let it go. They don't like it, they never will, accept it.

The only people who will ever come here are people who are ok with dying and losing their ****. Peeps who play here may have once been trammies, but they need to get to that place on their own, if they are ready, they know siege is waiting. Campaigning, and coming up with concession after concession to get them to play here is just stupid.

I just don't get why some people are so convinced that there is some small concession or some change that can be made that, without disrupting the fabric of what makes Siege "Siege", that will draw tons of people to the shard for more than, as you say a 5 minute fantasy.

Or worse yet that the solution to get players to siege is to... make it not Siege anymore. To make it a copy of what players already have. It's like dragon turtles to greater dragons. Why go get a dragon turtle when you worked your butt off for that greater dragon you have had for years?

It should be about those who are here now, and want to be here, not how we can convert the people who don't want to play here. I think there have been some good suggestions along those lines here, but I think some are a bit one sided too. Either way, it's good to discuss ideas.

p.s. This was mostly general ranting, not directed at you tyrath. :p

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
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Tram players will never come here no matter what you offer them. I get so tired to people trying to convince tram players that "It's fun here! Try it! Dying isn't so bad!" Just let it go. They don't like it, they never will, accept it.

The only people who will ever come here are people who are ok with dying and losing their ****. Peeps who play here may have once been trammies, but they need to get to that place on their own, if they are ready, they know siege is waiting. Campaigning, and coming up with concession after concession to get them to play here is just stupid.

I just don't get why some people are so convinced that there is some small concession or some change that can be made that, without disrupting the fabric of what makes Siege "Siege", that will draw tons of people to the shard for more than, as you say a 5 minute fantasy.

Or worse yet that the solution to get players to siege is to... make it not Siege anymore. To make it a copy of what players already have. It's like dragon turtles to greater dragons. Why go get a dragon turtle when you worked your butt off for that greater dragon you have had for years?

It should be about those who are here now, and want to be here, not how we can convert the people who don't want to play here. I think there have been some good suggestions along those lines here, but I think some are a bit one sided too. Either way, it's good to discuss ideas.

p.s. This was mostly general ranting, not directed at you tyrath. :p
What Uvtha has said here is true Trammel players will not even go to Fel even on the prodo shards to get any of the items that are only in Fel. Heck even the ones who do play in Fel won't come even come over to Siege to play. Real life keeps be away by the time I'm able to play I'm just to tired to. I've been on Great Lakes cleaning up and decorating our (Glendale) Trammel places. If I fall asleep at the pc least I will log off in a save place. I'm 2 hours ahead of Glendale by the time he gets on to play its 12 am eastern for him, and 2 am eastern for me. Glendale plays on Siege while I'm on Great Lakes trashing things while messaging back and forth on Icq.
Players who play on Siege try to set up events for the Siege players who do play on Siege post about them here so anyone who does want to join these events will be able to. maybe some of the Fel prodo shard players might come over to these events.


Babbling Loonie
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Whats's up people? I have not played in a couple years and probably do not intend to but I'm gonna a my 2 cents anyhow. I think this shard should be turned into a retro shard with uor rules. Ditch rot and return to power hour gains. I remember when this shard saw a huge influx of new players with power hour. i would ditch ter mur, tokuno, and definately the trailor park that is malas. i would keep ish and t2a but add limited housing as well as disallow castles and keeps across the board. No more dismount, smokebomb pvp. No more needing a degree in mathematics to suit your char up. Keep power scrolls, give seige chars 800 points to work with. This game is antiquated and the biggest draw imo would be the retro/nostaglia factor plus the relative ease of pvp. There was never a shortage of pvp to be had under these rules as there was a booming population and even if you wrecked an enemy sqaud, you could count on them being back in the field making the rounds inside of fifteen minutthe economy was booming and it was also easier for merchants and crafters to stock and maintain thier vendors. the popularity of free shards shows there is an interest for throwback uo experiences but free shards are also frustraing because of stability factors. I know former players who loved this game 1997-2003 would probably still maintain a char here and i would certainly be tempted to play again with a siege retro rules relaunch. Alot of you probably do not remember this shard in its heyday when there was a true vibrant community, economy, political back and forth between multiple This game has just gotten away from what it used to be. Ive enjoyed playing the latter versions but nothing like the old days. yes I miss being able to grab 50 each reg, 10 or so of each pot, mount up with a couple buddies and still be able to fight 2 or 3x my numbers because some jack ass was not able to dismount me lol.

Anyhow, I hope everyone is well and Roll Tide ...4 out of the last 7!


Queen of The Outlaws
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That's to late Tib, we have collected a lot items over the years and got used to the new stuff. A new retro shard could work but I fear people would not stay, they would want the new stuff.
I for sure would not want to go back, it's to late.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tram players will never come here no matter what you offer them. I get so tired to people trying to convince tram players that "It's fun here! Try it! Dying isn't so bad!" Just let it go. They don't like it, they never will, accept it.

The only people who will ever come here are people who are ok with dying and losing their ****. Peeps who play here may have once been trammies, but they need to get to that place on their own, if they are ready, they know siege is waiting. Campaigning, and coming up with concession after concession to get them to play here is just stupid.

I just don't get why some people are so convinced that there is some small concession or some change that can be made that, without disrupting the fabric of what makes Siege "Siege", that will draw tons of people to the shard for more than, as you say a 5 minute fantasy.

Or worse yet that the solution to get players to siege is to... make it not Siege anymore. To make it a copy of what players already have. It's like dragon turtles to greater dragons. Why go get a dragon turtle when you worked your butt off for that greater dragon you have had for years?

It should be about those who are here now, and want to be here, not how we can convert the people who don't want to play here. I think there have been some good suggestions along those lines here, but I think some are a bit one sided too. Either way, it's good to discuss ideas.

p.s. This was mostly general ranting, not directed at you tyrath. :p

LOL no problem, and YES I FOUND MY PW :) I think you missed my sarcasm, sure they will come for about 5 minutes to collect the shiny thing just like they do for holiday gifts etc. Log in, bank it , log out. People in general don't like PvP, heck I don't like PvP but I love Siege and it is just a part of Siege. But I am a isolationist player that rarely leaves my island anymore.

Hattori Hanzo

Lore Keeper
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Change one thing. Add insurance. There's plenty of un-insurable items to make a fight worth something. Heck curse a few things if need be, put a limit on the number of items you can carry and wear that are insured (6 maybe or 8). If you simply add insurance it will go a very long way toward bringing people back.

Igg A Pie

Slightly Crazed
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i was talkn to some guidmates the other day. i know that i am not a siege old timer but from what i seen, not only did AOS kill siege but soulstones did as well. if we didnt have soulstones, people would be more likely to specilize with one template. now......you dont need to rely on anyone. you can train smith and tailoring to make your armor. you can peace dragons and tame them. you can be an archer and a mage. all you got to do is switch off the skills to and fro. if we didnt have soulstones, i am most certain, the majority of people would not drop mage skills to be a fencer or drop imbueing to be a brad or stealing to be fisherman. we dont need to rely on each other because soulstones have made us "self reliant". it has killed the sense of community because we have isolated ourselves and only chose to do things with others when it is convient. as of now if you want to do something, you can just put on the necessary skills and do what you want to do.....ALONE.

can you imagine, and i speak for the people who have most skills trained, if you knew so and so was a honest and dependable armor supplier, where his reputation matters to repair armor. how bout a shop that is always stocked with potions, furinture or inscription items? can you imagine wanting to have a bards as part of your guild for pvm purposes because they make things easier? how bout mages plying a "role" like fielding a choke point or xhealing others from a distance. what about having a sampire tank a boss at a champ spawn. these people would specialize in these things because THAT IS THEIR TEMPLATE! we would "have" to rely on each other and we would be more sucessful as a whole.

at this point you just cant take things away and think it will bring back the glory days. idk if adding all types of things is the answer either. all i know is there are MAJOR issues that need to be addressed. im not even 100% sure if the devs really want it to change. i have yet to see that type of commitment. to me, it seems like because our population is relativly small, we dont get the attention we deserve. we will probally never see the days of old. what we need to do is figure out a way to invest, improve and embrace the future. i have said this before many times, siege has special rules....we should be treated as such. we should have benifits and rules that not only make siege stand out but draw people to this shard. i think that can be done by being able to own/do/benifit from things that ARE NOT available on prodo. however, all that being said, even if they NEVER change a thing, there is no other shard i would rather play. not only do i love to play here on siege.........it is a privilege to play with the best community in "ALL" of uo.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I thought I would go ahead and say something. Stop debating about things to bring more people to Siege. The devs dont give a !#$! about people playing here. If they did they would have given more thought about things they have implented that have destroyed Siege. Making any change wont hurt in any way its already dead. Adding insurance might make a few die hard Siege players upset/quit. Who cares you never see them any way except in general chat. Siege would be unique enough with just the Siege ruleset on every facet. Bring on the insurance.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
You can find insurance on several shards. Go try one of those shards. OK?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
You can find insurance on several shards. Go try one of those shards. OK?
Ive never had a problem replacing suits here on Siege. I just would rather play with real people for a change. Kelmo you must be one of the players that have "Adapted" answer this old man, do you have one account without hide/stealth on it? What I can find is all those shards with insurance. What I can never find is Kelmo in game to give him a good old fashioned beat down. Also, you can house hide on any shard Kelmo go there OK?
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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
If you are really unwilling to make some kind of major change here in order to bring more players to Siege you really must be happy playing in isolation. Lets be honest, most of the "Real Players" would rather have it this way. You want to say you play Siege because of the "risk" you take every time you leave your house, but the reality is there is no more risk here. Kelmo doesnt want more players here because with more players brings more people willing to fight and more people willing to PK. If there were more people out there PKing, and lets say 1/4 of the time you went to a dungeon you got PKed you would be even more of a shut in than you are now. So keep trolling any comment about change, you can only reorganize your house so many times.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
What is a "Real Player"? How would these "Real Players" rather have it? That statement is rather unclear.

You seem to think you know quite a bit about my play style and mind set. Tell me more about myself...


Queen of The Outlaws
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I believe an empty shard is what make most Siege players give up.
PK's like Feanaro Seragon is not the ones, who make players quit but a newbie, who run all over the shard without seeing anyone, not even a PK will logout and never come back.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
What is a "Real Player"? How would these "Real Players" rather have it? That statement is rather unclear.

You seem to think you know quite a bit about my play style and mind set. Tell me more about myself...
The "Real Players" are the ones you say have stayed and adapted, and I know enough about your playstyle to know you see me in game and run for your life.


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Who are you again?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I believe an empty shard is what make most Siege players give up.
PK's like Feanaro Seragon is not the ones, who make players quit but a newbie, who run all over the shard without seeing anyone, not even a PK will logout and never come back.
Actually both are shard killers Freja, the PKs drive away new players because being killed every time you try to have fun isn't any fun, so the newbie leaves, and if there is no one around to play with, newbies leave. We're screwed either way.

If pkers would not behave like pks and obsessively slaughter every easy target they can find, pks wouldn't be a problem and would be other players for newbies to run into (your GP or your HP! Arrgh!... )


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
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Dread Lord
I am weary of giving up bits and pieces of Siege to attract players, that in my opinion, do not exist.
All the changes some are asking for are out there. Somewhere. Go play there.

I am OK with my gaming experience here on Siege. A dozen years spent here.
Siege now is a much more complicated and interesting place to play since the mindless PKers grew bored and would not challenge each other to fight.

If mindless PK action is what you seek. I am sure it is out there.

Siege players are what they are. The only new players we will get are some very few returning players, some few that want to give Siege a try before they quit, and some very few that might try Siege again.


Queen of The Outlaws
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If pkers would not behave like pks and obsessively slaughter every easy target they can find, pks wouldn't be a problem and would be other players for newbies to run into (your GP or your HP! Arrgh!... )
They rarely behave the way you believe here on Siege, but how can you know, you had not been PK'ed here yet.
Mostly the PK's will res a newbie again if they can or tell him to find a healer, chat a little with him and be sure he is ok, some will even give him some start help.


Queen of The Outlaws
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Campaign Patron
Siege players are what they are. The only new players we will get are some very few returning players, some few that want to give Siege a try before they quit, and some very few that might try Siege again.
I'm not giving up so easy and I sure not fear more actions and life here.


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
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Dread Lord
I am not giving up so easy either. You are giving us up for action... This shard will never be what it was. It will be what it is.


Queen of The Outlaws
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I don't try to make it what it was but we need new blood to keep this old vampire a live.
AoS did mega damage to the game including Siege. We do need Devs help to bring back the balance. I know what I'm willing to five up and what I will fight to keep.
Lets get:
Better resource and magic drop
Better resist on items, increase basis resist on both monster drop and crafted items
Recall with a delay, like when casting some spells
More char slots
Less vendor fee
Normal shards vendor prices, do away with 3 x prices
Less ghost houses

Lets keep looting right and one Siege Bless, no thanks to Item Insurance


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Better resource and magic drop (NO)
Better resist on items, increase basis resist on both monster drop and crafted items (YES)
Recall with a delay, like when casting some spells (NO)
More char slots (2 MAX)
Less vendor fee (YES)
Normal shards vendor prices, do away with 3 x prices (NO)
Less ghost houses (I believe more than a few of us predicted this when you were pushing so hard for the second house)


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I am weary of giving up bits and pieces of Siege to attract players, that in my opinion, do not exist.
All the changes some are asking for are out there. Somewhere. Go play there.

I am OK with my gaming experience here on Siege. A dozen years spent here.
Siege now is a much more complicated and interesting place to play since the mindless PKers grew bored and would not challenge each other to fight.

If mindless PK action is what you seek. I am sure it is out there.

Siege players are what they are. The only new players we will get are some very few returning players, some few that want to give Siege a try before they quit, and some very few that might try Siege again.
I would hardly call myself a mindless pk here. All I wanted was a shard where I could freely attack any one, looting was just a plus. I am very aware that I can have all the things Im wanting on different servers, besides the fact that people can hide in Trammel. Your right Kelmo Siege is what it is now. Although I didnt spend 12 years here, I have had a lot of fun. Im not going to suggest any more changes, because why fight it? If the devs wanted to do something about it they would have by now. Siege is what it is now, lets enjoy what it while it lasts.


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They rarely behave the way you believe here on Siege, but how can you know, you had not been PK'ed here yet.
Mostly the PK's will res a newbie again if they can or tell him to find a healer, chat a little with him and be sure he is ok, some will even give him some start help.
First of all, the "friendly pk" happens, but it's hardly the most common experience. In most cases you get killed, and the killer says nothing, loots you and runs off. Right now there may be a good deal of "friendly" pks, but that's because the population is so low, and the only pks still around are diehards, who actually care about the shard's health. If there were a population boom the ******* pks would be back in a heartbeat.

I've got nothing against pks, but lets not sugar coat things.


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I don't try to make it what it was but we need new blood to keep this old vampire a live.
AoS did mega damage to the game including Siege. We do need Devs help to bring back the balance. I know what I'm willing to five up and what I will fight to keep.
Lets get:
Better resource and magic drop
Better resist on items, increase basis resist on both monster drop and crafted items
Recall with a delay, like when casting some spells
More char slots
Less vendor fee
Normal shards vendor prices, do away with 3 x prices
Less ghost houses

Lets keep looting right and one Siege Bless, no thanks to Item Insurance
I honestly don't know what kind of dev time any of these items may require, but I do know that the only changes we have any hope of getting are ones that require pretty much less than one day's worth of dev time. If a change involves altering a system or making a new one, or anything outside of just chopping a bit of code out, then it won't happen, no matter how good the idea is.

Id imagine extra character slots and vendor prices would be easiest.

Of course I disagree the idea that there are a ton of non-siege players that would come to siege if just the right changes were made. You make a bunch of changes you'll run of people who like it here, and not draw in half the players lost, I guarantee it.
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Max Blackoak

Babbling Loonie
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Of course I disagree the idea that there are a ton of non-siege players that would come to siege if just the right changes were made. You make a bunch of changes you'll run of people who like it here, and not draw in half the players lost, I guarantee it.

The only changes that should be implemented are the ones where we can find a general consensus...otherwise we might end up loosing more people than we will gain...


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The only changes that should be implemented are the ones where we can find a general consensus...otherwise we might end up loosing more people than we will gain...
I absolutely agree with this!
But I think we all agree, that differences set Siege apart, which is the reason in the first place (next to good comunity) why players from other shards might try our shard.
Freja has started this discussion and I think it is a good thing.
In my opinion we should never make us more alike, but we need to seperate ourselves more from the other shards without losing the feel for the game.
There are a lot of points that could be adressed, but it would all lead to nothing.
I think we should name 3 people to represent our shard that have a good idea what Siege is about, have a good understanding of the game mechanics, and are respected members of the comunity....and those three persons need to discuss and come up with a concrete plan what would need to change (matter to discussion afterwards by the comunity) and then these thoughts need to be brought to the developers attention by us all.

(And these forums are not the place to elect these representatives we need to do it ingame since most Siegers do not come here anyways)

I know this is farfetched to happen, but I do not realy see a different good constructive way to realy get something done.

Enjoy our game!


We keep loosing players, even when I had seen a few new ones the last week

We had seen several threads about how to get more players on Siege but how much are we willing to give up? Is it possible to make Siege more like a PvP server and still keep our players?

I was thinking, what if Devs asked the Siege players, if we would accept new rules on the shard that would changes the shard to something close the Trammel Shards but with Fel rules everywhere.

Get the Trammel facet with Felucca rules (room for more houses and easier to code for Devs)
Have VvV work on all facets (it already do)
Have the Felucca rules and bonus to luck, fame and resource drop on all facets
Have +15 basis resist added to loot as well as crafted stuff, that would make it easier to put together a 5x70 suit
One of 2:
  1. Be able to Siege bless one item for each item slot on the paperdoll = a suit with weapon/spellbook and one item not in a slot, could be a pet ball or a music item or a crafting tools
  2. Have Item Insurance like on Prodo
There will still be 2 house servers, one for Trammel servers and one for VvV servers. Only 30 days old chars with 720 skills points can place a house in the test periode on the 2 PvP servers.

Yes we would get recall too and normal NPC vendors Sell/Buy and prices and 7 char slots
Yes we would have to give up RoT skill gain, that will hurt.
Make a Felucca copy of Atlantic (all facets) with all chars and houses there as that shard do have most PvP'ers in UO

Roll back: 1-3 months test. If it fail to and mess up Siege and noone like the Atlantic Fel server, the Atlantic Fel server will be deleted and Siege will get back the Siege Rules but keep items, houses and skills etc. they got in this 1-3 months
If a success after 3 months, the changes will stay and the Atlantic Fel server will stay

This way, UO would have 2 Fel servers.

Would Siege say yes. I believe I would, even when there is some Siege rules I would hate to see go, I would do that to get the players back.

Sorry but just some thoughts in my head, be nice :)
Hi, Old player looking to return Freja I remember that name for sure. The shard still alive?