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(Question) Starting back up on Seige


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you probably seen me around the past few days. Toon is Broadway Joe.

Placed a small cabin way the hell out in Minoc and am farming up some
armor to wear as its been 3 years since i played seige.


who sells pots and apples. can't find any on the vendor search.

I'm a tamer. Anyone have a dreadmare they want to part with? what
are they worth?

Any good guilds recruiting? i want to do a bit of PVM. I can defend
myself however as Bo Bo found out Saturday.

thanks and Merry Xmas.

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you probably seen me around the past few days. Toon is Broadway Joe.

Placed a small cabin way the hell out in Minoc and am farming up some
armor to wear as its been 3 years since i played seige.


who sells pots and apples. can't find any on the vendor search.

I'm a tamer. Anyone have a dreadmare they want to part with? what
are they worth?

Any good guilds recruiting? i want to do a bit of PVM. I can defend
myself however as Bo Bo found out Saturday.

thanks and Merry Xmas.
theres tons of potions on vendor search, look at new magincia at etereal marketplace. there are several potions vendors there.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you probably seen me around the past few days. Toon is Broadway Joe.

Placed a small cabin way the hell out in Minoc and am farming up some
armor to wear as its been 3 years since i played seige.


who sells pots and apples. can't find any on the vendor search.

I'm a tamer. Anyone have a dreadmare they want to part with? what
are they worth?

Any good guilds recruiting? i want to do a bit of PVM. I can defend
myself however as Bo Bo found out Saturday.

thanks and Merry Xmas.
There are several people that claim to have a stable full of dreads, and that they'll never play Siege again, but strangely they won't sell these back to the community. Ask around and good luck.


Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
You access Vender Search from the context menu on your char, you need to be in town or house to use it and not flaged for combat.
If you can't find what you need, try ask in Gen Chat, there may be some who can help.
Welcome Back


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
a strange thing happened to me the other day. i got killed down on the lower levels of shame. i lost my stuff cause my dragon died and rather than run back to my house i decided to take a boat around the west end of the game map. upon crossing one of the server lines the gump popped up that my crimson had been unblessed. however upon mousing over it the crimson was still blessed and o.k.

anyone have this happen?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
a strange thing happened to me the other day. i got killed down on the lower levels of shame. i lost my stuff cause my dragon died and rather than run back to my house i decided to take a boat around the west end of the game map. upon crossing one of the server lines the gump popped up that my crimson had been unblessed. however upon mousing over it the crimson was still blessed and o.k.

anyone have this happen?
Aye, happens to me everytime I cross a server line while on a boat. I just click and ignore it.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
placed a bit of a larger house north of the trinny swamps on a nice quiet peninsula. been having fun doing some spawns and farming some items.

tamed a few new creatures as well that i'd been lacking.

still looking for the ever evasive dreadmare. would pay well.

Hey its a new year which brings new hope.


Silent Singer

Stratics Veteran
Good luck with the dread (seriously), it is the one pet I'm missing here. I have a really really nice dread on prodo but haven't come across one here in over a year. Maybe I should try again as well. If you need any cus or birds lemme know.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
thanks. im running human so need the pads to tame a cu (as well as ride it)

i grabbed a reptalon for s*its and giggles.

i have three dreads on a few prodo shards as well. I had only been playing a short time when that event went down, which was one of my favorite events besides mag's destruction.

the first night of the dread event we were in cove and they were dismounting the riders and killing the mares. my guildie thought to lure them over the server line which wound up working out really well. we literally played all night long waiting for them to respawn. my wife was so pissed at me cause i had to work the next day.