best troll 2k15150 mínimum reserve i think
not trolling thats what i think its worth... u wanted it cheap ?best troll 2k15
People don't use meditation in pvp because it takes place for an offensive skill, the ring isn't worth more than 10mep use 35 ep brace + alchemy (10%ep) =45% ep fc1 hepahestus fcr3 night eyes
You don't pvp a lot, at least not well: clearly.You can find very few like this jewels with 30 usable skills + 20 hci 15 dci...
720 skill points +30 + another 30 skills on bracelet (for instance) make 780 skill points, right?
90 magery +15=105
120 eval
120 resist
70 medit +15 (FOR INSTANCE +15 MEDITATION)=100
100 parry (+FOR INSTANCE 15 PARRY)=115
alchemy 100
120 wrestle
who said anything about renouncing to any offensive skill?
Regards @genchattroll101!
You don't pvp a lot, at least not well: clearly.
Alchemy is great, I was thinking more inscribe lol.I kow what you mean @genchattroll101, you expect something like poisoning or archery +sacrifice medi for tactics, but on my home shard Europa Makaveli that earned the Grandmaster Duelist title from the pvp competition he was Grandmaster Alchemist, thats, maybe, why u dont think alchemy is good and i do.
50EP 99.7 Alchemy = 80EP which is great damage with supernovas and greater conflags.@genchattroll101 yap in that case ring's not that versatile, you would need something with ep, yep...
Oh and btw, gm alchemy is 30 ep not 10ep my bad that would make it 65 ep!
Oh yeah, sorry hehe.99.9 almchy you mean? 33.3x3 =99.9? but if your barce is 35 thats would make 35+30 = 65! which is not bad at all!