I am entering my 2nd month on official shards. I currently play on Atlantic and so far have enjoyed my time. I played free shards for years and have a decent understanding of the game mechanics. My characters are doing well gear wise as well. I am not sure, however, if I will resubscribe beyond this. I will explain why.
I want to start off by saying the community is great. Players are helpful and friendly. Even in pvp scenarios most players are decent; while I don't do it, I consider trash talk part of the fun as long as it doesn't become personal.
My first point is that skill training is ridiculously long, tedious, and pointless. I don't want to pay a monthly fee to "click last" literally 25,000+ times to get to legendary blacksmith. I understand there is value in playing and not macroing. But with skills at 50-70, there isn't much you can do to "play" I am currently training my crafter and it's very disheartening to use 2k ingots for .1 skill gain at 117. It's also extremely costly. In 2015, who really thinks this is a good idea?
Players have amassed huge amounts of wealth. Looking at some prices on legendary items, How will I afford anything in the billions? Again, I realize I am new, but it seems like a lot of gear is simply a pipe dream for the time being. My overarching point is the economy is pretty inflated and it makes it tough for a new player.
I know a lot of players are well over a decade here. But the barrier for entry is really high economically.
Pvp is fun. I think UO has the best system for player vs player combat. But what is the point of vice and virtue? No one shows up at towns. Am I missing the incentive? Sign up in trammel, get your Crimson, Mace and Shield, etc with the 2k silver, and never go to Fel. Again, am I missing a component in this?
Disappointed to read the chivalry changes thread. I'm indifferent to the game mechanic aspect. What I was disappointed in was a developer saying "the changes are working as intended. More information to follow"
No information has followed. This developer realizes we are paying customers? That was on of the first threads I read after subbing and the silence left a bad taste in my mouth.
I want to stay. But overall it has been a horrible new player experience. One more example. I get no archery gains at 50 from earth elementals in the new player caves at new haven but get them rapidly at humility vs low level spawn. And at 116 Archery I get no gains off the dragon turtle? How does this make any sense that certain mobs are "too tough" to make gains against. Same thing with troglodyte caves. Zero/slim gains at low levels and decent gains at higher. It should be the opposite! Like playing against good competition in sports raises your level of play, it doesn't stall it.
So my point in all of this is I want to play here. I'm just not sure I have the time and desire to pay for what will amount to skill training for a long time. It's why I discarded siege immediately, even though the rules appeal to me. Btw; if siege is for "vets" why the ROT stuff? It won't take a vet 3-6 months to learn how to use swords.
Lastly, I think this game can grow again. We just need some fine tuning and a lot of adjustments. And new graphics
TLDR; I'm a new player who thinks skill gain is too slow, economy is out whack, pvp needs incentive, devs need to follow through on promises.
I want to start off by saying the community is great. Players are helpful and friendly. Even in pvp scenarios most players are decent; while I don't do it, I consider trash talk part of the fun as long as it doesn't become personal.
My first point is that skill training is ridiculously long, tedious, and pointless. I don't want to pay a monthly fee to "click last" literally 25,000+ times to get to legendary blacksmith. I understand there is value in playing and not macroing. But with skills at 50-70, there isn't much you can do to "play" I am currently training my crafter and it's very disheartening to use 2k ingots for .1 skill gain at 117. It's also extremely costly. In 2015, who really thinks this is a good idea?
Players have amassed huge amounts of wealth. Looking at some prices on legendary items, How will I afford anything in the billions? Again, I realize I am new, but it seems like a lot of gear is simply a pipe dream for the time being. My overarching point is the economy is pretty inflated and it makes it tough for a new player.
I know a lot of players are well over a decade here. But the barrier for entry is really high economically.
Pvp is fun. I think UO has the best system for player vs player combat. But what is the point of vice and virtue? No one shows up at towns. Am I missing the incentive? Sign up in trammel, get your Crimson, Mace and Shield, etc with the 2k silver, and never go to Fel. Again, am I missing a component in this?
Disappointed to read the chivalry changes thread. I'm indifferent to the game mechanic aspect. What I was disappointed in was a developer saying "the changes are working as intended. More information to follow"
No information has followed. This developer realizes we are paying customers? That was on of the first threads I read after subbing and the silence left a bad taste in my mouth.
I want to stay. But overall it has been a horrible new player experience. One more example. I get no archery gains at 50 from earth elementals in the new player caves at new haven but get them rapidly at humility vs low level spawn. And at 116 Archery I get no gains off the dragon turtle? How does this make any sense that certain mobs are "too tough" to make gains against. Same thing with troglodyte caves. Zero/slim gains at low levels and decent gains at higher. It should be the opposite! Like playing against good competition in sports raises your level of play, it doesn't stall it.
So my point in all of this is I want to play here. I'm just not sure I have the time and desire to pay for what will amount to skill training for a long time. It's why I discarded siege immediately, even though the rules appeal to me. Btw; if siege is for "vets" why the ROT stuff? It won't take a vet 3-6 months to learn how to use swords.
Lastly, I think this game can grow again. We just need some fine tuning and a lot of adjustments. And new graphics
TLDR; I'm a new player who thinks skill gain is too slow, economy is out whack, pvp needs incentive, devs need to follow through on promises.