Due to The UO's Staff being so vague about goza mat roofs lately, I am forced to tear mine down out of fear they may be deleted with out my knowledge.
A ton of hard work went into these roofs. I only made them after an email from @Mesanna stated they were ok as long as they were not blocking other peoples houses, vendors etc...
Evidently that stand point has changed, or at least it seems so. I havent gotten a response from several emails to support, to the legality of such roofs. I now fear that like some of my friends, my roof will up and disappear with all the items on the roof.
For history sake here are the pics of the 3 roofs.
1. craft roof
2. Runebook library
3. Rares and Friends roof.
A ton of hard work went into these roofs. I only made them after an email from @Mesanna stated they were ok as long as they were not blocking other peoples houses, vendors etc...
Evidently that stand point has changed, or at least it seems so. I havent gotten a response from several emails to support, to the legality of such roofs. I now fear that like some of my friends, my roof will up and disappear with all the items on the roof.
For history sake here are the pics of the 3 roofs.
1. craft roof
2. Runebook library
3. Rares and Friends roof.