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[Discussion] Mesanna's Blood Donation Services (1)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Curious if anyone knows the whereabouts of this unique Napa Valley item from Mesanna's 2010 world tour.

Full sized void moongate: MesannasBloodDonationGateMesannaNapaValleyFullGate.png

I believe it's one of three full-sized unique moongates.

The other two being the Death Gate from Catskills: Screen Shot 2015-09-27 at 8.31.27 PM.png

and the My Pets Are Hungry, Join Us For Dinner!!!! gate from Legends: Screen Shot 2015-09-27 at 8.31.41 PM.png

Any knowledge as to where the Mesanna's Blood Donation Services gate is would be greatly appreciated. :)

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
I know where it is but haven't seen guy around. I have place in luna napa south enterance area, inside walls.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
It was really great meeting ..
Your house is full of surprises to me.
Specially the Death Gate.  I was surprised also that the gate is functioning like a SA hole (Navrey Night Eyes) to Somewhere.
It was a valuable experience.
Thank you Clops
Thank you Blend, for taking the time to view and document my collection! I'll be having a grand opening in about a month for anyone that would like to check it out. :p

DJ Diddles

Stratics Veteran
Thank you Blend, for taking the time to view and document my collection! I'll be having a grand opening in about a month for anyone that would like to check it out. :p
Can't wait! Will this be at your new ATL luna house, or elsewhere?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
If I can find the owner, I'll make a very motivating offer. The moongates reside at my Vesper castle (with the majority of my higher end rares). The Luna house is going to be a gallery style museum -- meaning everything in it will be for sale.

Castle museum is currently private, but PM me if you'd like to see. It will be open to the public after expansion is out and I can add in a few walls. :)
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