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[Discussion] Raresfest and Jubilees UO Searchable


Babbling Loonie
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Since the inception of the new vendor search in UO, i've always wanted to be able to use it in the raresfest and jubilee settings. The last ATL festival being close to Vesper was nice because it was only a screen away from using vendor search.

I wanted to know your thoughts of asking @Mesanna to make the raresfest and jubilee areas searchable via UO vendor search if you are in the festival area. It would drastically improve my shopping capabilities!

Captn Norrington

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Vendor search works in all guardzones, so it seems like it would be relatively simple to just add a guardzone around the rares festival areas. That would also greatly help with monsters that spawn inside festival areas and kill people while their afk....including harbingers people summon for the express purpose of killing afk players. Someone was afk killed by a vampire bat and lost a couple rares yesterday unfortunately. If there was a guard zone around the area, it wouldn't have happened.

I like this idea a lot :)


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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Anyone who wants search access, talk to me. I'm willing to grant friend access at the vendor houses so search can be used - but if anyone starts locking down random items to clutter those up, I'll be forced to clear the friends lists.

Old Vet Back Again

Stratics Veteran
I'm confused can you not located items on vendors at the fest through vendor search?

I do feel like there should be quite a few more areas added to the search criteria that would make shopping less complicated.


Babbling Loonie
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I'm confused can you not located items on vendors at the fest through vendor search?

I do feel like there should be quite a few more areas added to the search criteria that would make shopping less complicated.
You can find them on vendor search when you are in a guard zone. Problem is festivals are never in a guard zone. So looking for something when you are already there requires you to travel to a guard zone to look it up. I just want them to place a guard zone so I can look up items while I'm already at the festival.

I also ditto norrington's post - though I think it's fun to kill harrbi's people drop!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Slightly Crazed
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Although Goblin as RP is recommended on Chessie Fest ;)
However vendor search is possible..
If your character is human. You can make a bonfire Use Kindling
Certainty than if you have the Camping skills
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