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[Discussion] Anyone else transferring to Chessy?


Stratics Veteran
I got in on a ride with Scribbles. But now that the event has kind of begun I am all excited and want to bring more stuff lol. If anyone is heading over there again and has some room please let me know. I will gladly tip you for a ride or if there are a few other people still needing a ride maybe we can all go in on a xfer token together. Let me know please and Thank you.

Captn Norrington

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My Chesapeake shard shield should be making a new token within the next day or two (hopefully). When it does I'm happy to bring over as much as possible for people from Atlantic. I will also bring an Atlantic token or 2 to help everyone get their stuff back home.

I have no idea exactly when the shield will make the token though, so if you can find a ride before that definitely go for it.


Babbling Loonie
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My Chesapeake shard shield should be making a new token within the next day or two (hopefully). When it does I'm happy to bring over as much as possible for people from Atlantic. I will also bring an Atlantic token or 2 to help everyone get their stuff back home.

I have no idea exactly when the shield will make the token though, so if you can find a ride before that definitely go for it.
I have a couple of Chesapeake shard shield tokens and can offer a ride as well, if needed.


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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I can fit maybe 50 items late tonight, lets say specifically for traders auction and silent auction items. Use the mailbox on the left at the auction house. :)


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I have 4-5 items on GL I'd like to bring over if anyone is coming from there.


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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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Going from Great Lakes to Atlantic in about two hours; message/icq if you need a lift. Looks like several people have trips from Atlantic to Chessyfest in the next few days if you want to get your items to Chesapeake.


Stratics Veteran
@Kolka I have a meeting from 7-9 Central time...but if you havent left by then I would love to toss u some items to ride to CHessy from ATL.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
@Kolka I have a meeting from 7-9 Central time...but if you havent left by then I would love to toss u some items to ride to CHessy from ATL.
I can wait. Are the items coming from Great Lakes? Trip will be GL -----> Atl ----> Chessy. What leg did you need to jump on?