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[Discussion] Curious about event item names...


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
I'm sure this question has come up before, but I'm curious as to why all event items are in English? You would think they would be in the language of the shard. My guess is there are several people who get them that don't even have a clue as to what they say. Maybe I'm missing something tho? Like does it translate for them? Seems like if it didn't then people on certain shards are getting the shaft. Probably wouldnt be good for the rares market tho if they changed it. *shrugs* I dunno, just curious. Thanks for any info!


Long Live The Players
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I believe @Mesanna has to approve all event items. I doubt she would approve something in a language she cant understand especially since she still gets the spelling wrong in english... :)


Lore Keeper
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If I, who am not very smart btw, can figure out how to translate Bennu's Morse code then I'm confident @Mesanna could figure it out. If not maybe she could make Bennu teach her to use a translator program. ;)

Disclaimer: I did not do all 26? pages of Bennu's morse code. I gave up after 5!


Lore Keeper
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I have a rare chicken with a German name. It's locked down in front of my store. If anyone visits it though, please please don't eat it *grins mischievously* ^_~



Always Present
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I have a few food items that are german. My favorite being the bread loaves named "The Neighbors Bread" in German.


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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Some German-named items exist, aye. I want to say there was a French one or two as well, but I can't remember what it was.

Unicode, on the other hand, doesn't seem to work for item names. It works for the text in books, but that's why any Japanese or Korean books you see (even player-written) have English names - paste Kanji into the title, and you get a mess of jubberish Latin characters displaying instead. (Found that out making the translated rules books for the Izumo fest. :p)