As a Governor of a less populated shard i have to say this.
The whole system needs to be tweaked, rule sets added, some taken away and then reset.
This whole governor system is supposed to be purely about community building and its RP aspects.
Everything you do in a city, should be based on loyalty rating, and title of an individual toon.
Your title should reflect your participation. It shouldnt be bought.
For example right now you need to be respected to vote and use the trade deal..
Instead of just dropping 4k boards or ingots on the city Trade minister would have to participate in the "City functions" in order to gain in title/rank.
Without these 1 or both of these things, then you shouldnt be able to participate in the system at all.
You should have to put in, and want to put in, "work" to get any of the bennies off the city stones.
1. Firstly, remove raw gold donations off the city herald. No gold donations should be accepted.
(Devs- tweak your gold sink systems and incorporate them into the various systems with more outlets.)
the ONLY ways to increase the city TB to fund those deals are thru player done tasks.
For example:
-Doing trade orders...simple system..gets the job done..its great for what it does.
those who want the rare drops items..will put in the work to get them, and get the higher
karma bonus, and get the higher gold generated for their city TB's.
Those who dont will use the moongates and just grind their way to reach their goal.
( Keep in mind these drops arent meant to be a high dollar resale value..thats not the point.
the point is to participate, grow your toon's city RP rep, or gain in title and rank to be able to use the
City buff.)
Add new outlets...make each city have its own specific TB building outlet.
-Skara Brae has the Huntsmaster challenge located just outside town.
Although anyone can participate in the challenge..make it to where if your loyal to Skara, then
the 5k that each permit costs goes to the increase the TB on the city stone..Those who are loyal elsewhere
who play in the challenge, the gold can just go down the gold sink drain, or tie them all together so no matter which " City Challenge" you participate in, your loyal city gains in TB as well.
When you complete a trade order now..both cities extend that way of thinking ..either way..its still a sink.
Example: Minoc..Miners challenge..Pan for the heaviest ore nuggets...
Yew...Heaviest colored log...
Vesper..Heaviest fish or shore fish species..etc
2. Another way to increase TB the buying of the city banners.
They cost 250k and require you to hold a certain loyalty rating, and you can only buy one every 7 days,
and you have to be a certain loyalty rating to place them in your home.
this i would leave alone... i would add something useful to them though..
I would give them 2 modes.
Active and decorative.
Decorative mode is just buy it once hang it on a wall and forget it.
Active mode:
Make them hold 4 charges that grant you when double clicked to have your City buff last 1 week before it expires. When the charges run out you have to run more trade orders to accumulate more points to trade in for the recharge item. .." City Pride in a bottle" ( 1 bottle per charge) when you use it you get a message that says.
" You dampen the banner with City Pride. Your banner will Majestically be displayed for XX amount of days."
If at the end of the max charge time if you neglect to keep recharging it. It will decay, become tattered..and become perma deco..and youll have to go buy another banner to get that advantage again.
3. Another way to increase/decrease TB is to allow a Governor access to the city Herald and turn it into a city vendor.
Make all donations that a city is given, to be given to the Trade minister, in either deeded or raw forms.
( separate herald and trade minister jobs.)
The only thing the Herald can sell are certain items ( resources) that are donated to the city Trade Ministers and only a certain % of those donations can be for reselling to the public.
the prices can bet set by the governor, although price limits and quantities are placed upon the items.
The Governors will not be able to physically touch any donated item to prevent items from being cleaned out.
The rest of the usable items donated goes into the city stockpiles.
Each week a city uses resources, and its stock piles dwindle.
Its the governors job, and its citizens to keep stockpiles up.
If stockpiles are running negative, then the city TB reflects the difference.
4. Integrate the PvP'ers, so their roles have more of a function.
lets face it, the only reason a PvPer even cares about the Governor system is to get the Trade Buff.
and thats it...and our current 3 Buff selection anyone ever picks proves it.
Might as well use that player base, instead of just getting used by it.
Tie in the VvV system, add that city pride in a bottle to the silver trader in fel.
If your loyal to Skara tram because of its buff, then you can only use the fel Skara Silver trader npc.
Fel Skara silver trader points redeemed for all vvv items translate to Tram Skara TB.
- Make sure all Virtue cities can host VvV action..
drop Ocollo, and make Vesper and New Mag city battles.
Put a silver trader,herald,trade minister, guard captain, and city stone in Buc den Fel for the reds.
Any red can use that stone, but upon declaring city loyalty, the Buc stone understands which tram
stone should be displayed ( if thats even possible)
I dont think the system should exclude reds.
Just because your red doesnt mean you are not loyal.
5. As far as letting ppl decide which Buff to use no matter what city they belong too is a mistake.
It should not happen, because what we be the whole point in any of this system.
The PvP'er on the most part would just pick a town wouldnt vote, and do what they gotta do to get their desired Buff and thats it. ( maybe should make it to where you have to vote in order to use it, or reach a certain level of points by doing city functions in between elections.)
Might as well make a +5% SSI, or a FC1 potion, with a 24 hour timer available thru the silver trader.
Why pester the Pvp'er to come to tram at all and click on the stone?
But as a PvP'er if you knew that Governor Archibald was going to keep SSI, and not change it every week.
then you might me more inclined to vote for him if your a Dexxer.
Because if they had to switch towns and do the whole loyalty system for a new town.. OMG forget it
Im gonna vote for Archibald!...
Although it can be argued the person is voting because of the wrong reasons..its still a vote.
and who am i to judge his playstyle.
He will never care why i chose to be a governor, just as i can care less how many ppl he killed or made rage log this week...
He will go where the path of least resistance is.
if SSI suits him..then so be it..Skara he will be.
All im saying is..use that to help fund the TB.
If your a trammie PvM/ RP'er, and you get to pick what trade buff you get regardless of which town your loyal to, then it takes the 1 thing the Governor can do away..Make a decision for the town he/she was just elected to Govern.
In that type of setting, the community votes a buff, or a person runs more bullish and says..i will pick SSI
so deal with it.
You now have a choice to vote for that guy or a more democratic Governor..
Its politics.
Its community
Its a voting system.
Its about integration, coordination and activity
Its not ala carte'
Gamer as a whole need to get off this im too lazy to do anything mindset so i want it now now now.
The OP posted he didnt want to goto the city stone each day to activate the trade Buff..
Are ya kidden me?...literally takes 2 seconds.