Folks, I certainly can understand a fear of the unknown or unfamiliar. Whenever change is suggested it can be extremely uncomfortable or sound outright illogical. Regardless of what happens, I want you all to know that this was and is discussed continuously using vast amounts of information and feedback. This move is part of a larger picture that focuses on us the community as a whole and the ability to not just continue to keep Stratics alive, but to make Stratics BETTER for us all.
It may be easy to deduce that everything is fine the way things are now, but if things get stale and stagnant, and we refuse to try new things, then we will never grow stronger and we increase the likely hood of not having any UO community resource at all in the unforeseen future. I am not saying that we are in danger of dying, but history has told us that if we remain unwilling to adjust and adapt with the times and what our situation is today... then we are handicapping ourselves and limiting the amount of potential benefit of which we can bring to you, the member.
Now I am going to do something that I rarely get to do, and that is lay out my opinion for you all.
All of us are extremely lucky to have an ownership that listens and is as hands on as Ron Ron is. He works with his community and staff on a direct level, something I have not seen in many years of past ownerships. Ron cares very much about the success of Stratics and works to improve it daily through the reception of ideas from us all, and yes I say us, because WE, all of us, our all in this together and despite our differences, we all share one common line of thinking. We care very deeply about Stratics, the UO community and Ultima Online itself.
Before you suggest that I am merely "kissing the boss's proverbial "backside"" to gain good grace, please consider that I cannot sit here and tell you specifics about all the emotional, passionate and intense discussions about the direction of Stratics. I wish I could tell you all of the countless ideas suggested, debates and near fistfights that have occurred over the mulling over of these ideas behind the scenes to determine what is indeed the best way for us to go. I wish I could explain in detail to you all the countless hours, all nighters, and the pissing off of our bosses at our normal jobs so that we can determine what IS exactly the right thing to do for us all. This is no easy task folks and I wouldn't wish this level of stress on anyone.
Before you sit there and hurl any stones, shoot down or sabotage an idea that you disagree with after considering for five seconds, consider that the owner of this site by his own good grace had POSTED in a stickied thread BEFORE any of this actually rolls out notifying you all of his intentions and asking for feedback. Please consider that the ownership of Stratics has listened and reacted to the community voice not once, but several times. Our track record here has been pretty solid when it comes to the ability to listen, identify our mistakes and make corrections where necessary.
You all are damn lucky that you have the group of people you do, genuinely listening to your ideas, your feedback, your complaints, your suggestions, your rants and your philosophies. Just sit back and think how easily all of this could have come unraveled under the wrong direction, the wrong group, or the wrong goal.
We, the staff, are here because we love UO, we love Stratics and believe it or not, we love all of you, the community, and we want to see us all do nothing but succeed. I swear that when something does not seem right, we will speak up, not smile and nod and not allow ourselves to become a "yes man" or "yes women" just like you guys wont. We value the life of Stratics more than our individual positions here. We are willing to attempt new ideas, new feats, new challenges and we are willing to set new goals and strive for them, and folks, you should be willing to try those things with us. There is only one way we want to move and that is forward and we cannot do it without all of you.
Discuss on. State your opinions. Give your feedback. We will take every ounce of it with a level of seriousness which is uncommon in today's world.
Keep this topic constructive and respectful.