tbh there are already more than enough completely unvisited and empty banks/towns. Old towns used to have their own unique things, Cove didn't have a bank, it was a mining town that was commonly under attack by the headless and orcs, thus was the sort of town that not many really wanted to setup shop in or for that matter even have a bank that could have been overrun (RP gibberish). That uniqueness has been lost and continues to diminish when you simply look at a town as a layout of accessibility. When you can make a list and say "Every town should have this" then that makes no town different from any other one, and thus no reason for anyone to be on the least populated one. For example, on Baja back in the day, the perk of Vesper was that it was a good starting area, close to a graveyard, wasn't rampant with players (which could be thieves and/or suicide gankers), it was close to a good dungeon that encompassed all levels of hunting, it was a great spot for people to place their homes near and sell their wares, close enough to guardzone that is. And there was a uniqueness in it's layout that RPers enjoyed. It was a decently populated bank even without a stable, and personally in my opinion, the location of the current stables is sort of poor. There was no thought put into the immersion of a player who really gets into the game, eg: You go to a bank which is right next to a stable, which if you've ever visited a stable or barn or ranch at all, you know that they can smell awful.
*shrugs* Then again, I'm a simpleminded non-rper with little interest in such things though.