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Joining Siege Perilous - Need Advice


Stratics Veteran
Hello friends:

I have been away from official Britannia for nearly six years now. Having ventured through various free shards, and witnessing their rise and fall, I have decided I would like to return to OSI once again.

I am from Atlantic and having spent a few days there, I found myself bored quickly. I was killed during a Champion Spawn by a PK and noticed a lack of thrill when I saw the red name coming at me. After all, death would result in a paltry 6,000 gold pieces being taken from my bank box AND I had just returned from running two Scrolls of Transcendence to my Bank Box.

I want the thrill of consequential PvP coupled with the stability of a production shard. So here I am at the steps of Siege Perilous.

However, I need advice. Having only one character (well, two, because I have two accounts) seems really limiting and I want to pick my template carefully before committing. My absolute favorite thing to do in Ultima Online is conquering Champion Spawns. Do I go the route of Animal Tamer, as has been my favorite profession? Do I go the way of the Evil Necromancer and Whither my way to the top? Or is a warrior a better option?

Any input as to what template I should consider when my goal is to (a) mostly endeavor to PvM; and (b) effectively defend myself from murder, would be greatly appreciated.

Also: Are Champion Spawns here heavily camped by Murderers? On Atlantic, you would be hard pressed to not get hassled by the same red gargoyle (Draconia) no matter the time of day. But if they aren't, I may do the Animal Tamer + Necromancer combination for my two characters to solo Champion Spawns. Otherwise, I plan on my second character being a crafter.

Thank you, Siege Perilous, for your time. I look forward to the day my flesh can feed your bloodlust.



Queen of The Outlaws
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Welcome back to UO. You won't find alot red on Siege but we do have a few. If you want them to show up, tell in Gen Chat where you are hunting :devil:.
I'm not the best to help with template, but it's always good to be able to make enough gold to pay a crafter for making you the right suit, when you need a new one.

I hope you won't be dissapointed but Siege can be like a big family.

Silent Singer

Stratics Veteran
My two cents: for champ spawns, ally or join with a guild. Not so much because you need the protection but because they go more quickly and it makes getting keys for peerless easier. If you want solo temps for spawn, I think Bo generally does that and may have suggestions.

Following up on my suggestion, don't join a guild right away. Participate in General Chat, get to know the different groups a little, and ask for help when you need it. Won't take long for you to see who matches your play style best.

Also, siege has maybe the second most active shard board here on stratics. Don't be a stranger.


Stratics Veteran

Thank you for the warm welcome. I think I am really going to enjoy my time on Siege Perilous. I am leaning towards becoming an Animal Tamer.

Is there any value in Double Exceptional items from Pre-AOS? My Siege character from 2001 has a few old-style items on him. He also still has the AoS Reward Prompt!


Silent Singer

Stratics Veteran

Thank you for the warm welcome. I think I am really going to enjoy my time on Siege Perilous. I am leaning towards becoming an Animal Tamer.

Is there any value in Double Exceptional items from Pre-AOS? My Siege character from 2001 has a few old-style items on him. He also still has the AoS Reward Prompt!

Yes! Those items are collected by several folks here (myself included)....


Stratics Veteran
Yes! Those items are collected by several folks here (myself included)....
Nice! I have about ten pieces; a few weapons and some ringmail armor pieces. I will PM you if I decide to sell them for start-up gold when I get my character template ready.

You mentioned that I would most likely be doing Champion Spawns in a guild with a group. Would you suggest, then, that my second character be a crafter? And if so, which crafts are most useful? I imagine Imbuing and Blacksmithing will be top of the list.


Silent Singer

Stratics Veteran
With soul stones your template isn't necessarily limited. I have two accounts, tamer/mage and a dexxer, but both have several non-core skills stoned off for occasional use. Just depends on what you want and enjoy. Some folks have crafters only. Some hate it. Pick what you'll play the most, but again just my opinion.


Stratics Veteran
With soul stones your template isn't necessarily limited. I have two accounts, tamer/mage and a dexxer, but both have several non-core skills stoned off for occasional use. Just depends on what you want and enjoy. Some folks have crafters only. Some hate it. Pick what you'll play the most, but again just my opinion.
I had forgotten about Soul Stones. I am leaning ever more on animal taming. I am betting Advanced Character Tokens do not work on Siege Perilous. Is this correct?

Silent Singer

Stratics Veteran
Mythic tokens do work on Siege actually. I did not know that until after raising taming from 0 to 67, then I had a big ol face palm.

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mythic and Advanced tokens both work on Siege. Welcome back, if you need a mage training suit let me know. I have a few extras for Human/Elf and Gargoyle. I can also hook you up with full spellbooks for all magical schools (well except spellweaving).


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
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Welcome to Siege, Velner.

If you don´t already have a token, I´d suggest you buy a Mythic Token and not the Adv. Char token. The Mythic token offers much more freedom and higher skills when making your character.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Weed out the misinformation and good luck. Oh by the way,. we have tons of crafters. Make some friends instead of a crafter.


Stratics Veteran
Thanks for all the information! I have settled on my template for my first character:

120 Taming
120 Animal Lore
120 Veterinary
120 Magery
120 Eval Int
120 Meditation
120 Necromancy

I will sub in Necromancy when I am doing Champion Spawns via Soul Stones. I will probably be worthless in PvP, but I always have been!


Mister Sinister

Stratics Veteran
Having returned after a 7 year break myself last fall I know how you feel :)

Your template choice depends on your playstyle. You mentioned champspawns. Are you planning to solo these?
While you can solo these on your tamer or necro these templates usually have one weakpoint and that is killing the champ itself.
I still think that Sampires are the fastest solo templates to take care of the spawn and the champ.

My champspawn template is this (Thanks to Bo for giving me advice when I returned):

120 fencing
120 archery (can be switched with 120 parry on a soulstone, depending on what I hunt)
120 bushido
100 tactics
100 necro
100 anatomy (can be switched with 100 resist on a soulstone, depending on what I hunt)
60 chivalry (for divine fury and enemy of one mostly)

The 100 necro is only for vamp form (leeches 20% of the damage dealt back as hp). I prefer fencing but usually people use swords and some even like mace fighting better.

With this I use an imbued studded suit that has 70/95/70/70/75 in resists, at least 50% lower mana cost, as much stamina increase as possible, as much mana increase as possible. So basically 7 stamina increase and 7% lmc on each piece of armor is a must, everything else is added depending on imbuing slots left. On jewellery I put hci, dci, int increase, damage increase and enhance pots. Since this is Siege my suit and jewellery is not maxxed out. So all the imbuing is done without special ingredients (except for the weapons). This way I keep the costs for a suit at around 300-400k (the gems needed are the most expensive ressource).

For rat spawns I use a spellchanneling repond slayer kama (the sc-1 is only so the slimes during lvl 1 won't destroy my weapon) with hit mana leech, and hit cold area and whirlwind the spawn to death. Once the Champ has spawned I clear the area of remaining spawn, honor him, activate enemy of one, switch to my repond slayer composite bow, keep divine fury up for the SSI bonus and chain armor ignores. If he spawns ratmages and archers around me I switch to the whirlwind weapon to take them out and then go back to killing the champ with archery.

It usually takes me between 35 and 45 minutes to finish an entire champ spawn this way - and I am slow. Barracoon himself takes about 5 minutes tops. Lvl 3 usually takes a little longer because the casters need to be approached with caution.

I have used this template for all other champspawns (with the appropriate slayer weapons) except Lord Oaks (although I heard it can be done this way too). Barracoon and Rikktor are the easiest. Rikktor has slightly better loot but Barracoon is way faster because you can use the talisman for double slayer bonus (repond + vermin slayer). Neira is by far the hardest (definately need resist spells there) especially since she doesn't seem to have a slayer.

Sampire variations are also great for solo hunting. There are some exceptions though where you can't leech life back from monsters. In those cases a tamer with a greater dragon will be the better choice. Other people like to use paladin templates without vamp form and depend on life leech and other healing methods. Not sure how well these work on Siege though. Any way, hope this helps. If you have questions I'll be happy to help out.

Mister Sinister

Stratics Veteran
Tamers are also a nice choice for PvM. They're not as item heavy as the dexxers which helps and usually allow to wear great luck suits to increse the loot intensity
Thanks for all the information! I have settled on my template for my first character:

120 Taming
120 Animal Lore
120 Veterinary
120 Magery
120 Eval Int
120 Meditation
120 Necromancy

I will sub in Necromancy when I am doing Champion Spawns via Soul Stones. I will probably be worthless in PvP, but I always have been!

Tamers are also a nice choice for PvM. They're not as item heavy as the dexxers which helps and usually allow to wear great luck suits to increase the loot intensity.

Igg A Pie

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hail and welcome!! I would say if you are most comfortable with a tamer, that's the way you should go. a lot can be said for being comfortable and in addition the rewards of the finished product can be very beneficial. I mean that in terms of playability. it is a very round temp for PvE.

I also agree with silent's earlier post. don't try and join a guild right away. there are a number of them around, all with different traits. also, try to be active in general chat and here on the stratics board. get a feel for the shard and who is who. siege is filled with some great people who are willing to help and guide you along the way. if you want it of course.

anyway, welcome to siege! I look forward to seeing you. if you need something please don't be afraid to ask. they are many people willing to help!!

Max Blackoak

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for all the information! I have settled on my template for my first character:

120 Taming
120 Animal Lore
120 Veterinary
120 Magery
120 Eval Int
120 Meditation
120 Necromancy

I will sub in Necromancy when I am doing Champion Spawns via Soul Stones. I will probably be worthless in PvP, but I always have been!

Do you already have the 120 magery and eval int? If not, good luck on the magery...they drop very rarely and the last one I saw for sale was for 12 mil iirc.

A friend of mine had something like this as a rather cheap but effective necro tamer template for champ spawns:

110 magery
100 eval
100 taming
100 lore
100 necro
120 spirit speak
90 vet

he used skills on jewellery to bump necro to 110 or 120 (additional wither damage), taming and lore to 120 for taming high end creatures like greater dragons, while he only had 110 taming and lore when he would go to spawns. For the champspawn he would run around in wraith form (dmg dealth leeched back as mana) so he wouldn't need meditation and in protection so he wouldn't get interrupted. He would tear the spawn to shreds within no time with wither and the help of his GD. The only problem was the actual champ because it takes forever to kill this way. His GD would tank while he would sit back and heal, wither the spawn and cast corpse skin and fire spells if he had enough mana (he had mr on his suit but still ran out of mana all the time). For defense he would bless a sc mage weapon like staff of pyros or swords of prosperity.


Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Thanks for all the information! I have settled on my template for my first character:

120 Taming
120 Animal Lore
120 Veterinary
120 Magery
120 Eval Int
120 Meditation
120 Necromancy

I will sub in Necromancy when I am doing Champion Spawns via Soul Stones. I will probably be worthless in PvP, but I always have been!

That's 840 point, may be hard to put this missing 120 point on jewelty, tally, spellbooks and other items that allow skills on them, special when you only can Siege bless one item and may want FC/FCR on your jewelry to

I'm happy to see no hiding and stealth :p


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
That's 840 point, may be hard to put this missing 120 point on jewelty, tally, spellbooks and other items that allow skills on them, special when you only can Siege bless one item and may want FC/FCR on your jewelry to

I'm happy to see no hiding and stealth :p
I think he meant those are the skills he was going to train up, having necromancy on a stone to swap in and out with one of the others.

Bo Bo

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well sham, lookin at the skills you wanna train you have 0 passive defense. (unless you carry a - mage weapon in your hand). This means you will get creamed by anything hitting you. Choices are a negative penalty mage weapon, 100 anatomy, 120 wrestling or weapon skill. Also you added necro to your skills list, what do you plan on doing with this? If you are going to use any offensive spells you need to have spirit speak. Spirit speak is the eval for necro.

Val'lyn De'ana

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Well, I am in-game now. My name is Shamino. I Mystic Tokened a Tamer, starting: 90 Taming, 90 Lore, 90 Vet, 90 Magery, 90 Necro

I'll see you all in game!
Welcome. Smart move on the Mythic token although I'm not sure Animal Lore was a good skill to use the token for. It's one of those skills that will macro very quickly.
