I wish one day people would spend more time on Vendor search to gather a more realistic view of their "uber/crazy/best ingame/etc" artifacts. Nonetheless, that's fine :>
Also some info on the cloak, Napa Valley season 11 (2013) 50 dropped. I've seen these on vendors for 15-40m.
I mean.. if you think that ring is only worth 10m (even double, triple that) that's an extremely low valuation for piece like that. So I decided to take your advice, and do some vendor searches for something even
close to this piece, on Atlantic's vendor search. Here were my results:
(Note that not a single search included more than 4 mods, nor were any searches done for 20 HCI or 20 DCI, let alone
So perhaps, vendor search is not the solution, but rather realistic offers.