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[Discussion] Stealing My Pictures


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
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I just wanted to address this. Thank you Jason for your concern :) Ultimarares.com is for everyone to use. I expect people to steal my pictures and use it, and everyone has my permission to. I only ask that perhaps you can give props and thanks to my site on occasion because #1 it makes me feel good ^_^ #2 it spreads use of my site, so all of my hard work doesn't go to waste.

Thanks everyone,
Lady Decadence

PS. And thank you everyone who helps me get pictures up for my site!

On a side note, I have been working on the rares index, and it is almost finished. (I THINK :rolleyes:)


Stratics Veteran
I was mainly kidding....I figured with your dedication to the game that you weren't upset about someone using your pictures. I think it is silly for someone to get upset over that honestly...its not like the average screenshot takes any longer than a couple of minutes to get on the boards. People aren't stealing someones hard work and claiming it for themselves. I do on the other hand think that you do a lot of hard work on this type of stuff and that credit should be given where credit is due. Your website should absolutely be cited when someone uses your pictures. But what you do is not even in the same ballpark as these regular ole screenshots of peoples rares they are selling.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
I am the one who jacks pictures, but it's usually from whoever has already taken the screenshot of the item to sell before I get here.
I really don't think it's a big deal. I always admit I stole it. And mostly I find it particularly funny. It's a game. Folks shouldn't be taking things so seriously.
Of all the things in the world that is important, some chick stealing your screenshot to make her own sales post is like... well whatever. lol
Hilarious. Some reason now I think it's even more funny.