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Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good afternoon! I usually sleep the morning away with my new schedule so I've not been around here much. I should do it and just tease you all with my afternoons


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good Fishing Day!
Everyday is a good fishing day, just ask Governor Winfield.

DreadLord Lestat

Forum Moderator
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In Before Noon!

Good Morning! Thank you Oz and Nanoc and a Happy Father's Day to all of the other Chessy Dads as well!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good afternoon everyone !

I hope all of you dads are having a great day ! My kids just gave me a chocolate electric guitar ! *drools*

Also finished the first part of my practical motorcycle course this morning ! Going on the road in around 2 weeks ! YAY !! Zooooom...

DreadLord Lestat

Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Social Media Liaison
Wiki Moderator
Also finished the first part of my practical motorcycle course this morning ! Going on the road in around 2 weeks ! YAY !! Zooooom...
I love riding mine and I am sure that you will enjoy it as well. Just make sure you are ever vigilant because most cars pay little to no attention to motorcycles. I am not a small guy and I ride a large 1500cc cruiser that is very loud but I still have people try to share my lane, pull in front of me, or ride right up my ass. Sometimes I feel like a cat with nine lives with all of the close calls that I have had. Still, I won't sell mine and I am a daily rider, it is my sole means of transportation to and from work, by choice of course. Once you start riding, it becomes an addiction and tough to climb back into a car again lol.

And Happy Father's Day! My family took me to the movies and out to dinner!!