I have 30+ of the following from Mining my widdle fingers to the bone:
Perfect Emerald - EvilMinion: 5
Turquoise - EvilMinion: 5
Dark Sapphire - EvilMinion: 5
Fire Ruby - EvilMinion: 5
Ecru Citrine - 30 to Stussywear; EvilMinion for 5 if I can
Blue Diamond - EvilMinion: 5
Seems the lowest going Luna rate is 3K each. Am willilng to sell at 2500 gp each - up to 30 (of any) at once.
I also have 3 small pieces of Blackrock - 45K each. Sold to EvilMinion!!
Prices are somewhat negotiable.
Perfect Emerald - EvilMinion: 5
Turquoise - EvilMinion: 5
Dark Sapphire - EvilMinion: 5
Fire Ruby - EvilMinion: 5
Ecru Citrine - 30 to Stussywear; EvilMinion for 5 if I can
Blue Diamond - EvilMinion: 5
Seems the lowest going Luna rate is 3K each. Am willilng to sell at 2500 gp each - up to 30 (of any) at once.
I also have 3 small pieces of Blackrock - 45K each. Sold to EvilMinion!!
Prices are somewhat negotiable.