3 times INA ROW at different intervals Ive tried to log into my master account to check/change info and it has once AGAIN lost its mind. It does not know me or my password. REALLY? So I log into origin.com and it HAS TOO!! Nice piece of work ya'll got here. So, I request a password change and it says SUCCESS.........yeah.......ummm NO its only teasing!! STILL cannot log in either location. Origin.com lets me log in with FB, but thats no help on the master page. EFFIN ridiculous this happens over, and over, and over and.....well you get my drift! I have a paid account SINCE day ONE, FIX this for gods sake or Ima shut it down. Would like to update my CC so it keeps giving you my money, but this is pissing me off ROYALLY! This will be the 3rd time I have to get 3 canned responses of answers that will help NOT before I can get someone LIVE to email and hopefull as the last two times, fix this crap AGAIN. However this will be the last time. Ill shut both of em down, wont matter to ea or BS Im guessing, but I dont suppose I figure it would. So, ball in your court, question is, you want my damn money or not?????? Yes I sent the request, now waiting first canned response, the wheels of BS go round and round, round and.........