@Alexander of ATL. , I appreciate your words. And you are always welcome on Chessie. What matters to us is that folks respect each other, and the EMs, regardless of which server we call home.
Sad to say, many of us (I include myself here) who collect rares have behaved quite badly at Chessie events, as well as on other servers (Oceania has similar feelings). It's only a small number of players, but their impact is magnified by the number of characters each runs at events, and the constant flapping and blocking wings of their gargoyles and greater dragons. This has tarred all who play events on other servers than home with a deserved dislike by the local populations.
When an EM has to stop an event in the middle, and break RP, because behaviours are out of control, it should be a caution to us. When this happens repeatedly, we should not be surprised at the poor welcome we receive. Happily, at least, I don't think I've ever witnessed anyone on Chessie being attacked at an event simply for being there, only when that person's poor behaviour has broken the norms. Unlike in RL, there's little people can do when social norms are broken other than to voice their objections.
I understand your feelings regarding this event on Chessie. I simply disagree that the solution is to then bar Chessie's EMs from doing what they're doing. I've seen EMs on other shards help out at player events. Imho, the answer is far closer to what you suggest - not making all the other shards' EMs
stop, but to get Bennu to
start helping on Atlantic, or else to add more EMs to Atlantic to help cover the workload.