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[Discussion] Cards


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Wanted to know the origin of these please. I do not have a picture to post but its 3 maybe 4 cards{ like playing cards} facing west and fanned out. Thanks for any info on this item.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Siege is gonna be a totally different price range since gold is not as easy to get there?


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Does anyone know what they would sell on prodo shards? I'll probably never sell it on Siege but a price tag would be nice to know.

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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I think they are about 30-40m or so, but not completely sure.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks @Captn Norrington , One would think it would be a higher price but i had no clue so some info is better then no info.
im not sure the exact style you have, but i would put the value of fanned cards (on production shard) more like around 60 - 100. again, the price is always what someone is willing to pay at the time.