Here is my problem...
I play on Pacific. We have an event going on here shortly. I stopped going to them! Why?.... Well, let me explain.
Problem 1
I play every other week, for a full week at a time (yeah I have no life) and around probably 12 hours a day at no set time starting and ending. I have a lot of friends on this shard and in probably one of the most active and largest guild on Pacific. I see a handfull of people outside my guild on a daily basis. JUST a handful. Pacific isn't much of a player active shard, but it's not the most dead either. Yet, the people I see on pacific on a daily basis are NOT the majority people seen at events. This is the first problem I have. Out of say 15-20 people in our guild alone who play almost daily, there might be 3 people who go to these events, and maybe 2-3 people from our alliance. Most of the people I see at events are people I NEVER see playing on pacific.
Problem 2
I have two pure role toons. What i mean is, I have 2 toons who's skills are capped and are very decent and high damaging roles that are not gimped. The problem with me going to these events is simple. I'm NOT a TAMER! When you go to these events, you will see a mass of people (see Problem 1). So many that the fights are laggy as hell, with a really nice rig and an 18meg connection. Not only that, but you have to Ctrl Shift just to see the boss or mob beneath a SEA of dragons!! You realise how much more laggy it becomes when you have to do this just to see a boss's name so you have at least a target? What happens is, the screen freezes up for 10-20 seconds because it has my CPU working overtime trying to get all the names up on the screen. And even if you're lucky enough to be able to get past the lag issue, you have a hell of a time trying to see the name aside from every blasted dragon and person in one tight ball of death. That's another problem in itself.
Problem 3
With so many people, who dont even play your shard, and so many tamers/dragons, the chances of you being able to target and do damage to the mob is nearly impossible.. Even if I DID have a tamer. Tamers simply send their pets to do their damage while people like me who have no pets, have to get up close and personal to a boss who will kill you in one hit/special move. So it's OooOOOOooOOooOo then run like hell to find a healer, or someone to heal, which these people who dont play your shard know, if you're dead, more loot for them, so no rez. Then if you can get a rez.... Here comes the next special move from the boss and you're dead again. Aside from that, you have hell finding your body. If you can find your body... Guess what??? It's next to the boss where you died before and then suddenly.... OoooOOooOOooO all over again. I walked out of an event with one boss I didn't even get to touch because I couldn't find him in a sea of people, with over 20 death robes. That was due to a healer being so close to the damn mob in the first place, but at least I had a rez. Just instant constant death and no way to heal because my bandages were on the first body lost in a sea of dead bodies, dragons and people.
Problem 4
I've done so many events in the last year and I've not gotten one bloody drop.. EVER. You would say I suck... I say it's unfair. I've gotten to beat on these boss mobs a bit, but I can't compare with someone who has 6 accounts and 6 dragons. Random you say? I say total BS. Why? Because... Oddly enough, ALWAYS the same people are in chat bragging about the drop they just got. ALWAYS THE SAME people. One of which thinks she's the gods gift to the shard and is a governor, yet acts more like a 16 year old child in heat on chat all day and night long. Somehow, she ends up with a house full of event items that she brags about constantly. How is this possible? I say she's shmoozin with the GM.
Problem 5
Hey, I'm all about people from other countries, other ethnic groups and what not, but how is it fun when you cant even understand what the GM is saying half the time? When he takes on the role of one of the main characters in the event, you can't understand anything he says because the english is so broken it's just silly. For some reason events are always seeming to be lead by governors which is ok by me, but when you put a "look at me" person running around, barking rules at the common folk, it gets just a little too pathetic for my taste. With the exception of a couple, most of the governors are asses to people who are around them daily, yet they some how get the votes to fill those roles, when everyone I know distance themselves from those same people. Who are voting for these people?
Final Problem
It's pointless to go "eventing" when all you get out of it are piles of death robes, piles of lag, and more than your fill of eating humble pie from those that brag constantly about how many event items they get who would gladly sell them to you for not millions but billions of gold. I mean the ones that actually play on the shard, who always seem to have way more castles combines than all the people who actually play the shard and are treated like their own personal peasants.
Yeah i may be a lil jaded, but what I dont have is all the stress dealing with those same greedy people who always seem to come out on top during these events and always walking away from an event feeling less than a loser because I feel like I've done my part in an event that I walk away from with more busted up armor, death robes and "haha I got another event item... You can have it for 1 billion gold. Go look... it's on the floor of one of my castles", since I've decided to stay far away from them. I don't even go to see what it's about anymore.
My suggestion... How about an event where everyone can participate. How about mobs that are plenty enough where it doesn't take 20 dragons to kill it, more people can split up some and take on their own mobs, get a chance at an item by those mobs that wont kill you in one attack, instead of drops from one master mob that kills everything and everyone in seconds. It's stupid and pointless going against something you have to solo when most of the people there are sending their pets after it to do the damage for them and walk out with maybe a dead dragon, but a real chance of getting something melee types don't havea chance in hell for. Even mages without pets suffer the same because they have to be close enough to hit the bloody thing, who also have less defence and lower hitpoints. So it's even worse for them.
Another suggestion... How about event participation tokens. Cash them in for random event items. Or even a point accumulation for a random chance of actually getting an item. At least that way it'll be fair all the way around.
Till you guys come up with a better way of participation, I honestly could care less for events. I rather my attraction to the game remain friend based, being around good people, newbies because most are not selfish and people who actually care about one another rather than what they can sell and show off to you. Of course, the attraction gets less and less each day, but hey, I'll stick it out till I loose all interest all together and GIVE my stuff away to those fine decent people around me.
Well that's my rant. I'll goto bed now. One more event passing without the ability to frustrate me and make me hate the game just a lil more.
Thanks for listening!