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[Discussion] Picking New Shard Shields (Around The World Transfers)

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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I have been doing the around the world free transfers for people, and I just got my veteran rewards. I have 2 available right now, and will be getting 2 more in about a month for a total of 4 new shard shields. Was wondering which new shard shields I should get? If anyone needs anything transferred from any of the shards below I'd be happy to pick those shards.

So, which shards should I pick?

Shard shields I do not have:
(can pick 2 of these, already picked the first two)


Wakoku (Picked It)
Yamato (Picked It)
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Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
no one seems to ever have wakoku. (me and alexander have been looking) if your planning on using the shields for actual game content tho maybe not the best pick, but for overall transfer service (for me and alex and least) might be one to think about :)

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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no one seems to ever have wakoku. (me and alexander have been looking) if your planning on using the shields for actual game content tho maybe not the best pick, but for overall transfer service (for me and alex and least) might be one to think about :)
To be honest I'll probably never use any of them for anything except doing transfers, maybe an event or two, so will be happy to pick Wakoku for you guys :)

Yamato and Formosa seem pretty popular to.

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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Stratics Legend
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I have picked Wakoku and Yamato as my first two. Still not sure which to pick on the others, but am leaning towards Formosa and Sakura since the majority of people so far have seemed to like those two.

Since the shields start with one token each, I have added Wakoku to the list of shards I'll visit during round 3 next week.

@Alexander of ATL.
@Sinder Shayde

If anyone needs anything transferred from Yamato I would be happy to add that as well :)