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A sad day on Baja

Mama Faith

Lore Keeper
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Before I continue, let me say that Old Man is alive and well IRL but after months of thinking it over, he has chosen to leave the game after 17 years. Though this is "just a game" to many and he has his legitimate reasons, this hit us hard. Old Man (also known as Ral) was a part of our history. He and his sister, Sinder, were the first two players to befriend me on Baja and I feel like a piece of my heart was ripped out. Thankfully, friends talked him out of dropping his houses and are keeping them in the hopes that he'll return to us. Old Man was the guild leader of UTB since it was passed on to him by Anakin, many years ago. The guild leadership has now passed on to SheHitMeFirst and the guildstone is standing proudly in her house. The Doom Train will continue in Old Man's honor for as long as there's interest in doing it.

I will personally miss Old Man, deeply. He is a friend and was a wonderful guildmate. He was there to lend an ear and one of those rare people who really cared. We've shared many laughs and yes, even tears as life turned on us. Thank you, Old Man, for bringing so much to so many. Life has been blessed by knowing you and my hope is that you will return to us. Be well, Godspeed, and may your life be blessed. *deep curtsey with hand over heart*

Old Man.jpg

Old Man was disappointed to find out that he couldn't ride the pink stuffy horse.
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The Slug

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Oh hell no, he needs to come back asap. I took a quick peek inside a few boxes in his castle, sheesh I don't wanna be responsible! But sadly, barring that if any of OM's friends or alliance mates post here please get with me at some point. If I have to be responsible for doling things out, which I don't want to, I want to make sure his stuff goes to people he liked and respected, and will be appreciated. but not yet lol.


Stratics Legend
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meees no knows himz but sad to see a long time vet lebin


Stratics Veteran
mees bees bery sad himz lebes. We'ves guts our king ozog himz da oldest ob eberyone oldar den mama faifh

The Slug

Stratics Veteran
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mees bees bery sad himz lebes. We'ves guts our king ozog himz da oldest ob eberyone oldar den mama faifh
I dunno you ain't no spring chicken, err goblin, yourself. *runs and hides*


UO Baja News Reporter
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I wish him well but hope the UO Bug will bite him and he will return.

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
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He has done so much for the shard over the years that Baja has much to be thankful for.
It was a last minute decision but he left his two castles under the guardianship of Mama Faith and Sluggy with the understanding that they are to remain whole until he makes his final decision. I think he chose wisely to do such.

Often, but not often enough, we see folk return finding out that the grass is really not greener on the other side and the reasons they spent 17 years here are decidedly more than 'it's just pixels'.

When someone whom you never met irl leaves the game it can be heart wrenching. When someone whom you never met irl but has been a part of your life for 17 years in a game called UO it can be devastating. While I hate the pain I have to honor the decision that Old Man has made. I didn't know him well. I know many of you did. My heart goes out to each and everyone of you.

I hope that those that can, will be at Sunday's "Old Mans Doom Run" to honor He that has given much.

*lifts a glass of Fig's Finest and salutes Old Man*

Safe Travels Friend
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Xelious Norwood

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I have known Old Man for years now. This is a shock to me! Old Man was one of the players that you could count on for pretty much whatever you needed help with. I really hope he makes a return. It saddens me to see such great players gone/leaving from UO and yet some just wont leave. LOL!
Joking aside, whatever he does decide in the future I hope he is able to enjoy life to the fullest.

War Wizard

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Ahhhh... Old Friend (Man), PLEASE at the very least keep an active acct. We will miss you all too much.... and I am sure you would like to peek your head into the game once in a blue moon.

Your Friend,
Sid Vicious
AKA Ric Flair, Sir Astro, etc...


Slightly Crazed
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Take care Old Man!~

There will be many who miss you and that special something you brought to the shard.