Every story has two sides...
Every lie has a truth...
I've never been much of a goblin liking individual. I find their mannerisms repulsive. However, news reached
my ears about a goblin who's been dabbling in the Dark Arts to appease the goblin lords to help him win an
election for governorship. As ridiculous as that even sounds, it piqued my curiosity...
As a purveyor of secrets I shadowed the source of these accusation in search of more secrets...
I lay and wait for two days as nothing interesting seems to happen.
Finally, I notice him acting a bit peculiar than he had the last two nights. As he exits the bank on the east
side of Britain, I notice he's lugging a few hefty sacks. He stopped by the stable to fetch a pack horse. From
there he headed southeast into the woods.
There were times that I thought he may have noticed my presence, I was still confident that he wouldn't be
able to reveal me.
Then he cast a portal...and so The Shadow followed...
The Orc Cave...
"Why the Orc Cave?" I asked myself...to farm yeast for liquor, why else.
Then, out from the cave emerged an Orc which he had slain with powerful magic...out came another Orc,
surely this was how he farmed for yeast.
But, this was no farming excursion...
This was a meeting.
A meeting of secrets...
"Toofjaw" he said...they know each other?
"Murdok" the Orc responded. "Toofjaw do wut Murdok wunz"...what is it the this orc did for Murdock,
and what does he have for the orc?
My curiosity is starting to get the better of me, I decide to find out what's in the packy.
Utilizing my skills I manage to stealth over undetected and snoop into the packs...iron ingots?
What is happening here...
According to this conversation, the ingots are to restock the orcs with weapons. So that they can invade Yew.
Like I said before...
Secrets are everywhere.
I believe it's time for me to leave...as I started to make my retreat, I was able to catch this little secret...
the one that piqued my curiosity from the beginning.
As I must reiterate, I've never been much towards the liking of goblins.
But every story has two sides...
Every lie has a truth...
Every lie has a truth...
I've never been much of a goblin liking individual. I find their mannerisms repulsive. However, news reached
my ears about a goblin who's been dabbling in the Dark Arts to appease the goblin lords to help him win an
election for governorship. As ridiculous as that even sounds, it piqued my curiosity...
As a purveyor of secrets I shadowed the source of these accusation in search of more secrets...
I lay and wait for two days as nothing interesting seems to happen.
Finally, I notice him acting a bit peculiar than he had the last two nights. As he exits the bank on the east
side of Britain, I notice he's lugging a few hefty sacks. He stopped by the stable to fetch a pack horse. From
there he headed southeast into the woods.
There were times that I thought he may have noticed my presence, I was still confident that he wouldn't be
able to reveal me.
Then he cast a portal...and so The Shadow followed...
The Orc Cave...
"Why the Orc Cave?" I asked myself...to farm yeast for liquor, why else.
Then, out from the cave emerged an Orc which he had slain with powerful magic...out came another Orc,
surely this was how he farmed for yeast.
But, this was no farming excursion...
This was a meeting.
A meeting of secrets...
"Toofjaw" he said...they know each other?
"Murdok" the Orc responded. "Toofjaw do wut Murdok wunz"...what is it the this orc did for Murdock,
and what does he have for the orc?
My curiosity is starting to get the better of me, I decide to find out what's in the packy.
Utilizing my skills I manage to stealth over undetected and snoop into the packs...iron ingots?
What is happening here...
According to this conversation, the ingots are to restock the orcs with weapons. So that they can invade Yew.
Like I said before...
Secrets are everywhere.
I believe it's time for me to leave...as I started to make my retreat, I was able to catch this little secret...
the one that piqued my curiosity from the beginning.
As I must reiterate, I've never been much towards the liking of goblins.
But every story has two sides...
Every lie has a truth...