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[Discussion] Old x-mas items


Stratics Veteran
I have a few items in my collection that i cannot lock down. I believe they are all from the 97' 98' x-mas gift collections.... Wrist watch and spam come to mind....My question is...are all of the x-mas items from that period flawed in this way...They seem to be more or less useless items if they cannot be locked down don't they? Anyways, I'd appreciate any input I can get from anyone on this matter. If there is any way around this or maybe even just some info on what other items in this game cannot be locked down....any info would be appreciated... Thanks a bunch!


Slightly Crazed
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This was an early side effect of "newbie blessed" items. they decay quickly when placed on the ground, so they made them so they couldnt be locked down (because if you did, they would decay anyway)


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
FYI what most people do is put them in a container and lock said container down (not secure) and set the security to "anyone" then anyone can open it and look at them, but they cant pick up or use the items inside.


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
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i've also heard - though I never done it... put them in a wooden container and lock said container down and then axe the box. I would try that on the test shard before doing it in "real UO life".


Stratics Veteran
i've also heard - though I never done it... put them in a wooden container and lock said container down and then axe the box. I would try that on the test shard before doing it in "real UO life".

I have not tried this way before but i have friends who have done this with items and it does work.


Babbling Loonie
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I have not tried this way before but i have friends who have done this with items and it does work.
Hmmm. I've tried it, and it won't let me axe the box if it is locked down - says "locked down resources cannot be used". Is there a trick to this, or did it get changed?


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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Aye, iirc they changed that a long while back. You can axe crates and bags - only way to place some things like rubbles - but they can't be locked down at the time now.


Stratics Veteran
Yeah I tried it but am also getting the message that "locked down resources cannot be used" when i try to smash the crate...so if i cant lock the box down...then I suppose this trick is not usable anymore then right? At least not for the purpose of locking down these "unlockable" items...