Tbh, I´d like to see a list on the Siege boards of all the names on the "unused" houses. Maybe that way we can scratch some of the names of that list off and come to the conclusion that it wasn´t that many after all. Who knows...
About this house change, if I remember correctly, before it went live most Siege (board) players wanted a refresh option but Mesanna gave an answer ,that I can´t remember, on why there would be no refresh option. Maybe it was too time consuming to get it right and they wanted to release the second house feature as soon as possible. Again, my memory is vague on this so...
About the new players not finding "good" spots. If you really want to play Siege, a house in Malas or wherever will do just fine as a first house. And then when you get more and more established there you can start aiming for a "better" spot by hoping for IDOCs or asking other house owners to buy their spots.
I can understand that for someone like Lore Denin who has a specific colony plan in mind that it might be harder but for single new players it really shouldn´t be an issue.
And yes, we have most likely ended up with some unused dirt plots because of this change but I´m quite sure we have also gained some new faces that wouldn´t have come if it wasn´t for this change.
So sometimes you´ll have to take the bitter with the sweet and all that...