I've been playing UO not quite 10 years. I have talked to Mesanna exactly 3 times in-game: (1) A few years ago when she met me on Origin to repair the stats of a character of mine that got messed up testing a new publish; (2) for about half a second on Siege a few years ago when she popped in at the end of EM Drosselmeyer's meet-and-greet; and (3) a month or two ago on Great Lakes when I asked a couple of questions when the dev team did their Q&A session there. I've PM'd her two times: (1) To reply to her message to me that preceded our in-game meeting on Origin mentioned in #1 of the previous sentence; and (2) to ask her to please get in touch with an older player on Baja who was very distraught about difficulties he was having managing his accounts under the new account management system. I've e-mailed Mesanna two times that I can think of: (1) to give her account information quite a few years ago to get into the SA beta test; and (2) after meeting with her on Origin to fix my bugged character there, sending her my account information to confirm whether or not something was buggy about being able to submit a help request for those accounts.
I don't rub elbows with Mesanna in-game. I don't have her ICQ number. I don't have ICQ numbers for any of the other dev team members. I am not and never plan to be an EM or an Advisor. I am not a Facebook "friend" to anyone on the dev team. I don't chat with them on Skype. If they hear from me at all, it is likely to be from reading a post I made here on Stratics that everyone else gets to read too or because they sent me a PM about something I posted. I'm pretty sure that if I sent Mesanna an e-mail message out of the blue trying to convince her to do something or change something, she probably would have trouble figuring out who in the heck the message came from or to figure out whether or not it merited any kind of special attention and she might not even bother to read it because, to her, I'm probably just one more dime-a-dozen player among thousands.