I'm so annoyed by this I'm beyond words. But I might be able to find a few, lol. NONE of the new stuff shows up in vendor search! Much of the old stuff doesn't show up in search. No marble bars, crystal skulls, forged artwork, nothing! What should have been one of the greatest features ever has turned to crap. If I want a Blackthorn bunny I can find it on an internet UO search engine (Maybe hire *that* guy) but our dev team can't seem to pull it off. Some internet web site will show me a kitten or puppy if I want to buy one. Can I get this in game? Nooooo! If you don't have a Luna vendor the search in UO is our life's blood. I kept thinking this is such a great feature it wouldn't get forgotten and ignored. I was wrong. Come on guys, pull it together and do this right. It's important. Thank you.