doubt it was avaialble on siege... if it was then it was really dumb move
Here is the description of the Mythic token:
Immediate access.
This token is an improved version of the Advanced character token. There are no templates to dictate points which means 5 skills can be set to 90. This token will also allow you to set your stats to 225. If you have more than 200 skill points on your character you will not be able to use this token.
To claim your Item Token, simply follow these steps once you have received your code:
• Start up Ultima Online with the character you'd like to claim the token.
• Open your paperdoll (or character window) and click on the "Help" button.
• Click the "Promotional Code" button at the bottom of the Help window.
• Enter your Token Code EXACTLY as it appears when it was e-mailed to you.
• Your code will be verified and if valid, a Token will be placed in your inventory bag.
• These Tokens are transferable and can be traded or given to others.
Here is the description of the Advanced token:
Get up and running.
Every Ultima Online player knows how tough it is to create a new character. It can take weeks or months to develop the skills and experience your character needs to survive the many challenges of Ultima. But now, you can get an Advanced Character right away by purchasing this code.
The code gives you immediate access to the Advanced Character templates, so your character can be up, running, and charging into the nearest dungeon right away. You can use the Advanced Character code on any character that has less than 200 total skill points. No longer must you slog through the time-consuming chore of building a well-rounded, experienced character. Get into the game immediately with the Ultima Online Advanced Character code.
To get your Advanced Character Code, simply follow these steps:
1. Start the game, create a new character, and enter the game world with that character. This is the character that will be transformed into an advanced character.
2. Open your paperdoll (or character window) and click on the Help button.
3. Click the Claim Promotional Item button at the top of the Help window.
4. Enter your Advanced Character Code exactly as it appeared when it was emailed to you.
5. Your code will be verified and, if valid, an Advanced Character Token will be placed in your inventory bag.
6. Click on the token and you’ll be given access to all the advanced character templates. Select the one you want and your character will be transformed.
* This program is available on all shards (except) for Siege Perilous and Mugen. I added except since it's a typo
* You can only use the Advanced Character Token on a character with less than 200 total skill points. If you try and use the token on a character with more than 200 skills points, there will be no refunds.
* Be Careful: It is possible to trade the advanced character token to another player, put it on a vendor, or sell it for in-game gold.
The Mythic says nothing about Siege or Mugen.