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Farewell and following seas

Ron Bron

Former President
Stratics Veteran

This is a special announcement to recognize the tremendous contribution that has been made to our community, over years of service by the following people:

Petra Fyde
Lady Tia
Shamus Turlough
Amber Witch

As many have heard, these staff members have decided to resign. I am new to the community, so I have not met all of them, but I was very impressed by the ones I did (Petra, Tazar, Lady Tia, Kelmo, Shamus). For those that I never met, I will just judge them by the excellent resource and community strength they have left us with. It took talented, motivated, and selfless people like these to develop Stratics to where it is today.

This is a great time to reach out in appreciation to these community members for the legacy they have left us. Find them in the forums and inside the game and wish them well. I'm sure their guilds and game friends will appreciate having them back after they've been on loan to Stratics for so long.

It is going to be hard to fill the deficit left by our veteran staff members, but we thank them all the same and will do our best to carry the community in their absence. It is a sad time, but exciting to see so many other community members willing to do what they can to help fill the hole. We offer our best in tribute to those who have gone before us!

Farewell Petra. Farewell Magdalene. Farewell Watchertoo. Farewell Tazar. Farewell Lady Tia. Farewell Frarc. Farewell Kelmo. Farewell Flair. Farewell Faeryl. Farewell Ericasquill. Farewell Shamus. Farewell Amber Witch.

We'll leave chair for you at the table.

Ron Bron
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Mandrake of DF

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You should put up a memorial page for old veteran worker's, mod's and reporter's!

Some of them did a change to the game and built this forums to be the Nr 1 Fan site of Ultima Online.

We miss you all!!!
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*Hugs Amber Witch*

I don't think he meant to leave you out - but you still have your staff badge. They've not finished processing your paperwork.

Mandrake of DF

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*Hugs Amber Witch*

I don't think he meant to leave you out - but you still have your staff badge. They've not finished processing your paperwork.
Thank you for all your effort with the rest of the team!!! Its been a pleasure to be a member here!

To work for a continous game is a fairytale, sometime you have to let it go...i am still counting 17 yrs on my game...and I will count more I hope. But cant do with same love and compassion as I did before.

Life meets a crossroad, and you have to choose a path!

Safe journeys!!!


~ Mandrake
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
As I posted elsewhere....

I know I have been seen as an enemy from time to time due to my work and affiliation with UOForums. That being said, as a former Stratics' staff member from 2005-2009, it breaks my heart to see this happening, no matter the reasons (yeah there was an exodus then too, I'm not missed, I know).

Therefore, I wish to thank all the previous staff who are resigning, some of whom were staff when I was staff, for all their hardwork throughout the years. Most of the time it's grueling and thankless and some of you probably felt like you were shat on for it. It will be a loss felt by the community for a very long time.

I wish you well in your future endeavors and I hope to still communicate with those of you i know on a regular basis.

Light laughter and sweet water.


Site Support
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
Ok, anyone else wondering why ALL of these mods left? Ron wtf did you do?


Ok, anyone else wondering why ALL of these mods left? Ron wtf did you do?
Please do not wonder what @Ron Bron did - all he did was buy Stratics. He's not even been around long enough to meet everyone nor share his vision for Stratics. Any issues were are not about Ron. Personally - I did get a chance to meet him (remotely via Skype) and I like what I see. I hope he does well and I wish him the best.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow...I popped in after I couldn't get the Stratics page to load....wow...just wow.

Things do change, and it isn't always necessarily for the best. It could be, but losing legacy folks...and lots of them... like that is not typically indicative of a something great on the horizon, in my experiences.


Site Support
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator
Wow...I popped in after I couldn't get the Stratics page to load....wow...just wow.

Things do change, and it isn't always necessarily for the best. It could be, but losing legacy folks...and lots of them... like that is not typically indicative of a something great on the horizon, in my experiences.
Many have said it has little to do with plans going forward or with the new ownership of Stratics, so please don't read too much into things. Lets leave this post as a place to thank them for their contributions and honor the time they spent dedicating a portion of their lives for the enjoyment of all.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Many have said it has little to do with plans going forward or with the new ownership of Stratics, so please don't read too much into things. Lets leave this post as a place to thank them for their contributions and honor the time they spent dedicating a portion of their lives for the enjoyment of all.
Please do not wonder what @Ron Bron did - all he did was buy Stratics. He's not even been around long enough to meet everyone nor share his vision for Stratics. Any issues were are not about Ron. Personally - I did get a chance to meet him (remotely via Skype) and I like what I see. I hope he does well and I wish him the best.
Feel free to PM me about the issues were. If you don't wish to discuss it thats fine. Thanks for your (and everyone elses's) time spent here over the years.

Stratics would not be what it is today.

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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Campaign Supporter
Yes but is he a solo owner or a part of something like facebook? Forgive me if I have missed this info in the past, I do not get around to reading the main boards much.
I could be wrong, but I think he is the solo owner, like Taylor was.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
bye... thanks for your time and imput .. i don't get it... but sometimes people like to follow or just support ones reason for leaving. or take the time to leave with someone else in that perfect moment.

like when your daddy is upset... so you break the news while he is mad that your pregnant... ha

Guardian KX

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
GOOD DAY! Of all the people that choked me silent in the most absolute unfair ways, of all the people that ran the population of Siege off the game, and of all the people that had NO fair sense of good judgment.
Too you I say "GOOD DAY"!

Long Live UO and the shard Siege Perilous.

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some of the Mods Ill actually be glad to see the back of. Over the years their god complex has just grown and grown to the point where moderation wasnt carried out fairly or evenly. They had their favourites, they had threads which they closed because 'they could' rather than a legitimate reason, they hid behind the fact that they werent accountable and their decisions couldnt be questioned. Their egos were as sickening as the sycophants (their favourites) who fawned over them.

So good riddance to most of them. You know who you are. Welcome to being one of the masses you lorded it over with your self importance.

It seems the new owner might have a pair and has cut out some of the blight, or at least laid down the way forward which the dinosaurs couldnt handle when they realised their egotistical personalities didnt have a place in the new order

Maybe we will get some fresh faces in who Im sure will carry out the role as it was intended (even handedly) and who realise it isnt all about them.
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Lady Storm

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
:( Change is never liked when friends are involved.... these people I consider my friends.:grouphug:

Let me explain why your getting so much flack....:whip:

The sale for one came out of the blue for many. As I said change is hard when you are so comfortable with the status quo.
The second of this was the abrupt move of servers... you must admit the timing was very bad as the followers of Stratics are concerned.
Then the leaving of many who filled in the cracks and made Stratics a working engine...
Petra and the gang who kept us in line, helped us recover our poise when things in UO got bad... and made the boards a place to call home.
:snoopy: This is my heart in hopes they find peace and enjoy their game play.

I do not need to know why all left the boards that is a personal thing and I give them that inch of space.
Dont make more of things is all I say then there is.
For those who are happy the "heavy hand" s are gone... Some of us dont think they were heavy enough on some things.
To continue to ask why is :bdh:.
It is none of our business why.
Petra Fyde
Lady Tia
Shamus Turlough
Amber Witch
I wish you all the best and dont be strangers my friends.

Lady Storm

Morpheus Mardox

UO Chesapeake News Manager
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Farewell to some great folks, you will be missed! Thank you all so very much for your help and immense contributions to our world! Please keep in touch


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Interesting choice of words ..... Farewell and following seas. The normal term of fair winds and following seas, usually means have an easy sail /passage. (Which is the way it might have been meant.) Leaving off the Fair Winds part, makes this more of an ominous message.

Following seas, in high winds can be some of the most treacherous sailing one can do. It can turn a boat sideways, swamp it and even possibly make the bow plow under the wave ahead. So maybe his statement wasn't so politically correct. Perhaps a Freudian slip and his real meaning was spoken.

Just an observation. I'll go back to lurking now.


Voodoo Bad Mojo

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Interesting choice of words ..... Farewell and following seas. The normal term of fair winds and following seas, usually means have an easy sail /passage. (Which is the way it might have been meant.) Leaving off the Fair Winds part, makes this more of an ominous message.

Following seas, in high winds can be some of the most treacherous sailing one can do. It can turn a boat sideways, swamp it and even possibly make the bow plow under the wave ahead. So maybe his statement wasn't so politically correct. Perhaps a Freudian slip and his real meaning was spoken.

Just an observation. I'll go back to lurking now.

Get back in your cage!!!


Stratics Veteran
Usually what happens when someone buys a company is fire staff who have been here for a long time so they don't have to keep them on board since they know everything and how the Stratics system works... Sometimes followed by bringing in their own buddies(which isn't happening here thank god) giving them the peoples old jobs who got fired.

Usually after people see that is when you see others leave due to the fact they dislike the new owner for doing that....

I notice the trend far too often when it comes to owners changing hands, be it a business, forum, website, blog, etc. :( I honestly wish none of them left. I still feel like Taylor bailed out on this site because he runs The Noobist, though.


Stratics Veteran
Holy smokes! :eek:

ok then bye guys, been nice being on the forums with you, and thanks for all your work for a really long time .... :(

hello new owner :blushing: ....... i hope?
well willing to see how things work out i guess...

.....just wondering is this the reason so many of my handy-dandy reference pages on uo2.stratics are missing? any idea when they'll be back?

and why do the forums seem so empty? seems like lots of recent stuff is missing also? i dunno maybe its just my imagination that the forums seem emptier....

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
and why do the forums seem so empty? seems like lots of recent stuff is missing also? i dunno maybe its just my imagination that the forums seem emptier....
There's still alot of people who haven't come back yet from the week long server maintenance downtime. They haven't realized the site is back up and running again yet. I'm sure they will start showing up in the next couple weeks.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow...I popped in after I couldn't get the Stratics page to load....wow...just wow.

Things do change, and it isn't always necessarily for the best. It could be, but losing legacy folks...and lots of them... like that is not typically indicative of a something great on the horizon, in my experiences.
Wow, there's a name I haven't seen in years!!


UO Producer | Dark OverLady
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To all those that are no longer here, I want to personally thank you for all your dedication to UO and the hard work and long hours you have put into UO. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have my respect and appreciation. *hugs*


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
:( Change is never liked when friends are involved.... these people I consider my friends.:grouphug:

Let me explain why your getting so much flack....:whip:

The sale for one came out of the blue for many. As I said change is hard when you are so comfortable with the status quo.
The second of this was the abrupt move of servers... you must admit the timing was very bad as the followers of Stratics are concerned.
Then the leaving of many who filled in the cracks and made Stratics a working engine...
Petra and the gang who kept us in line, helped us recover our poise when things in UO got bad... and made the boards a place to call home.
:snoopy: This is my heart in hopes they find peace and enjoy their game play.

I do not need to know why all left the boards that is a personal thing and I give them that inch of space.
Dont make more of things is all I say then there is.
For those who are happy the "heavy hand" s are gone... Some of us dont think they were heavy enough on some things.
To continue to ask why is :bdh:.
It is none of our business why.
Petra Fyde
Lady Tia
Shamus Turlough
Amber Witch
I wish you all the best and dont be strangers my friends.

Lady Storm
This is why only the same 25 people post here cause of all the mods you mentioned they have friends an if you did not agree with them...You got a ban so im happy to see them go an get new unbias opions here. But on the same hand they did make stratics what it was an it was a one way ride there way or the highway so thank you ron for buying the site...Maybe now our guild can post here without the posts getting deleted within seconds..Many of us read an know the R.O.C an understand what we read very well....But in short we have broke no laws an have been punished so lady storm if it is noones concern then why say thank you an farewell ?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree with stuiicide as he has some VERY valid points.

The stifling of important discussions before they reached any sort of conclusion or resolution was one of the main contributing factors which lead us to the mess of a game/community we have today.

I have a little more hope for this game now that they are gone -- their elitism and biased modding practices were a cancer to our community, good riddance!

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
The stifling of important discussions before they reached any sort of conclusion or resolution was one of the main contributing factors which lead us to the mess of a game/community we have today.

I have a little more hope for this game now that they are gone -- their elitism and biased modding practices were a cancer to our community, good riddance!
You realize that the people who quit volunteered for Stratics only right....they had nothing to do with UO other than being normal players (and they all still play) So, who volunteers for Stratics, or who quits Stratics, does not affect the actual game at all. The way you wrote that it sounds like you believe that the Stratics mods who quit are the one and only reason why UO isn't popular anymore lol.


Stratics Veteran
The R.O.C has some points that are largely up to interpretation and I have to admit that there has been times were I have questioned some modding decisions. Be that as it may these guys knows the community better than me, and also volunteered.

We owe them thanks for donating to us, their valuable time.
Time spent does not get returned, it can only be compensated by gratitude.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To all those that are no longer here, I want to personally thank you for all your dedication to UO and the hard work and long hours you have put into UO. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have my respect and appreciation. *hugs*
*stomps foot* I want a Mesanna hug too!

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Wow, your Stratics badges are pretty dang impressive now lol. Assuming you bought Stratics Pro and donated something to get the supporter badge, you would have 8 badges counting the guild. That's probably a record for the site heh.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Petra goes where I go, we have this love, hate thing. I love her, she hated me.

For serious I dont believe it, maybe cos i haven't really read the thread but nah Petra was born and brought into this world to ride and break asshats. She is.the 'Asshat whisperer".

Petra, if your leaving please pm me, cos if your out we can finally be married.