Ok. I'm going to post the log here instead of sending it to the people that requested it because I think that anyone taking part in this conversation should read it before continuing to debate the facts. As most of the people replying in this thread were not at the meeting in question.
[14/08/12][20:13:02] [King Blackthorn]: *looks to empty seats in front of table*
[14/08/12][20:13:08] [King Blackthorn]: Good evening.
[14/08/12][20:13:10] [Alfonso]: *salutes*
[14/08/12][20:13:12] [PIT]: hi
[14/08/12][20:13:13] [James]: Hello
[14/08/12][20:13:18] [Piper]: *stands and inclines her head*
[14/08/12][20:13:24] [PIT]: fine cool night
[14/08/12][20:13:32] [stardust]: hail
[14/08/12][20:13:35] [Clara Oswn Oswld]: Your Magisty
[14/08/12][20:13:36] [King Blackthorn]: Please, if you have requested time to speak, sit in the chairs provided in front
[14/08/12][20:13:42] [King Blackthorn]: of the Council table.
[14/08/12][20:14:02] [King Blackthorn]: *settles into chair and leafs through notes*
[14/08/12][20:14:31] [King Blackthorn]: I have a number of requests before me, it seems.
[14/08/12][20:15:10] [King Blackthorn]: Many of you are here to speak about a recent incident in the woods near Skara Brae.
[14/08/12][20:15:25] [King Blackthorn]: I shall address this first, before moving on to other matters.
[14/08/12][20:15:55] [King Blackthorn]: I will remind everyone that unless you are involved with the matter at hand, to please remain quiet
[14/08/12][20:16:14] [King Blackthorn]: Out of respect for others, and to make sure we can proceed efficiently.
[14/08/12][20:16:19] [King Blackthorn]: *chuckles a bit*
[14/08/12][20:16:23] [King Blackthorn]: Something we don't often do well.
[14/08/12][20:16:58] [Piper]: *nods in agreement*
[14/08/12][20:17:02] [King Blackthorn]: Regarding the accused kidnapping of a young girl, or woman, in the area of Spiritwood
[14/08/12][20:17:23] [King Blackthorn]: This matter was brought to my attention during a recent Council meeting, and I must say...
[14/08/12][20:17:54] [King Blackthorn]: It was done so rather poorly.
[14/08/12][20:18:23] [King Blackthorn]: In the future, I will NOT be so surprised by such.
[14/08/12][20:18:54] [King Blackthorn]: That said, it is indeed an important matter to discuss, as the accusations implicate nobles
[14/08/12][20:18:58] [King Blackthorn]: Governors, and Guards alike.
[14/08/12][20:19:12] [Eodain]: *scoffs*
[14/08/12][20:19:15] [Piper]: *shifts in her seat*
[14/08/12][20:19:37] [King Blackthorn]: As I am to understand it, not long ago one of the Purple Guardians of Honor came upon
[14/08/12][20:19:46] [King Blackthorn]: a young lady in the woods of Skara Brae.
[14/08/12][20:20:04] [King Blackthorn]: She seemed frightened, and the Guardian sought to help her.
[14/08/12][20:20:41] [King Blackthorn]: Two nobles of Britain, who sadly could not be here tonight,
[14/08/12][20:20:45] [King Blackthorn]: *notices movement*
[14/08/12][20:20:51] [King Blackthorn]: Hm.
[14/08/12][20:21:28] [King Blackthorn]: Two nobles of Britain arrived to take the girl with them, presumably to Umbra
[14/08/12][20:21:32] [King Blackthorn]: where they also hold residence.
[14/08/12][20:21:38] [King Blackthorn]: And claim the girl to live.
[14/08/12][20:22:02] [King Blackthorn]: I have been provided with thorough documentation of the girl's origin as having been born in Britain
[14/08/12][20:22:22] [King Blackthorn]: However, there seems to be considerable confusion regarding the identity of the girl
[14/08/12][20:22:35] [King Blackthorn]: based upon statements she made to the Guardian that was present.
[14/08/12][20:22:58] [King Blackthorn]: *pauses to look at notes*
[14/08/12][20:23:32] [King Blackthorn]: While I have statements from those involved who could NOT be here tonight
[14/08/12][20:23:51] [King Blackthorn]: It is my understanding that the Guardian who discovered the young lady, Katherine Elle, is here?
[14/08/12][20:24:03] [King Blackthorn]: *looks across table*
[14/08/12][20:24:07] [Katherine Elle]: Yes, your regency.
[14/08/12][20:24:07] [King Blackthorn]: Excellent.
[14/08/12][20:24:08] [Piper]: *looks to Katherine*
[14/08/12][20:24:32] [King Blackthorn]: Thank you for coming. Please, approach the Council table and explain what happened, in your words
[14/08/12][20:24:38] [King Blackthorn]: that evening.
[14/08/12][20:24:40] [Katherine Elle]: As requested, your regency.
[14/08/12][20:25:09] [Katherine Elle]: To give a brief background, I am Katherine Belle Elle of the Purple Guardians of Honor
[14/08/12][20:25:18] [Katherine Elle]: Current Senator of Commerce, former Senator of Inquiry
[14/08/12][20:25:28] [Katherine Elle]: On the night in question
[14/08/12][20:25:48] [Katherine Elle]: An incident occurred regarding our acting Praetorian Prefect
[14/08/12][20:25:50] [King Blackthorn]: *nods*
[14/08/12][20:25:58] [Katherine Elle]: Being in Olympus and present at the time and familiar with search protocol
[14/08/12][20:26:06] [Katherine Elle]: I set out to find him in as efficient a manner as possible
[14/08/12][20:26:17] [Katrina Hawkins]: *starts writing*
[14/08/12][20:26:27] [Katherine Elle]: I searched throughout olympus, and found a sign of his trail leading to the West.
[14/08/12][20:26:44] [Katherine Elle]: Unfortunately upon reaching the small mountain range his trail went cold, so I was forced to...
[14/08/12][20:26:47] [Katherine Elle]: Spread my search area wider
[14/08/12][20:27:07] [Katherine Elle]: In doing so, this area encompassed where the Ranger's hut is kept in Spiritwood
[14/08/12][20:27:22] [Katherine Elle]: While continuing to search, my path led around the mountain their hut is adjacent to
[14/08/12][20:27:31] [Katherine Elle]: If you are familiar with the location, there is a small bridge over a pond
[14/08/12][20:27:36] [Katherine Elle]: Along with two ancient statues
[14/08/12][20:27:47] [King Blackthorn]: Hm.
[14/08/12][20:27:53] [Katherine Elle]: Due to the fact that I was unsure of how the Prefect might take my search for him
[14/08/12][20:27:54] [Eodain]: *rubs chin*
[14/08/12][20:28:06] [Katherine Elle]: I was being careful to conceal my presence and sticking to trees
[14/08/12][20:28:13] [Katherine Elle]: However, upon reaching the area near the bridge
[14/08/12][20:28:26] [Katherine Elle]: I noticed an unaccompanied young lady, cowering on the ground
[14/08/12][20:28:52] [King Blackthorn]: *nods and makes a note*
[14/08/12][20:28:52] [Katherine Elle]: After checking the area initially, I revealed myself and offered to take her somewhere safer
[14/08/12][20:29:09] [Katherine Elle]: She refused, quivering, and stating that she could not leave
[14/08/12][20:29:19] [Katherine Elle]: I persisted, and asked her why; her legs appeared fully functional
[14/08/12][20:29:23] [Katherine Elle]: She did not seem injured
[14/08/12][20:29:30] [Katherine Elle]: And there was nothing that seemed to be keeping her there
[14/08/12][20:29:37] [Katherine Elle]: In response she said only that 'He told me to stay'
[14/08/12][20:29:46] [Katherine Elle]: 'He said if I didn't that I would be punished, severely'
[14/08/12][20:30:02] [King Blackthorn]: *raises eyebrow and makes another note*
[14/08/12][20:30:10] [Katherine Elle]: I offered to her that I could protect her, and placed my hand on the kryss that I carry with me
[14/08/12][20:30:45] [Katherine Elle]: She told me that 'You cannot protect me from -him-, he is too strong and too skilled'
[14/08/12][20:31:00] [Katherine Elle]: I told her that if she believed I could not, that I could easily take her to a group that could.
[14/08/12][20:31:14] [Katherine Elle]: She again refused, and her voice was shaking with fear.
[14/08/12][20:31:23] [Katherine Elle]: I believed that I could get her to go with me if I had more time
[14/08/12][20:31:34] [Katherine Elle]: But it was approximately then that suddenly two figures appeared in a burst of magic
[14/08/12][20:31:44] [Katherine Elle]: Telltale signs of a recall spell being cast
[14/08/12][20:31:57] [Katherine Elle]: As these two were unknowns, I kept myself at the ready
[14/08/12][20:32:08] [Katherine Elle]: I am familiar with most of the rangers, and all of the Guardians
[14/08/12][20:32:15] [Katherine Elle]: The only two groups I would have expected to be in the area
[14/08/12][20:32:20] [Katherine Elle]: And knew that these did not belong to either
[14/08/12][20:32:35] [Katherine Elle]: The two were a woman and a man who after a moment identified themselves as Armand and Merida
[14/08/12][20:32:46] [Katherine Elle]: And went on to mention their nobility titles here in the city of Britain
[14/08/12][20:32:51] [Katherine Elle]: As if that would somehow explain their presence.
[14/08/12][20:33:09] [Katherine Elle]: Still unsure of who the traumatized young woman was referring to with this 'He' talk
[14/08/12][20:33:21] [Katherine Elle]: I naturally was left to assume that the appearance of a man to the precise...
[14/08/12][20:33:31] [Katherine Elle]: Location where this woman was told to wait or else had to be related
[14/08/12][20:33:49] [Katherine Elle]: As such, when Armand started to approach the woman, I attempted to interpose myself.
[14/08/12][20:33:59] [Katherine Elle]: I told them that they should not get any closer to them until we could sort things out
[14/08/12][20:34:11] [Katherine Elle]: They summarily ignored me, with Merida remarking 'And who are you that we should care?'
[14/08/12][20:34:18] [Raziel Blackmont]: *its beside Tserim to absorb his greatness*
[14/08/12][20:34:21] [Katrina Hawkins]: *scribbles more notes*
[14/08/12][20:34:43] [Katherine Elle]: Since this was ranger territory and I had no standing to my knowledge to claim jurisdiction
[14/08/12][20:35:07] [Katherine Elle]: I responded only with "I'm who's trying to protect this girl, and that's all you need to know."
[14/08/12][20:35:40] [Katherine Elle]: I was hesitant to engage the two, as their combat abilities were unknown to me
[14/08/12][20:35:43] [Katherine Elle]: And I was outnumbered
[14/08/12][20:35:55] [Katherine Elle]: Had it been a simple fight, I could have likely prevailed, but the added complication...
[14/08/12][20:36:07] [Katherine Elle]: Of attempting to watch over the girl introduced an element I could not control
[14/08/12][20:36:17] [Katherine Elle]: As such, I attempted to intimidate them into backing off, to stall for time until someone else...
[14/08/12][20:36:23] [Katherine Elle]: Involved with the search might stumble upon us
[14/08/12][20:36:24] [King Blackthorn]: *nods*
[14/08/12][20:36:40] [Katherine Elle]: I drew my kryss when they stepped closer again, and Armand, the more dangerous looking of the tw
[14/08/12][20:36:56] [Katherine Elle]: two, squared off with me in a 'readied' manner, but not an immediately threatening one
[14/08/12][20:37:13] [Katherine Elle]: Merida summarily ignored all my remarks or attempts to stop her after this point
[14/08/12][20:37:25] [Katherine Elle]: Armand continued to insist that as nobles, this girl was their responsibility
[14/08/12][20:37:41] [Katherine Elle]: While he did, I tried to remaneuver to cover her, but he blocked my path, and though...
[14/08/12][20:37:55] [Katherine Elle]: I could have likely cut him down, Merida was within a single strides distance of the girl
[14/08/12][20:38:04] [Katherine Elle]: And would have been able to kill her in retaliation
[14/08/12][20:38:13] [Katherine Elle]: Again, I was under the assumption that they were the culprits.
[14/08/12][20:38:36] [Katherine Elle]: As Armand spoke, I kept my eye mostly on Merida, watching for any hostile move, and hoping if...
[14/08/12][20:38:44] [Katherine Elle]: It came to it a thrown dagger might buy the time I needed
[14/08/12][20:39:06] [Katherine Elle]: Merida spoke to the girl,a nd started to tell her what her name was, who she was, where she...
[14/08/12][20:39:14] [Katherine Elle]: Was from...The girl denied all these statements.
[14/08/12][20:39:21] [Katherine Elle]: She said 'No, that's not my name! Stop confusing me!'
[14/08/12][20:39:49] [Katherine Elle]: She began to grow more and more uneasy with every statement Merida spoke
[14/08/12][20:40:08] [Katherine Elle]: I believe now that it is likely
[14/08/12][20:40:14] [Katherine Elle]: This girl had spent time in captivity around these two
[14/08/12][20:40:20] [Katherine Elle]: And they had done their best to 'program' her
[14/08/12][20:40:25] [Katherine Elle]: Convincing her she was someone she was not
[14/08/12][20:40:54] [Katherine Elle]: Incensed and angry, I quickly dashed forward, spinning past Armand and dropping into a combat...
[14/08/12][20:40:55] [King Blackthorn]: Hm.
[14/08/12][20:40:59] [King Blackthorn]: *scribbles another note*
[14/08/12][20:41:10] [Katherine Elle]: stance, intending to defend the girl, and I told them they had one more chance to leave.
[14/08/12][20:41:23] [Katherine Elle]: However, in doing so, I placed myself very near to the girl
[14/08/12][20:41:35] [Katherine Elle]: Upon seeing my poisoned kryss, she shrieked, a piercing tortured wail
[14/08/12][20:42:02] [Katherine Elle]: Screaming something to the effect of "It's just like his! Just like what he used!"
[14/08/12][20:42:20] [Katherine Elle]: She was quickly growing unstable, and I could see that both Armand and Merida were looking..
[14/08/12][20:42:33] [Katherine Elle]: To each other, and seeming to act as if they were readying to coordinate an attack.
[14/08/12][20:42:57] [Katherine Elle]: With the girl in a state of panic, screaming and shaking, I wasn't sure if I could deal with both...
[14/08/12][20:43:10] [Katherine Elle]: of them, especially as any sign of violence might trigger some kind of event in the girl.
[14/08/12][20:43:35] [Katherine Elle]: It was possible even if I managed to dispatch them both, it would harm the girl worse
[14/08/12][20:43:40] [Katherine Elle]: than anything the two might do.
[14/08/12][20:44:16] [King Blackthorn]: At this time...
[14/08/12][20:44:23] [King Blackthorn]: Just for clarification
[14/08/12][20:44:25] [Katherine Elle]: Yes, your regency?
[14/08/12][20:44:34] [King Blackthorn]: It was still only the four of you?
[14/08/12][20:44:38] [Katherine Elle]: That's correct.
[14/08/12][20:44:42] [King Blackthorn]: *nods*
[14/08/12][20:44:48] [King Blackthorn]: Thank you. Please continue.
[14/08/12][20:44:53] [Katherine Elle]: By your leave.
[14/08/12][20:45:09] [Katherine Elle]: Stuck in the precarious situation, and realizing at any moment it might turn for the worse...
[14/08/12][20:45:25] [Katherine Elle]: And knowing that I could gather the rangers in but a moment if I was quick enough...
[14/08/12][20:45:34] [Katherine Elle]: I reluctantly stepped aside.
[14/08/12][20:45:50] [Katherine Elle]: I am still not sure if it was the right decision, but at the time it seemed the only action.
[14/08/12][20:46:07] [Katherine Elle]: I watched for another moment before quickly running back to Olympus, sprinting as I could
[14/08/12][20:46:18] [Katherine Elle]: And returning to Galehaven Tavern where I had last seen some of the Rangers
[14/08/12][20:46:30] [Katherine Elle]: Upon arrival I informed them of the situation, and they said they were going to look
[14/08/12][20:46:46] [Katherine Elle]: As such, and with it being their territory and jurisdiction, and knowing that my kryss..
[14/08/12][20:46:56] [Katherine Elle]: Seemed to have caused an unwanted reaction in the girl, I did not accompany them.
[14/08/12][20:47:20] [Katherine Elle]: Ah, as a point of clarification...
[14/08/12][20:47:32] [Katherine Elle]: The girl identified herself as Iona; Merida claimed her name was something else.
[14/08/12][20:47:50] [Katherine Elle]: Due to my split attention and the way Armand was talking over her...
[14/08/12][20:47:55] [Katherine Elle]: I did not hear the full name I am afraid.
[14/08/12][20:48:19] [King Blackthorn]: Ameila, perhaps?
[14/08/12][20:48:47] [Katherine Elle]: It could have been Amy, possibly. As I said, their voices were competing at the moment.
[14/08/12][20:48:52] [King Blackthorn]: *nods*
[14/08/12][20:49:10] [Katherine Elle]: Are there any points on which I can offer clarification, Your regency?
[14/08/12][20:49:18] [King Blackthorn]: A few, yes.
[14/08/12][20:49:30] [King Blackthorn]: You have no further knowledge of where the girl was taken to from that forest?
[14/08/12][20:49:56] [Katherine Elle]: While I cannot state for certain what happened after I left to fetch the rangers
[14/08/12][20:50:13] [Katherine Elle]: Both of them declared themselves as nobles of Britain, but they mentioned Umbra on three...
[14/08/12][20:50:23] [Katherine Elle]: occasions during the back and forth.
[14/08/12][20:50:45] [King Blackthorn]: *nods*
[14/08/12][20:51:27] [King Blackthorn]: You mentioned that at a certain point, they took up a position that *might* have indicated
[14/08/12][20:51:35] [Dragonfly]: so shal we go look around in umbra then\
[14/08/12][20:51:49] [King Blackthorn]: a hostile action, but that you did not feel they would do so.
[14/08/12][20:51:59] [Katherine Elle]: Yes, your regency. To explain a bit further...
[14/08/12][20:52:16] [Katherine Elle]: Part of my training has been to read peoples actions; the placement of ones feet...
[14/08/12][20:52:25] [Katherine Elle]: The cant of a head, the position of hands
[14/08/12][20:52:37] [Katherine Elle]: Armand 'Squared off' in such a way that his feet were planted in a ready stance
[14/08/12][20:52:50] [Katherine Elle]: The type that would instantly transition into an offensive stance
[14/08/12][20:52:56] [King Blackthorn]: *nods*
[14/08/12][20:53:19] [Katherine Elle]: Despite this, I had no proof that they were what I suspected
[14/08/12][20:53:31] [Katherine Elle]: And I thought it best not to summarily stab a nobleman.
[14/08/12][20:53:40] [King Blackthorn]: *stifles a grin*
[14/08/12][20:53:53] [King Blackthorn]: You mentioned their use of magic for transport...
[14/08/12][20:54:00] [King Blackthorn]: Did they seem otherwise armed?
[14/08/12][20:54:15] [Katherine Elle]: No, but as point of fact, your guard requested I disarm myself when I came in
[14/08/12][20:54:32] [Katherine Elle]: He asked me to relinquish my kryss and my dagger at my opposite hip
[14/08/12][20:54:48] [Katherine Elle]: But I have on my person no less than fourteen other lethal weapons, concealed from view...
[14/08/12][20:54:53] [Katherine Elle]: But almost all of which are readily accessible.
[14/08/12][20:55:18] [Katherine Elle]: As such, I am aware that just because a person does not have a blade in hand...
[14/08/12][20:55:21] [Katherine Elle]: Does not mean they are not armed.
[14/08/12][20:55:31] [King Blackthorn]: Of course.
[14/08/12][20:55:36] [King Blackthorn]: And...
[14/08/12][20:55:41] [King Blackthorn]: *raises voice slightly*
[14/08/12][20:55:56] [King Blackthorn]: I may remind everyone that since the incident involving Relvinian's incursion into the Castle
[14/08/12][20:56:18] [King Blackthorn]: I have improved my security in some rather...imaginitive ways.
[14/08/12][20:56:19] [King Blackthorn]: *smiles*
[14/08/12][20:56:31] [Katherine Elle]: I would have expected no less, your Excellency.
[14/08/12][20:56:42] [King Blackthorn]: Neither carried a large blade, though?
[14/08/12][20:56:44] [King Blackthorn]: This is correct?
[14/08/12][20:56:57] [Katherine Elle]: Not in sight, but there are ways to conceal such when one is wearing a cloak
[14/08/12][20:57:10] [King Blackthorn]: Of course.
[14/08/12][20:57:29] [King Blackthorn]: Thank you, Senator Elle. Is there anything else you wish to add at this time?
[14/08/12][20:58:03] [Katherine Elle]: Yes, your excellency, only one other comment
[14/08/12][20:58:08] [King Blackthorn]: *nods*
[14/08/12][20:58:29] [Katherine Elle]: I feel it might be worth your time to possibly inform the nobles of Britain and the other cities
[14/08/12][20:58:55] [Katherine Elle]: That nobility does not grant them powers of extradition, arrest, or jurisdiction wherever they...
[14/08/12][20:58:58] [Katherine Elle]: So find themselves.
[14/08/12][20:59:11] [Katherine Elle]: As these two, regardless of whether they are kidnappers as I believe they may be...
[14/08/12][20:59:15] [Katherine Elle]: Or liberators as they may claim...
[14/08/12][20:59:23] [Katherine Elle]: Seemed to understand their titles to mean.
[14/08/12][20:59:35] [King Blackthorn]: *nods*
[14/08/12][20:59:43] [King Blackthorn]: I shall take your suggestion under advisement.
[14/08/12][20:59:48] [Katherine Elle]: I thank you for lending your ear, Your Excellency.
[14/08/12][21:00:01] [King Blackthorn]: Thank you for your statements.
[14/08/12][21:00:08] [King Blackthorn]: You may have a seat.
[14/08/12][21:00:09] [King Blackthorn]: *nods*
[14/08/12][21:00:12] [Katherine Elle]: By your leave.
[14/08/12][21:00:15] [King Blackthorn]: *raises voice a little*
[14/08/12][21:00:26] [King Blackthorn]: I thank you all for your patience as well, especially those of you who
[14/08/12][21:00:50] [King Blackthorn]: who are not part of the current matter.
[14/08/12][21:01:19] [King Blackthorn]: I have thorough statements from Merida and Armand, and now from Katherine Elle of Olympus.
[14/08/12][21:01:42] [King Blackthorn]: Many of their statements confirm each other, while obviously, others conflict.
[14/08/12][21:02:04] [King Blackthorn]: It is my understanding, however, that a few of the Rangers of Spiritwood wish to speak
[14/08/12][21:02:15] [King Blackthorn]: As they have been implicated in this discussion.
[14/08/12][21:02:34] [King Blackthorn]: Rather than have all speak one by one, I ask to hear from one representative voice.
[14/08/12][21:02:41] [Eodain]: *looks across table*
[14/08/12][21:02:55] [King Blackthorn]: *looks to Corinna*
[14/08/12][21:03:00] [King Blackthorn]: Would that be you?
[14/08/12][21:03:06] [King Blackthorn]: Please approach if so.
[14/08/12][21:03:10] [Corinna]: Yes, my king.
[14/08/12][21:03:28] [King Blackthorn]: What is it you would add to this discussion as it stands?
[14/08/12][21:03:59] [Corinna]: With respect to this discussion, just two brief things.
[14/08/12][21:04:23] [Corinna]: 1 I was the one who had asked Governor Ouija to bring this matter before the crown.
[14/08/12][21:04:40] [King Blackthorn]: Ah.
[14/08/12][21:05:10] [Corinna]: I was confused why the Rangers of Spiritwood were never contacted to begin with
[14/08/12][21:05:18] [King Blackthorn]: Hm.
[14/08/12][21:05:19] [Corinna]: We've always respected the authority and jurisdiction of Umbra.
[14/08/12][21:05:28] [Corinna]: And have been asked to by them on previous occasions.
[14/08/12][21:05:55] [Katrina Hawkins]: *writes a few notes*
[14/08/12][21:06:00] [Corinna]: Yet we likely would never have been told about this if the Purple Guardians hadn't stumbled upon this incident.
[14/08/12][21:06:17] [Corinna]: I've yet to hear any explanation on that matter.
[14/08/12][21:06:32] [Corinna]: My second concern is a legal and jurisdictional one.
[14/08/12][21:06:37] [King Blackthorn]: Hold just a moment please.
[14/08/12][21:07:10] [King Blackthorn]: Aside from Govour Ouija's mention in the Council meeting, were there any attempts
[14/08/12][21:07:19] [King Blackthorn]: To address this with those in question?
[14/08/12][21:07:29] [King Blackthorn]: *nods*
[14/08/12][21:07:35] [Corinna]: My reasoning related to the second matter.
[14/08/12][21:07:42] [King Blackthorn]: Very good. Please continue then.
[14/08/12][21:07:53] [Corinna]: Thank you.
[14/08/12][21:08:11] [Corinna]: There seems to be a disturbing trend of there being little distinction between what is Britain and what is Umbra.
[14/08/12][21:08:21] [Corinna]: One is part of our kingdom, and one is not.
[14/08/12][21:08:32] [Corinna]: Yet they both have, for all intents and purposes, the same leadership.
[14/08/12][21:08:39] [Corinna]: Nobles who claim to be of both cities.
[14/08/12][21:08:54] [Corinna]: Some of my rangers have reported certain corrupt practices of Umbra.
[14/08/12][21:09:26] [Corinna]: Which concerns me in dealing with Britain, as it is essentially governed by the same group.
[14/08/12][21:09:46] [King Blackthorn]: *nods*
[14/08/12][21:09:50] [Corinna]: What is acceptable in Malas, however, is not acceptable in Britannia.
[14/08/12][21:10:12] [Corinna]: But we've witnessed them cover up killings, so why should I trust them about a kidnapping?
[14/08/12][21:10:34] [King Blackthorn]: Here is what I would have of you, then.
[14/08/12][21:10:35] [Corinna]: I hope that explains my position better.
[14/08/12][21:10:53] [King Blackthorn]: Indeed, your point is clear, and your concern is one not entirely unfounded.
[14/08/12][21:11:06] [King Blackthorn]: By which I mean I admit to sharing a small part of it myself.
[14/08/12][21:12:05] [King Blackthorn]: In the past, the leadership of this Kingdom made a decision that perhaps was...ill advised
[14/08/12][21:12:09] [King Blackthorn]: No matter how good the intention.
[14/08/12][21:12:29] [King Blackthorn]: In order to foster better relations with the people of Malas, citizens were encouraged to establish
[14/08/12][21:12:39] [King Blackthorn]: their own communities in the vicinities of Umbra and Luna.
[14/08/12][21:13:06] [King Blackthorn]: I recognize that I have citizens living there, and who consider these communities their home.
[14/08/12][21:13:15] [King Blackthorn]: It is for this reason that we maintain Town Guard regiments there.
[14/08/12][21:13:59] [King Blackthorn]: And while the familial connections between the nobles of Britain, and some who reside
[14/08/12][21:14:24] [King Blackthorn]: in or around Umbra may at times be problematic, I will not at this time deny
[14/08/12][21:14:31] [King Blackthorn]: that they are citizens of this Kingdom.
[14/08/12][21:14:34] [King Blackthorn]: However...
[14/08/12][21:15:02] [King Blackthorn]: I do share your concern when it comes to issues of leadership being...muddied...by these connections.
[14/08/12][21:15:24] [King Blackthorn]: I have made my stance on this quite clear in the past.
[14/08/12][21:15:46] [King Blackthorn]: Though it is obvious there are some things to still be worked out.
[14/08/12][21:16:22] [Corinna]: If I may, my king, even the investigation seemed conducted by two regiments with one voice.
[14/08/12][21:16:43] [King Blackthorn]: Perhaps.
[14/08/12][21:16:51] [King Blackthorn]: However, it need be noted...
[14/08/12][21:17:05] [King Blackthorn]: That the citizens of Britain elected their Governor in a fair election
[14/08/12][21:17:30] [King Blackthorn]: And the Town Guards of ANY city is open to multiple regiments, partly to keep balance.
[14/08/12][21:17:53] [King Blackthorn]: Long have we lived with strict ideas of Order
[14/08/12][21:18:12] [King Blackthorn]: With these elections, the citizenry now has a greater voice.
[14/08/12][21:18:25] [King Blackthorn]: And if that results in an elected official with ties that are so widely known...
[14/08/12][21:18:42] [King Blackthorn]: As I said, I have some doubts myself, and will continue to monitor it.
[14/08/12][21:19:02] [Corinna]: Of course, my king. I merely meant that at that council meeting, the Captain of the Umbra Guard made representations for Britain.
[14/08/12][21:19:09] [King Blackthorn]: *glances to notes*
[14/08/12][21:19:42] [Corinna]: Yet I believe it was the Britain Guard Captain who conducted the depositions.
[14/08/12][21:19:49] [King Blackthorn]: *shuffles through notes*
[14/08/12][21:20:02] [King Blackthorn]: As to your first point, I cannot remember, but I will have it recorded somewhere.
[14/08/12][21:20:10] [King Blackthorn]: But you would be right to be concerned if so.
[14/08/12][21:20:23] [Corinna]: I am quite certain Captain Kalamar spoke then.
[14/08/12][21:20:27] [King Blackthorn]: As to your second point, yes it was one of the Britain captains who took the statement.
[14/08/12][21:21:13] [King Blackthorn]: I shall review my notes, and will think on the matter.
[14/08/12][21:21:17] [Corinna]: I will not waste the crown's time further with this though. But briefly, I did have another matter to raise at this audience?
[14/08/12][21:21:23] [Corinna]: One unrelated?
[14/08/12][21:21:24] [King Blackthorn]: And address it as needed.
[14/08/12][21:21:38] [King Blackthorn]: Ah yes. I will call you forth once more to discuss that.
[14/08/12][21:21:49] [Corinna]: Thank you, my king.
[14/08/12][21:21:55] [King Blackthorn]: You may have a seat. Thank you.
[14/08/12][21:21:56] [King Blackthorn]: *nods*
[14/08/12][21:22:18] [King Blackthorn]: *sighs slightly, and steeples fingers in front of mouth*
[14/08/12][21:22:35] [King Blackthorn]: I wish to thank you all again for your patience
[14/08/12][21:23:03] [King Blackthorn]: And for the words of Katherine Elle of Olympus, as well as Corinna of the Rangers of Spiritwood.
[14/08/12][21:23:50] [King Blackthorn]: It is clear to me that what is required is for me to arrange for a seperate questioning
[14/08/12][21:23:56] [King Blackthorn]: Of the girl.
[14/08/12][21:24:23] [King Blackthorn]: I shall have Detective Thorpe begin that process as soon as he is available.
[14/08/12][21:24:45] [King Blackthorn]: I understand that this incident is also part of a greater concern that some of you have
[14/08/12][21:25:27] [King Blackthorn]: Understand that this will be addressed further, and as often as needed, in less dramatic fashion
[14/08/12][21:25:35] [King Blackthorn]: than we have become used to in this Chamber.
[14/08/12][21:25:37] [King Blackthorn]: *chuckles*
[14/08/12][21:25:45] [Piper]: *grins a bit*
[14/08/12][21:26:02] [King Blackthorn]: *looks about the room*
[14/08/12][21:26:11] [King Blackthorn]: Ah.
[14/08/12][21:26:42] [King Blackthorn]: Governor Thom. I have it here that you wished to speak, though the matter may be a sensitive one
[14/08/12][21:26:49] [King Blackthorn]: And best left to the end.
[14/08/12][21:26:54] [King Blackthorn]: Is this still the case?
[14/08/12][21:27:01] [Thom]: Yes sire