I made my first gargoyle, decided upon a nice pvm template, discordance music mysticism focus magery spellweaving. I started the character at 50 discord and 50 mysticism. I trained mysticism for a day, got to about 95 and then decided to start working discord as I now had a semi reliable source of healing. I ate a blue discord scroll and everything went great, 50-60 discord in 15 minutes. Next day I went down to the blue beetles and tried to discord there. Everything was going fine until I killed a blue beetle I had discorded. Now I get the message, "you must wait a few moments to use another skill" no matter what I do this won't go away. I can cast mage spells, myst spells etc. I cannot use any 'blue gem' skill, such as hiding, tracking, discord.. etc. I paged a gm and after waiting 6 hours I went to bed, got an email this morning saying there was nothing wrong and the case was closed. I logged in and the same issue is going on. The character is 3 days old. I repaged today and after waiting all day to no response I decided to ask on here if anyone else has ever had this issue before?
I have done everything I can think of in terms of trying to unstick the character. I died, changed facets, changed race, changed guild, etc etc etc. Everything has been to no avail. I assume the only recourse is to delete the character and try again. Any suggestions?
I have done everything I can think of in terms of trying to unstick the character. I died, changed facets, changed race, changed guild, etc etc etc. Everything has been to no avail. I assume the only recourse is to delete the character and try again. Any suggestions?