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[Discussion] Create Your Own Rare

Captn Norrington

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If you could create your own rare, what would it look like? what color would it be? what would it be called? would it have any sound effects or visual effects?
Thought this would be a fun thing to discuss, maybe if we're lucky an EM will like one of the ideas and create it :)

I would make red epaulettes named "Epaulettes Ornately Decorated With The Insiginia of King Blackthorn of Britannia", they would make a red sparkle visual effect when double clicked, both when worn and while locked down.

Igg A Pie

Slightly Crazed
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id love to have a statue, like the couple in minoc by the provisioner orthe one in moonglow by where you do the human to elf quest. I don't think the color would really matter. I think the stone look is just fine. perhaps a spellbook or robe with a unique title and color with my name included. example : "Igg A Pie's Journal of Adventures" in a abyssal color. of all the things I would love to have in the game would be a one of a kind item, wearable, and esp named after myself would be totally awesome! I just really like obscurity and to know I had one item that will never be duped because it was in my possession from the beginning is one of the few things in UO I would really love to own.


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I'd use the pie graphic, it would be blaze colored, named "Jack's Famous Cow Pie", it would make the "moo" sound on proximity when locked down, and it would act as a container.

That's not asking too much is it? lol
You forgot, it also has to be able to be wielded. :D

Darius Bloodbain

Stratics Veteran
I would like to have a glowing sarcophagus of an ancient Paladin.
It could emit a sparkling or glowing aura when locked down. could double as a container.
I would also create like 3 different ones to make a set. Maybe have one that was ancient mystic and
ancient necromancer one. you could do them in like 3 different colors with each having a different
glow color when locked down. One could also go as far as collecting some sort of daily buff off them,
much like the luck buff you get off the 10th anniversary statue.


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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how about instead of a new drop, just make the existing kittens and puppies able to be bred. So you can cross two different cat or dog types and get a new kitten/puppy raised by brian... Turn it into something like gardening! :)
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Jirel of Joiry

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a pair of sandals that have little wings on them and are glacial pink. they would read Hermes' winged sandals and would allow the wear to out run every speeder running PKer LOL!!! Catch me if you can, but you couldn't lol!!!

Olive Oyle

Stratics Veteran
Hello All,

Given that I like, just as many others here do, decorating things. All I would like is to be able to dye anything in game. I think it would be wicked if I could 'paint' my rubble walls or change the colour my Two Storey statue etc.

Just a thought ......

Thank you

Olive Oyle

P.S. Ohh - And to be able to customise, even if only in a small way, my Castle.

Queen Arya

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
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A chest called "Queen Arya's Memoirs"
Make it so you have a choice of several design options, can be dyed any color and have the option of making it talk.
Mine would look like a toad and when you walked passed it, it would cast a spell of wart removal. One spell per each Million dollar check deposited


Stratics Veteran
a tool that you can upload picture and post them on your message board or make them into portrait and hang on the wall


Lore Master
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I would like a magical wand that when you click it and place the curser on to any statue it would become animated. Such when a player comes within a few steps of the statue it would bow with a phrase such as Greetings, or if the two story statue lifts it's spear in a threatening pose "The Shall not Pass". Have like 5 different movements and may a dozen phrases that are dependent of the type of statue you animate. Start with like 10 charges and then you would have to recharge the staff some how.


Grand Poobah
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A beat girl... that you can toss money on for favors... all gets deposited into my bank box.


Crazed Zealot
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I would create a "Soul Wand" that would spawn as a glacial wand with no mods. When equipped the first time it would run some behind the scenes formulas based on the characters skill levels and combinations, reputation, and luck to determine the mods to apply. Properties and weights would be assigned from the revamped loot artifact class. The equipper would get the option to select the new weapon type, generate the mods, then name the weapon.

With proper coding and the wide variability between skills, reputation, and luck it would likely be unique... But should also be reproducible ( if the same character equipped 3 items in a row, all 3 items would have the same properties.


Stratics Veteran
'Adeka's Bright Light'
A blessed, equip-able candle with spell channeling that granted the holder night sight.
It would also sparkle if you came close when locked down.


'Adeka's Pin Cushion'
A abyssal blue sewing kit that acted as a small container.

I'm not trying to break the system here, just create realistic items.