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[Discussion] A random act of kindness


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Recently there was a post asking whether greed and elitism are tearing this community apart which was somewhat of a downer for me. I didn't get to participate in that discussion before the thread got locked,but I would like to share with you guys a story of the direct opposite of what that thread was implying.

Last night Pandora and I held an auction on LS which many of you attended and we had a guildstone,named Hellfire, for sale.There was a person in the crowd that had founded that guild and for whatever reason had lost the stone in an idoc and was attempting to buy it back.As bidding intensified the person had stated that it was their old guildstone at which point another person,named Hellfire, apologized for his bids and backed off,which it seems almost everyone else decided to do.A bidding war ensued which at any other point in time is one of the highlights of any auction but this time it was different.Everyone in the crowd clearly wanted the previous owner to win their stone back and I could feel the disappointment over this battle.In the end the stone sold for 130 million to the previous owner who seemed dismayed over the price.It was at this point that the rares community showed me how little greed truly has a grip.I wont mention names unless I am told it is ok ,but instantly folks asked me to put items on the vendor for them to buy as a way to donate towards the price of the stone.When it was all said and done the winning bidder paid a reasonable price of 45 million and was reunited with their old stone.

I just wanted to shed some light on one of the many random acts of kindness that has held us together for so long and to say no I do not believe greed and/or elitism is pulling us apart.Thank you all,and you know who you are,for this and everything else you do to help keep this community so great to be a part of.

Darius Bloodbain

Stratics Veteran
Bravo !
Very nice. Kudos to you guys for doing that.
That is an example well worth following, and that guy you helped out, will more
than likely pass that kindness forward. :thumbup1:


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
sounds like a nice thing. but was it verified or some scum saying it was his to get a lower price.

never know! lol

*makes a char named Hellfire and complains*


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
sounds like a nice thing. but was it verified or some scum saying it was his to get a lower price.

never know! lol

*makes a char named Hellfire and complains*
There is no way to know, I suppose, but it doesn't diminish the fact that there are (a lot of, i think) generous players out there. Good karma for whoever did it regardless.

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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Great to see people being so kind and generous! stories like this are one of the very unique things about UO that make it such a great game.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The buyer is a person that Pandora and I have known for a very long time and have no reason not to trust :)


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
heh i was just playing devils advocate.

very nice story
I was there. You could tell that the person had lost the stone and was sad to see it up for auction. It was obvious the other bidder was just trying to inflate the price. I knew neither party so I am rather impartial. I will say there are lots of random acts like this that happen every day that no one sees. Folks don't do it for fame, they do it because it feels right to them. Publicity is not necessary. I think we all know right from wrong and we all make choices every day one way or the other.
Thanks to Keebler and Pandora for giving us fun auctions to attend on LS. I enjoy seeing what things go for on non-atlantic shards :p keep up the good work!


Stratics Veteran
OH MY !!! Does this mean we have another stereotypical tag to deal with? (just kidding lol)

On a side note i just have to say that for the most part in this community there is a lot of compassionate acts that happen every day. It just never seems to make the "front page" like this post did. For most of us, i think we are happy with being stuck on "page 11" in the back of the virtual paper just as long as it doesn't make the obituaries. lol