I have two accounts and finally got discord up to near GM, so I can bump it to 120 with jewelry and use it to support my sampire at peerless and SA bosses. I'm also working up provoking right now and have peacemaking above GM already. So with all 3 skills available, which bard mastery would likely be most useful for soloing?
I'm leaning towards peacemaking right now, with the damage reduction and regen bonus. Discord seems nice for extra damage but with the masteries apparently only lasting a few rounds re-casting them constantly may be too much of a hassle. Provoke may be good for extra stats, a damage modifier ignoring the 300% cap and extra HP, though I don't know if it breaks the 150 HP cap or not. Also extra healing every few seconds which could be nice.
I'm leaning towards peacemaking right now, with the damage reduction and regen bonus. Discord seems nice for extra damage but with the masteries apparently only lasting a few rounds re-casting them constantly may be too much of a hassle. Provoke may be good for extra stats, a damage modifier ignoring the 300% cap and extra HP, though I don't know if it breaks the 150 HP cap or not. Also extra healing every few seconds which could be nice.