Sampires are over rated
A human max damage warrior can handle 95% of everything a sampire can
but is A LOT more versatile on what he can take on. Meaning, he can kill plenty
of stuff Sampires run from. The only drawback, its a labor intensive character.
U can't leave in the middle of fighting to pee and expect to still be alive when u
get back. You actually have to PLAY the character to survive.
120 wep skill
120 anatomy
120 tactics
120 parry
GM bushido
90 healing (enhanced aids for effectively GM healing)
50 chiv
Being human u get the JOAT (Jack of all Trades) bonus so u can cast arguable the
best 2 defensive spellweaving spells with zero real skill. With a lvl 6 focus for attunement
and gift of renewal, confidence, evasion, band aides, and potions if ur in a bind it makes
the template uber strong in survivability while giving you max damage on everything.
Add in orange petals, time your heals and confidence, and make sure to have a wep
capped in mana & life leech... WINNER !
Also, use 100% weps specific for what ur fighting so no need to cast chiv consecrate
weapon spell. This leaves more mana and time to cast divine fury if stam gets low and
spam counter attack and lightning strike for even more damage.
All things considered, this template is harder to play and requires more timing but wipes
out more things and faster then any sampire
. Added bonuses : you get to sport
a nice tan, your not pasty white, and you don't stink of vampire B.O.
EDIT: In hindsight, I should add that the weps skill needs to be melee as archery nerfs leechings (not sure how it works with throwers). Also, add in 2 or 3 pieces of metal (chain or platemail) armor because the reduced stamina loss bonus given from them keep ur stam from dropping much at all when u get hit and divine fury will more then compensate to keep you swinging at the caps.