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[Discussion] Rares and You


Always Present
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What makes a rare desirable to you? What type of items do you collect and why?
We are all willing to go a little bit higher on certain items that we want at silent auctions or live auctions, or even here on the forums.
What makes it special to you?


Stratics Legend
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Personally, i like items that have to do with plants/growth or garden, animals, crystally or magical things, then the other group is death, decay, disease, daemons, bones and skulls and all that stuff. blood too. the void. oblivion. all that good stuff.

My favorites are ones that overlap. i really liked "a virulent rose" for instance. a flower, but also diseased. "toxic shrubbery" would be the same group. a nice shrub, but dangerously poisonous.

The Atlantic Statue "A Paradoxical Statue Giving A Reverent Form To The Formless Lady Called Oblivion And The Void" is my favorite example of an item that brings the 2 groups of what i like to collect together.
Perfect example of what i would call an excellent rare. Solid name, storyline, color, graphic, and fits with my theme.

So i have to "like" something, it has to fit into one of my two broad collections. There are many things i like, really cool rares that i just wouldnt want because they dont fit into my personal deco schemes.

After i "Like" it, and it fits, then its best for it to be a "good" rare. by good i mean solid name, something that fits and isnt just random. im a fan of the "literary sounding" long names, although not every item has to have a long name to have the name be solid. A name that fits well relating to the story (if it is an EM rare)

Rarity of numbers and uniqueness of graphic and color used, also if its been duped is of course also a consideration.

Color is always a factor. and size. flashy colors are nice, but i prefer a solid name with a solid storyline, plain color, rather than a terrible rare with an overused graphic, mispelled name, but happens to be glacial or abyssal in color.

Has to have at least some type of history or "connection" to the UO world. Mesanna items are very very weakly connected to UO so are not desireable to me at all. they look cool but thats about it. No real substance. pixel crack with a devs name on it and nothing more. Same with random EM created items like the glacial lantern for instance. Just pixel crack. No real history or subtance. Not valuable to me personally.

Queen Arya

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
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I am partial to all things Atlantic.......( of course Crux Ansata Items are tops) But I do have a country eclectic design and put all my rares & event items as part of my decor throughout my home, So if its a dark item (Creepy, black, scary ) I would consider selling the item if I should happen to be lucky enough to obtain the drop. The story arcs from EM events also mean a lot to me. I have tons of books copied from all the events I attended and once the rares fest is over in Toad Town I will put them on display again.


Lore Master
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I like to collect functional items mainly. Wearables, runebooks, and rubble to 'customize' castles.


Slightly Crazed
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Blaze colored items, pies, cows, pirate items, and cool containers. Yeah, I should cut down on the things I collect. LOL


Long Live The Players
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At first i collected based of the chance of me completing a set. Then i woke up one morning and realized i had a ton of stuff and not very many close to complete collections. Then i realized that i hated doing EM events and there was no reason for me to collect anything EM related. Ive sold pretty much everything EM related and I am sticking to the old bounty system "head ofs" and of course potted plants. :)

I personally think True rares are the regular in game items that have been discontinued. IE old sewn by sets, Made by sets, Server births, double exceptional stuff and etc... I wouldnt consider EM event Items a true rare simply because an EM decided to give only 20 out at an event. Its like going to a RL event and the event leaders only giving out souvenirs to 20 of the 100 people there. More so there seems to be about 10 drops every month coming from various shards Via the EM event system. There are tons of them out there and they are being farmed by Pros.

However, with that said, Rare by the very definition is something hard to obtain. Its value is based off of the current ability to obtain that item. The ability to obtain the item is based off of what people are willing to sell at. Value of Rares will always be in a constant flux as players change their collections, quit, or new collectors start collecting.

Pixel Crack is Pixel Crack. Buy what you like and be happy about your purchase.


Stratics Veteran
I collect Candles Blessed by Love, and if you don't know that by now... maybe you should get out from underneath that piece of rubble you're living under!
I also like wearables, dresses specifically, but not limited to.
If it fits a theme I have for one of my characters, I want it really bad. Gimmie it!
And a newly sparked love for sewing in real life has spurned me to want to collect anything tailor related in game, of which there are only a handful of things.
And anything Kolka wants. :p ;)
*gang sign*


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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For me, I go for "library" things - books, scrolls, deeds, etc, and "mage" type things, like the exodus rune. I've also been trying to assemble a set of the 2010 Christmas and 4th of July - finally finished the 4th of July set a few weeks ago. :)

And most of all, I like rubble, if only because I love doing extreme house deco, and rubble gives me options otherwise unavailable.


Stratics Veteran
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If its alcohol related or a rare food item I want it because I love to cook and drink in real life :) Also anything related to fireworks I enjoy because that is another of my real life obsessions. Other than those items I like to collect anything that can be used in a deco sense,sorta blend into my enviroment,although I must admit I sometimes become obsessed with a theme for a room and buy until I'm broke :)
I can't fit all my love of rares into a select few catergories but I feel I have outlined the main ones.
Oh and if Flutter wants it chances are I want it too.


Stratics Legend
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I'm a big collector of duped items. At the moment I'm finding it very hard to keep up with all the new ones appearing on the market.


Babbling Loonie
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I'm a big collector of duped items. At the moment I'm finding it very hard to keep up with all the new ones appearing on the market.
HA - this gave me a good laugh!


Babbling Loonie
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I am a collector of double blessed and sewn by clothing (my toon is named Blessed Blessed).
My favorite 2 peices in all of UO were a jester's hat and a cloak sewn by Tommy Hilfiger.

@Athelas was gracious enough to give me the cloak to match my hat several years back. Unfortunately last year my account was hacked and stripped, so I lost those items. If anyone ever comes across them again - please notify me, they are very dear to me!


Seasoned Veteran
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Hey there!, I like to Collect Anything pretty Much. Been going for things Paraphernalia Related Recently. I have also Collecting Wearable Items, In which 5 years Ago No one Was sporting these items!

As for the items Most sought after, I find that anything with a Very Low [#] Of items Also makes them more Valuable. Yet I see people Looking for Funny/Exotic Names on their items now days.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Patron
I'm a big collector of duped items. At the moment I'm finding it very hard to keep up with all the new ones appearing on the market.
lol. You should consider collecting "found at an IDOC" items also. It would compliment your current collection nicely!


Stratics Veteran
I got a couple of those Bluntman, one of them is blessed for Herb... Just sayin'

DJAd, is that your luna house with all the stacked glacial spell books then? Looks like you've been busy 'collecting' them! :D

Emil Ispep

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Foodstuffs and rare bottles of EM booze for the most part is what I actively seek. I bought up tons of green rubble ferns, palms, grasses and mushrooms to bring back to Magincia for my two houses there (Pacific).

I was hoping to get that birdbath EM item from a year or so ago Pacific event.. looks like an elven forge but plays bird noises when you walk by.

*edit, removed old house pics, and added new ones in post below
Last edited:

Captn Norrington

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Items relating to the virtues, Luna, and the history of Atlantic are the items I'm usually most interested in.

Emil Ispep

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Ok, one more pic =). I also screwed around with the lighting at night, need to have dark nights on to see:



Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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Ok, one more pic =). I also screwed around with the lighting at night, need to have dark nights on to see:
I love the blue lighting; what did you use to get that?

Emil Ispep

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glowing runes of any type will give the blueish glow. They fit pretty nice underneath a rose of trinsic too.


Always Present
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Everyone knows I collect foodstuffs. I have started my pirates ice castle. (I know it sounds strange but that's the theme) I haven't gotten much in terms of "ice" themed items yet (still a little poor from that from buying hamhocks) but it is on ice island so I feel I had no choice in the matter, the castle demanded it. I've got some really cool fishing/sailor/pirate items so far but it's slow going and will remain a work in progress for a while. It is open to the public though and there's a teleporter in The Fat Llama Cafe on Catskills if anyone wants to take a look at what a poor person's "work in progress" looks like ;)

Thank you all for answering. It not only helps us share what we each love but helps show demand and pricing.

Special Thank you to @Kolka for letting my friends and I browse his collection(S) last night and making me feel quite inferior.


Lore Keeper
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Roses.... I need to get another castle and move all the aos roses to it. *sigh* But I love displayable deco and foodstuffs. Not so much on wearable rares or weapons, have very few of those. I tend to be really picky on those.