hld can come from mace and shield.. if ya wanted
I am not sure I understand how Hit Lower Defense is handled....
According to UOGuide, HLD when succesfully rolled (hence the higher the attacked has it the better the chances to roll it per hit...), reduced the target's defense chance for 8 seconds of 25%.
Publish 81, though, changed this as, prior to it, the reduction was 25 percentage points without differing between players and monsters. So, in PvP many players would overcap their DCI (Defense Chance Increase) to basically nullify the effects of the attacker's HLD.
So, now, after Publish 81 the reduction has been set the same for PvM (25%) while in PvP the reduction has been increased to 35% of the target's maximum DCI. Furthermore, overcapped DCI is now flat out ignored and thus a waste of modifiers' room....
If I understood it right, if for example a player uses the armor refinements to max out DCI to 70%, the HLD modifier will just see that 70% as if it was 45%....
What I do not understand, is how a player can basically defend against someone who has high HLD....
Because after Publish 81 the hit in PvP is now 35%, NOT 25%, and thus when rolled succesfully, it brings down the Defence Chance Increase for the defending player to a mere 10% which basically means getting hit 9 our of 10 times.....
Also, Mace and Shield has only 30% HLD while apparently HLD has no CAP but, when this property is split in between 2 items (glasses and weapon), it checks them separatedly, they are not computed cumulatively, but separatedly.
So, if one has room to have HLD 70% on the weapon then the HLD 30% on mace and shield becomes not much usefull .....
Bottom line is, considering the Publish 81 changes for PvP, my understanding is that it would be better to to have HLD 70% on the weapon rather then on both or just 30% on mace and shield ?
Am I right or did I understand it wrong ?
In PvM, though, would having HLD 100% (70% from weapon + 30% from glasses) be of a considerable and real help ? Consider that to have HLD 70% on the weapon this means having to compromise with reduced HLL (Hit Life Leech) and HML (Hit Mana Leech) or perhaps even not having either of these ......