Ultimately it is a subjective thing, question of taste. During my most feverish moments, I find it (barely) somehow consiveable there are people who actually favor EC over CC. It is fine. There is plenty of very valid criticism one can direct at CC. However, calling it
" overwhelming" in comparsion to EC is most assuredly NOT among them.
CC has it's own measures of depth, complexities and quirks. However, CC does very good job in teaching new player one thing at a time much better than EC does. Most people favoring EC are quick to agree it takes modding, 40 min youtube set up guides and few weeks of ' getting used to' in order to like and operate it. - Quite a task for new player. CC on the other hand does very well in teaching new player one game mechanic at a time; player doesn't see huge, confusing empty UI. Rather, it is up to player to bring that UI in game as he lears more of what he needs and wants on screen. CC doesn't cast you to deep end of the pool. I've always felt UO would be easier game to approach for new players if it had " Classic Client and Advanced Client., rather than an ..'enhanced'
Before dropping the subject, I'd like to share a pretty amusing largely irrelevant sidenote,
WoW is most popular MMO ever as we all know. WoW allows users to mod UI as well. Due to it's immense popularity, amount of modders, mods and add-ons for WoW's UI is absolutely staggering. Vanilla WoW and several years worth of UI add-ons started off with something that resembles EC well enough, 2,3,even 5 action bars on scene. Horizontal or vertical. You know the deal. However, over the years, most sophisticated User Interface addions for WoW eventually&gradually evolved into something that resembles CC's appproach to action bars more than ECs. ( Freedom to place buttons anywhere you like V.s being stuck with horizontal, and vertical rows. This degree of adaptable functionality and innovation from a late 90's UI off very first succesful MMO world ever saw. It is pretty humbling.