Assuming a suit for a Bushido Paladin that among other pieces uses the Animated Legs of the Insane Tinker (+5 Dexterity bonus), the Crimson Cincture (+5 Dexterity bonus) and the Mace and Shield reading Glasses (+5 Dexterity bonus) for a total Dexterity bonus of +15, would that be enough or would it be necessary to imbue some more on jewellery (can't be imbued elsewhere..) but at the expense of other modifiers ?
And what about Stamina Increase ? Which makes more of a difference for a Bushido Paladin, Stamina Increase, Dexterity Bonus or Stamina Regeneration ?
I mean, having to make compromises and choices, which among them should be preferred and why ?
Thanks a lot.
And what about Stamina Increase ? Which makes more of a difference for a Bushido Paladin, Stamina Increase, Dexterity Bonus or Stamina Regeneration ?
I mean, having to make compromises and choices, which among them should be preferred and why ?
Thanks a lot.