HA! Its under lock & key in our cellar where I keep all my "treasured memorables". And trust me you don't want to venture into the cellar of the Bloody Brew.
On this subject though... the Bloody Brew will retain its status on Thursday evenings at 9 PM EST. So I would ask that any rotation schedule be respectful of that evening. I do not mind if folks come to me and ask me, "Hey can we use your Thursday?" as Gillian did when the Skara Brae tavern opened (they ended up hosting it on that Tuesday I think anyways) but please do reach out to me as I can only help by directing my regulars over to your event. I make it very easy for folks to get a hold of me --- ICQ,
Twitter, etc. I use them all.
Now as for a tavern rotation, I love the idea! Considering that by the time all is said and done CoD/OotD will be have 3 taverns to contribute... we're franchising... it may be a great idea to cycle through them! 2 from CoD (Bloody Brew & Crescent Moon) and 1 from OotD (Darkvale).
Of course Order of the Draco, being our evil chapter, will only allow for evil-based characters or characters looking to get into a brawl (must abide by our common
ROE's)... brawls will happen quite often there I would assume. That tavern is in our city of Winterhaven, which we will tour for you guys soon enough. Bianca wrote this theme, and in her absence I am taking it over and trying to keep it going. I am hoping to entice her to return.