You know, on Atlantic when Captain Norrington went up against Sunwof in yew, we had just about the same issue. Lots of crap talking, the normal griefing, and lots of off shard voters. Norrington beat Sunwolf, and there was a lot of back and forth along these same lines. Sunwolf to his credit did not take the insults personally, and at the end took the high road and extended his hand in peace. I'm certain it was not an easy thing to do, but it was the right thing to do. He has been a part of Yew Atlantic since it's birth and did not let a little thing like a Governors election ruin his love of Yew and UO.
I'm just a little confused Bianca at what you were attempting to gain. It appears that you wrote an emai to Mesanna about your distaste for what happened, and I'm assuming threatened to cancel your accounts. Which given the cities you're involved in, must be a large number and caused Mesanna to go out of her way for that meeting. The end result from your postings here, you canceled your accounts anyway.
Did you think she was going to come in and remove Smoot from the stone! What were you looking for?
It's apparent you have friends that don't want to see you go. Mesanna herself does not want to see it, ergo her appearance in person on Catskills. And the Catskills shard will lose a huge amount of history if you truly do cancel those accounts. Please take a long week or month to let this pass. We all get angry at UO, the best thing to do is simply take a break from it, not quit something you have loved fir many years.