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[Discussion] The Return Of The Acropolis Auction

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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Greetings! I will soon be re-opening my live auction hosted on the roof of my in town Luna home on Atlantic, the plan so far is for the auction to be held every other Wednesday, starting March 26, possibly every Wednesday if it gets popular, right now everything is still in preparation stages, at this point almost anything can still be changed, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or idea's they would like to see implemented into this auction about literally anything, whether it be the day/time it is run, the way the auction area is decorated, a mini game or lottery (if it's a mini game/lottery already used by another auctioneer it will be up to them whether or not they would be ok with it's use, for example the KFC barrel war and Alex's mega money lottery).

This auction is 100% for the community, so the more suggestions and idea's that are given the better! so basically, what would you guys like to see in an auction?

Some General Information About What Is Planned So Far:

1. The auction will be run by me and a partner, possibly 2, both are guild members of mine I trust completely.

2. Although I do trust both possible auction partners completely, I understand others do not know them as well as I do, because of this to ease any fears a potential seller/buyer may have I will be the only one to directly handle the money/items/vendors.

3. The standard 10% auction fee will be charged to enter an item into the auction. so if an item sells for 10 million, the seller receives 9 million, and the auction receives 1 million.

4. The item for sale will be locked down on a table for display, or on a vendor if it is a bag filled with items. I will then say the item's reserve price if it has one, the audience bids on it, when bidding stops, I will say going once, going twice, sold. the item will then be retrieved and placed on a vendor for the winner to purchase it.

5. If someone purposely buys an item off the vendor they did not win, they will be banned from the house. bans could be either temporary or permanent. I really, would hate to permanently ban anyone.
Last edited:


Long Live The Players
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Stratics Legend
No thursday, friday or saturdays for me... Stupid real life always getting in the way of the fun stuff. :)

Glad to see you are starting it back up and let me know if you need any help. :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes been waiting for you to start the auction's. I cant make them to the Thursday, Friday, Sunday because of real life gets in the way . I would love to have one on Wednesdays to go to them once more .

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Glorious Lord
My Input into your Ban system would be as follows.

Hecklers, Griefers, People not followng the house rules. Banned for a set amount of time.

Bidders who fail to pay, Steal other peoples items, Scam, Etc. Perma Ban and don't look back.

It might create a little drama upfront but you are in this for the long hall and over time it settles everything down and creates a stable platform for your auctions.

Captn Norrington

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Day has been changed to Wednesday March 26th at 8 Pm eastern time so everyone can attend :) if anyone has any issues with 8 Pm that can still be changed to.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Glorious Lord
In support of this new auction,

Bring your bidder card around the corner to Starucks for a free beverage after the event is over. You can all hang out and chat about your near misses, Wins, and that guy who just kept out bidding you.

Maybe I can get @Queen Mum to drop off some Cookies for you on Wednesday at Starbucks.

@Captn Norrington If we have not already set up a teleporter for you to my place lets get that done so peeps can grab a latte while they are bidding :)


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Great news, the more auctions the better. My favourite type of player run event.

What kind of time do you have in mind Captn? Being in the UK I tend to miss a lot of the Atlantic stuff which sucks a bit. The Toad Town auction is good as it starts early so I can usually make it along.

Captn Norrington

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@DJAd so far the plan is for 8 Pm eastern time, since it's a Wednesday we would have to give people a few hours to get home from work and anything else they need to do before logging into UO.

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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Will you be posting a list of up comming items? do you accept proxy bids?
Yes, I will be posting a more official auction advertisement within the next couple of days, which will include the list of everything submitted so far. Yes proxy bids are accepted, however the proxy bidder would need to pay for the item at the time of the auction, so it would basically be buying it for a friend then the friend re-paying the proxy bidder.


Looking for a whispering rose for Little
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Instead of putting the item on a vendor I suggest using bods in a book and save your self some vendor fee's..

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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Instead of putting the item on a vendor I suggest using bods in a book and save your self some vendor fee's..
That's a really good idea, never seen an auction do that before, not sure if having to hand people the items directly would slow everything down to much or not, but will definitely try it :)

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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In my opinion, the BOD idea can cause a TON of trouble and headaches. Whenever someone opens the bod book, it can't be viewed by other people until that person closes the gump. Would be an open window for grievers to disrupt the auction without even being in the auction house.

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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Ah, I forgot people can do that with BOD books....guess that makes them unusable for the auction. back to the normal vendor way.


Looking for a whispering rose for Little
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well other auctions houses put a book with your name on it they are only 15 gp and that way an item can't be stolen..

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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well other auctions houses put a book with your name on it they are only 15 gp and that way an item can't be stolen..
One of the issues with putting books for people to buy, is yes it does prevent items from being sold to the wrong person, but it also slows the auction down, a lot. it disrupts the "flow" of it a bit. the only way I've seen to avoid slowing it down is to have a partner who's only job is to hand people their items. I tried that once, but people seemed a bit unhappy with the system.

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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Stratics Legend
Another thing about having partners helping the schedule availability. If one person has to miss the auction, than more than likely it would have to be canceled. Which is why I go solo, that way I don't depend on other peoples schedule and they don't depend on mine. just my opinion.


Looking for a whispering rose for Little
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Come to Moa on Gl Thursday and have a look..