The Governor System was a neat idea, regardless of the fact it isn't what Mesanna said it would be at the 15th Anny. I think it has a lot of potential, but much of that (and a lot of good-will) is being squandered right now
I don't blame this on the EMs since I'm sure the decisions are being made at Mythic.
Like I suggested back in September, the governors need more tools.
- Communication: The message boards are nice, but only the most dedicated citizens well use them consistently.
1) I suggest that a new city channel be put in place much like party, guild and alliance chat. If you are a citizen of a city you will get the messages and have the ability to speak in the chat. Something like '/t Hi!' If you aren't a citizen of a city, you see nothing new. This would allow governors to easily make announcements without spamming the cesspool of global chat.
Before anyone suggests simply creating a chat channel in the global system, it won't work. People 1) have to know it exists and 2) have to log in which will take them out of whatever their normal channel is. People aren't going to do that just to sit in silence in the hope of city chatter.
2) City Heralds need to spam event announcements. If governors are expected/encouraged to hold events, we need a better method of announcing them in the hopes of reaching more people. Each of the nine heralds could be linked together to allow a governor to announce an event within the city system. So the Herald would bark something like: '[Britain] There will be a scavenger hunt at the Cat's Lair on 11/30 at 4pm.'
Since there are only nine governors per shard it is unlikely that one would abuse this ability. If someone does, make it grounds for immediate dismissal.
- City Requests: This is where we bang our heads against a wall. This is where all shards have to be treated equal and where rules must be uniform.
The primers are...nice...but only address the issue obliquely.
The primers read:
The purpose of the Royal Council is not to decorate the towns or place trash cans at the banks. The King is not an interior decorator, nor is he a gardener, nor a trash collector. The King does not summon monsters to attack his towns.
Governors may make *ONE* large-scale request per term, which will be considered by the King and his advisers.
ALL requests must have a role-play function or purpose. If you are requesting flowers around your bank because they look pretty, expect to be told no. If you are requesting a limited time change that fosters and supports role-play and your events as governor or adds to town interaction plots… we can talk about it.
Email a short summary of your plotline and upcoming event to the Great Lakes EMs. Leave the materials and/or deeds for your request in the EM mailbox (these will not be returned). Plan your event so it can go forward even if your request is not granted.
A great example is Atlantic’s Trade War from the first term. The plotline involved several of the cities and governors. Trinsic requested a small distillery for the duration of the plotline, which was granted. Atlantic’s Trinsic governor posted about the experience.
So deco, the most highest requested thing, is a non-starter. This has stymied a lot of governors since many players (constituents) have asked for it. The "King" may not be a gardener, but shouldn't he be able to hire someone? If the deco is provided by the players and is in good taste, why deny it? Lag could be a consideration, however, consider how many shards have permanent deco at Luna bank?
Having to have a "plotline" for every request is asking a bit much of most people. While many governors will be happy to attempt this, others won't. Not everyone has the same skillset, access resources (people, ideas), or RP ability.
One easy idea is to give the governors 50 "permanent" lockdowns in the city during their term and say 25 event-related lockdowns that have a timer of 24 hours. When the governor's term is up their lockdowns bounce into their pack or their bank, event lock downs bounce when the timer is up. Again, since there are only nine governors, policing potential abuse would be quite easy. Should a governor abuses the power, they are dismissed.
- Trade Deals: The governor-only gold sink. ~25 mil per term, or 104 mil per year. Financing the deals may be easy on Atlantic, but everywhere else it seems to be somewhat of a burden.
The Trade Deals are neat and all, but definitely not worth 2m a week since they are of no more immediate benefit than a fish pie. If there is a deal active people are happy to utilize it, but less thrilled when you ask them to chip in to support it. There needs to be a charge associated with utilizing the deal to help fund it. 40K a day would mean 50 people would need to utilize the deal once per week to fund it, however, this may be seen as a bit pricey. Drop the Trade Deal price to 1m a week, or allow the current 2M purchase to last a month...or indefinitely like the text on the stones say.
Since a trade deal is the ONLY visible means most players (non-RPers) have of seeing a governor's actions, this seems to the yardstick by which they are measured. If there isn't an active trade deal 24/7 to use it won't matter how many events a governor runs (if a player isn't online to participate, or doesn't hear about the event, it counts for nothing to them).
The Trade Deals alone could have kept this system afloat...
- Voting: From bad to worse.
While the way we could vote in the beginning was fine, some people found a way to get upset about it. While vote buying/trading DID happen the new vote system has only lessened the "problem" by lessening the whole system.
If this system is to be RP-based as the EMs have said (which must have been approved by Mesanna), then taking away a player's ability to RP when voting is dumbfounding. One account could vote once in seven of the nine cities, assuming they were loyal. Now, we can vote ONCE per shard. This hasn't eliminated vote trading/buying, just made it more selective. In the process, its taken away a good chunk of RP.
Most players aren't avid RPers, since this system is 100% RP now why would they even want to run? RP communities tend to be rather small, so they have less voting power overall. I hope the EMs don't go mental from an increase of disinterested-in-RP-only-in-it-for-the-title governors.